Associate Professor and Athens Campus MSW Program Director
Morton Hall 557
- PhD, Social Work, New York State University, 2006
- MSW, Social Work, New York State University, 2001
- BA, Social Welfare, Yonsei University, 1996
Research/Professional Interests
- Social Work Education and Curriculum Evaluation
- Program Evaluation
- Evidence-Based Practice
Clinical Experience
- Research Assistant, Center for Human Services Research, University at Albany (2005-2006)
- Program Evaluator, Liberty Resources, Inc., Syracuse, NY (2001-2006)
- Hartford Internship in Aging Project, State University of New York at Albany- Alzheimer Association Northeastern New York Chapter, Capital District Physicians Health Plan (2000-2001)
- Research Assistant, Korea Labor Welfare Corporation, Seoul, Korea (1997)
- Social Worker, Kayang Community Welfare Service Center, Seoul, Korea (1996)
- Mingun Lee (2015). Use of Evidence-Based Practice and Barriers to Utilize Research in Rural Social Work Practice. Journal of Evidence-Informed Social Work, 1-13. DOI:10.1080/23761407.2015.1011296
- Mingun Lee, Karen Carlson, and Sylvia Hawranick (2014). Impact of Providers’ Cultural Competence on Clients’ Satisfaction and Hopefulness in Rural Family Services: A Pilot Study. Journal of Contemporary Rural Social Work, 6, 1-14.
- Mingun Lee, Karen Carlson, and Sylvia Hawranick. (2014) Moderating Effects of Practitioner’s Rural Cultural Competence on Practice Outcomes over the Family Service Practice. Journal of Behavioral and Social Sciences, 1, 40-49.
- Mingun Lee and Anne Fortune (2013). Patterns of field learning activities and their relation to learning outcome. Journal of Social Work Education, 49(3), 420-438.
- Mingun Lee and Anne Fortune (2013). Do we need more “doing” activities or “thinking” activities in the field practicum? Journal of Social Work Education, 49(4), 646-660.
- Anne Sparks, Mingun Lee, and Solveig Spjeldnes (2012). Evaluating the Dating and Emotions curriculum for high school students: Considerations for choosing among sexuality, relationships, and dating abuse prevention education programs. Children & Schools, 29(1), 21-40.
- Julanne Colvin, Mingun Lee, Julie Magnano, and Valerie Smith (2008). Partners-In-Prevention Program: The Evaluation and Evolution of the Task-Centered Case Management Model. Research on Social Work Practice, 18 (6), 607-615.
- Julanne Colvin, Mingun Lee, Julie Magnano, and Valerie Smith (2008). Partners-In-Prevention Program: Further Development of the Task-Centered Case Management Model through Quasi-Experimental Research, 18 (6), 586-596.
- Anne E. Fortune, Mingun Lee, and Alonzo Cavazos (2007). Does Practice Make Perfect? Opportunities to Engage in Professional Skills and Outcomes in Field Education. The Clinical Supervisor, 26 (1/2), 239-263.
- Anne E. Fortune, Mingun Lee, and Alonzo Cavazos (2005). Achievement Motivation and Outcome in Social Work Education. Journal of Social Work Education, 41(1), 371-385.
- “Cultural awareness: Impact on therapeutic alliance, treatment persistence, satisfaction with treatment, and hopefulness” funded by Ohio Department of Mental Health ($36,963). Principal Investigator: Karen Carlson, Co-Principal Investigators: Sylvia Hawranick, and Mingun Lee (2008).
- “Cultural awareness: Impact on therapeutic alliance, treatment persistence, satisfaction with treatment, and hopefulness” additionally funded by Ohio Department of Mental Health ($10,000). Principal Investigator: Karen Carlson, Co-Principal Investigators: Mingun Lee (2009).
University/Professional Service
- CSWE Commission for Diversity and Social & Economic Justice (2016-2017)
- President of KASWEA (Korean American Social Work Educators Association) (2015-2017)
- Reviewer of Journal of Social Work Education (2014-2017)
- Proposal Reviewer of CSWE Annual Program Meeting (2014 & 2016)
- Board member (external) of Korean academy social welfare supervision (2016-2017)
- Grant Reviewer of 2013/14 Teaching Development Grant Proposal by Hong Kong Institute of Education
- Publication Committee of KASWEA (2014)
- Award Committee of KASWEA (2014)
- Faculty Advisor of Ohio University KSA (Korean Student Association) (2006-2016)
- Program’s Review Committee, Ohio University (2014-2015)
- Member, Ohio University Diversity Commission (UDC, Chair: Brian K. Bridges) (2009-2011)
- CHSP Interdisciplinary Research Committee
- CHSP Student Research Grant Review Committee
- DSPH Promotion and Tenure Committee