Celebrating one year of the Go OHIO App

The Go OHIO app has been available to students at Ohio University for just over a year, and it has received many new features and consistently positive review since it launched.
In fact, more than 90% of students surveyed said they would recommend it to a friend.
The app launched to students just prior to fall semester 2023 to provide a central location for key student resources and systems. Since that time, the app has seen:
- More than 34,000 downloads
- A returning user rate of over 70% during the school year
- More than 102,000 unique visitors
“It's super handy because everything is in one place, I can easily access it on my phone, and I can find literally any resource on the app. I think it's really, really helpful -- I use it a ton during the school year,” said Lauren Mansfield, a sophomore on the Athens campus.
Go OHIO’s increasing value
One of the goals of Go OHIO is to make continuous improvements based on student feedback. The following updates have been added to the app since launch:
- New experiences: Regional and online students can now select experiences tailored to their specific campus and needs. These experiences launched in spring 2024.
- Bobcat Student Orientation (BSO): BSO attendees used Go OHIO for the first time in summer 2024, with easy access to orientation schedules, parking, maps, dining and lodging information.
- Canvas integration: Students with Canvas courses can see all courses, due dates, announcements and inbox messages within the Go OHIO app, with easy access to more details in the Canvas Student app.
- Communication pilots: The Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships piloted Go OHIO communication tools to provide updates about financial aid deadlines to Go OHIO users during the 2023-24 academic year, and the Division of Student Affairs is continuing to pilot an opt-in channel for Athens campus events this fall.
Future plans
As Go OHIO begins its sophomore year, future updates will focus on improving the usability and personalization of the app, adding additional content, continued communications improvement, and refinement based on student requests.
“We’ve been thrilled with the usage and feedback on Go OHIO so far, and we look forward to continuing improving the experience for students,” said Jen Van Nostran, product manager for Go OHIO. “Student feedback has always been at the core of the Go OHIO mission, and we plan to continue seeking student input to make the app as useful and user-friendly as possible.”
To download the Go OHIO app, visit ohio.edu/go-ohio or log into Go OHIO on the web at go.ohio.edu. The Go OHIO feedback survey is also available in the app to share ideas or feedback at any time.