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How to Apply for the Physical Therapy Early Assurance Program

Outstanding high school seniors are invited to apply for Ohio University’s Early Assurance Program (EAP) for the Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT).

The Physical Therapy EAP is highly selective. Students selected for the EAP earn conditional admission to the doctoral program, and a spot in the program is reserved for them as long as they maintain program requirements (including passing a required admission interview conducted in the spring term of their junior year).

The DPT program prepares future physical therapists with the knowledge, behavior, skills and inter-professional experiences required to function as a movement specialist within the contemporary health care environment. The program imparts students with the foundation to become expert clinicians through rigorous preparation built upon evidence-based practice principles, critical thinking, altruism, integrity, ethical conduct and professional and fiscal responsibility.

Benefits of the Physical Therapy EAP

  • Early admission to the Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) program
  • Waiving of program application fees
  • Specialized advising
  • Mentorships from current physical therapy students
  • Opportunities to participate in service learning with physical therapy students


  • Have the equivalent high school GPA of 3.5 or greater on a 4.0 scale
  • Have a minimum ACT score of 26 or a minimum SAT score of 1230
  • Have been admitted to OHIO's Athens campus

Application Process

The fall 2025 Physical Therapy EAP application is closed. Information about the fall 2026 application will be available in the fall.


Please contact Ashley Crow, coordinator for recruitment and admissions, at with any questions about the Physical Therapy EAP.

Frequently Asked Questions

What major should I select to be eligible for the Physical Therapy EAP?

An applicant may choose any major so as long as the prerequisite coursework as been completed. Many students choose majors that allow prerequisite courses to count toward their degree requirements such as biology, exercise physiology or psychology.

Do I have to be an Ohio resident to be eligible for the Physical Therapy EAP?

No, any high school senior may apply to the Physical Therapy EAP.

What happens to my eligibility if I graduate earlier or later and I am unable to start the program in the year that I declared on my application?

In order to maintain eligibility, an applicant must graduate within a timeframe that allows them to matriculate into the program in the year declared on their application. Due to the limited number of spots available for the Physical Therapy EAP per class, switching matriculation years is generally not permitted. However, if an accepted EAP student finds they will be graduating earlier or later than their declared matriculate year, it may be possible to adjust their matriculation year depending upon spot availability in the specified cohort. This is not guaranteed. If the requested matriculation year is already full, accepted EAP students may apply to the Physical Therapy Program through the Physical Therapy Centralized Application Service (PTCAS) and will be considered as part of the general applicant pool. (adopted 9/5/2024)

Am I able to change majors and maintain eligibility for the Physical Therapy EAP once accepted?

Yes, but please note that a change of major may delay graduation. Year of matriculation cannot be changed once selected.

How many students will be accepted each year?

No greater than 16 students will be accepted to the Physical Therapy EAP per year.

How long will I remain on the wait list?

Applicants on the wait list will be notified of their wait list status in March of their application year. The waitlist will remain active until the start of the fall term. If a seat becomes vacant, the first student on the wait list will be offered a spot in the program for their matriculation year. 

I will graduate from high school with college credit. How does this impact the year I choose for matriculation?

Unless prerequisite courses have been completed before enrolling at Ohio University, students generally need 4 years to complete all prerequisites coursework. The year of matriculation is often 4 years from the beginning of full-time college student status. 

Am I allowed to know where I am on the wait list?

Applicants on the wait list may contact the physical therapy program to inquire about the status of the wait list at any time.

I was not accepted into the Physical Therapy EAP. What are my options now?

We encourage applicants to apply to the physical therapy program through the Physical Therapy Centralized Application Service (PTCAS) so that they may be considered in the general applicant pool. 

Do I have to apply to the DPT program if I have been accepted in the Physical Therapy EAP?

If an accepted applicant plans to attend Ohio University for physical therapy school, they will need to apply to Ohio University’s Physical Therapy Program however will not be required to do it through the Physical Therapy Centralized Application Service (PTCAS). 

Can I participate in multiple early assurance programs at OHIO?

Students may apply to multiple early assurance programs, but students who join the Physical Therapy Early Assurance Program are not permitted to participate in another early assurance program.