Physics – Meteorology Major

- Preparation for careers in meteorology
- Interdisciplinary program with Geography, Mathematics and Physics
- Preparation for graduate training in meteorology, climatology and atmospheric physics
Program Overview
Physics – Meteorology is an interdisciplinary program in the departments of Geography, Mathematics, and Physics & Astronomy that is designed to prepare students for graduate training in the fields of meteorology, climatology, and atmospheric physics. The program can be taken with an emphasis in geography, mathematics, or physics. Students who choose the geography or mathematics emphasis should contact the Geography Department or the Mathematics Department for advising. The physics – meteorology program has a strong focus on basic physics and mathematics and is ideally suited for graduate school preparation.
Careers and Graduate School
With the B.S. degree in physics – meteorology, a student can get a job as a meteorologist. In addition, this degree prepares students for advanced graduate training in the fields of meteorology, climatology, and atmospheric physics.
Admissions Information
Freshman/First-Year Admission: No requirements beyond University admission requirements. However, it is recommended that students entering the program have at least a Math Placement Level II, or an ACT Math score of 24, or a SAT Math score of 560.
Change of Program Policy: No selective or limited admission requirements. However, it is recommended that students changing into the program have at least a Math Placement Level II, or an ACT Math score of 24, or a SAT Math score of 560.
External Transfer Admission: No requirements beyond University admission requirements. However, it is recommended that students transferring into the program have at least a Math Placement Level II, or an ACT Math score of 24, or a SAT Math score of 560.
Degree Requirements
Major Code:BS3338
University-Wide Graduation Requirements
To complete this program, students must meet all University-wide graduation requirements.
College-Level Requirements for the College of Arts and Sciences
View the College-Level Requirements for the College of Arts and Sciences.
Physics Hours Requirement
Complete a total of 23 semester credit hours of PHYS coursework, including all the requirements below.
General Physics Sequence
General Physics I
Complete one of the following courses:
- PHYS 2051 - General Physics Credit Hours: 5.0
- PHYS 2051H - General Physics for Physics and Astronomy Majors Credit Hours: 5.0
General Physics II
Complete one of the following courses:
- PHYS 2052 - General Physics Credit Hours: 5.0
- PHYS 2052H - General Physics for Physics and Astronomy Majors Credit Hours: 5.0
Other Physics Courses
Complete the following courses:
- PHYS 2053 - Contemporary Physics: Relativity and Quantum Phenomena Credit Hours: 3.0
- PHYS 3001 - Mechanics Credit Hours: 4.0
Seminar and Electronics Lab
Complete the following courses:
- PHYS 1901 - Physics Seminar Credit Hours: 1.0
- PHYS 2701 - Electronics Laboratory Credit Hours: 2.0
Advanced Physics Requirement
Complete the following course:
- PHYS 3011 - Thermal Physics Credit Hours: 3.0
Mathematics Requirement for Physics Meteorology
Complete the following courses:
- MATH 2301 - Calculus I Credit Hours: 4.0
- MATH 2302 - Calculus II Credit Hours: 4.0
- MATH 3300 - Calculus III Credit Hours: 4.0
- MATH 3400 - Elementary Differential Equations Credit Hours: 3.0
- MATH 4410 - Fourier Analysis and Partial Differential Equations Credit Hours: 3.0
Chemistry Requirement
Complete the following course:
- CHEM 1510 - Fundamentals of Chemistry I Credit Hours: 4.0
Programming Requirement
Complete the following course.
- ET 2100 - Programming in C Credit Hours: 4.0
Geography Requirements for Physics Meteorology
Complete the following courses:
- GEOG 1100 - Physical Geography Credit Hours: 4.0
- GEOG 2710 - Introduction to Statistics in Geography Credit Hours: 3.0
- GEOG 3010 - Meteorology Credit Hours: 4.0
- GEOG 3020 - Climatology Credit Hours: 4.0
- GEOG 3030 - Meteorological Observations Credit Hours: 1.0
- GEOG 3040 - Practicum in Meteorology and Forecasting Credit Hours: 1.0
- GEOG 4060 - Synoptic Meteorology Credit Hours: 4.0
- GEOG 4070 - Mesoscale Meteorology Credit Hours: 4.0
Physical Meteorology
Complete the following course:
- GEOG 3050 - Physical Meteorology Credit Hours: 3.0
Dynamic Meteorology
Sequence Option One:
- GEOG 4080 - Dynamic Meteorology I Credit Hours: 3.0
- GEOG 4090 - Dynamic Meteorology II Credit Hours: 3.0
Sequence Option Two:
- PHYS 4811 - Dynamic Meteorology 1 Credit Hours: 3.0
- PHYS 4812 - Dynamic Meteorology 2 Credit Hours: 3.0
Physics Meteorology Electives
Complete one of the following courses:
- GEOG 1400 - Environmental Geography Credit Hours: 3.0
- GEOG 2680 - Introduction to GIS and Mapping Sciences Credit Hours: 4.0
- GEOG 4660 - Principles of Remote Sensing Credit Hours: 4.0
- GEOL 1010 - Introduction to Geology Credit Hours: 4.0
- GEOL 2110 - Introductory Oceanography Credit Hours: 3.0
- MATH 3600 - Applied Numerical Methods Credit Hours: 3.0