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Business Minor

Designed to give non-business majors an edge — gain an understanding of the basics of business and add uniqueness to your OHIO major.

The business minor is available to all non-COB Ohio University undergraduate students. To declare this minor, go to your college student service office and ask for a declaration of major/minor form.

The minor gives non-business students the chance to gain a deeper understanding of the language and basic concepts of business through a variety of courses and hands-on learning.

No matter your major, the knowledge and skills you’ll gain through the business minor will be valuable. You will learn the foundational concepts of business that will help you in your job search and in your ability to be successful throughout your career — no matter what that may be

Typical students who pursue OHIO's business minor are majoring in communication, retail merchandising and fashion product development, and industrial technology and management, to name a few.

Admissions & Course Information

The business minor is earned after completing 15 hours of course work. Complete course information and admissions requirements are available in the Undergraduate Catalog. This includes Repeat/Retake Information, Grades, Requisites, Warnings, and more. Review the catalog and talk with your academic advisor as you consider this minor.


Interested in Declaring the Business Minor?

The process is simple:


  1. Visit your college's student service office
  2. Ask for an "Application for Update of Academic Programs" form; it may also be referred to as the "declaration of major/minor form"
  3. You may need the program code for the business minor: ORBSAD
  4. You may need your advisor's ID and name. (Find your advisor through the My OHIO Success Network.)
  5. Return the completed form to your student service office.

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