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CHSP Course Evaluation Policy

Policy for Course Evaluations

The College of Health Sciences and Professions (CHSP) uses a Web-based system called Class Climate that enables students to evaluate courses online. The system is administrated by the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs.    
During the evaluation process each semester, students are emailed a short online survey for each CHSP course they are enrolled in. The surveys are sent to the student's Ohio University email address. Each semester, course evaluations are open during a designated time period, and they should be closed before final exams are taken.

⦁    Typically, Fall and Spring semester surveys are open to students on the Friday before the last week of class, and the surveys close the Sunday before final exam week—a period of 10 days.
⦁    Full summer: Summer sessions do not have designated final exam weeks. Rather, finals are administered during the last week of class. Thus, course evaluations should be open for a reasonable time period and closed the Sunday before the last week of class.
⦁    For short-duration classes (5 or 7-week courses), the schedule may vary from full- semester classes due to the timing of loading courses into Class Climate.

Courses with fewer than five students are not evaluated, nor are arranged courses, independent studies, internships, practica or field experiences.

Course evaluations have customized items for lecture, seminar, and lab courses. The course evaluations are the same for classroom and online classes.
All responses to the surveys are anonymous.

Incentives to students: The College supports reasonable incentives to students in order to increase response rates. The College does NOT allow the granting of academic credit for completion of course evaluation surveys, no matter how small the credit.

Results to instructors: The results of evaluations are sent directly to instructors per the following timeline:

⦁    Fall evaluations: sent to instructors only after final grades have been assigned and no later than one full week (7 days) prior to the spring semester opening date
⦁    Spring evaluations: sent to instructors only after final grades have been assigned and no later than the second full week of summer I session
⦁    Summer evaluations: sent to instructors only after final grades have been assigned and
no later than one full week (7 days) prior to the fall semester opening date

Results to unit directors: All results will be uploaded on Box no later than one month after the semester closing date. Each unit director will also receive a college and subunit report each semester. Directors will also regularly receive semester subunit and college reports.


There are separate surveys for lectures, labs and seminars. For each of the surveys below, the acceptable answers are as follows:
1.    Hardly Ever
2.    Occasionally
3.    Sometimes
4.    Frequently
5.    Almost Always

Part I. Student Quality
⦁    I came to class (or the online learning sessions) prepared, for example, by reading, reviewing notes, or preparing questions.
⦁    I thought critically about the material in this class and independently explored the related topic areas outside of class.
⦁    I played an active part in this course by maintaining focused attention or actively participating in discussions and/or asking questions.
⦁    Irrespective of my grade, my knowledge of the subject matter was increased significantly through this course.
⦁    I asked for help when I needed it.

Part II. Instructor Quality
⦁    The instructor had a well-developed plan for each class (or each online learning session).
⦁    The instructor demonstrated the importance and significance of the subject matter.
⦁    The instructor presented the course material clearly and concisely.
⦁    The instructor displayed concern for students and their learning.

⦁    The instructor challenged me to encourage my learning ability and expand my knowledge.
⦁    Assignments were related to the course goals/objectives/outcomes.
⦁    The course requirements and deadlines were clearly documented, and any revisions were communicated effectively.
⦁    The instructor provided timely feedback/grades on assignments/exams.
⦁    The instructor used additional resources (for example, readings, examples, videos) to help promote learning.
⦁    The classes (or online learning sessions) were productive and well managed by the instructor.

Part III. Instructor Quality and Class Type
The set of questions are asked depending on whether the course is a lab, lecture or seminar.
⦁    The instructor provided opportunities for class questions, comments, and discussion.
⦁    The pace of the delivery of information was just right—not too fast or too slow.
⦁    The instructor displayed enthusiasm for the subject matter.
⦁    While delivering the information, the instructor was able to highlight main points and summarize information effectively.
⦁    The information presented was complementary to the textbook or other readings.
⦁    The lab activities increased/enhanced my understanding of the course material.
⦁    I understood the significance of the lab activities.
⦁    The lab activities helped me to apply my knowledge from the course and problem solve.
⦁    The instructor interacted with students during the lab activities.
⦁    The instructor explained lab activities clearly and effectively.
⦁    The assignments, exams, and discussion appropriately challenged me for a seminar class.
⦁    The instructor encouraged focused discussions that facilitated my independent and critical thinking.
⦁    The majority of the class was dedicated to discussion as opposed to just delivery of information.
⦁    The instructor was able to create an effective learning environment in which all students had the opportunity to actively participate on a regular basis.

Policy updated September, 2017