
One- or two-day Kiplinger Program workshops give journalists a chance to reboot and upgrade their digital skills.
Some workshops, such as a two-day autumn Social Media Summit once offered at Ohio State University, were planned and hosted solely by the Kiplinger Program. Topics include social search, data analysis and visualization, mobile reporting and smartphone videography. Training is provided by Kiplinger staff and other national leaders in digital and social media. These sessions primarily attract participants from the Midwest, but journalists from all over the country have traveled to Columbus for high-quality training at an affordable price. Registration fees are modest, thanks to underwriting by the Kiplinger Foundation and Kiplinger family.
Other workshops are joint efforts with journalism partners, including Investigative Reporters and Editors and the Society of Professional Journalists. These regional workshops allow Kiplinger staff to take its expertise on the road, reaching journalists across the country. The Kiplinger Program provides financial support, programming assistance and training for these regional journalism workshops. Sessions have been held in Johnson City, Tenn.; Memphis; Salt Lake City; San Diego; Scranton, Pa.; Washington, D.C. and Toronto.