Lei Wu

Lei Wu joined Ohio University in 2016 after a post-doctoral fellowship in a multi-disciplinary group at the University of Pennsylvania. She teaches introductory courses in environmental engineering basics and water quality engineering, as well as advanced courses in contaminant fate and transport and water/wastewater treatment.
Wu’s background spans both environmental science and engineering. She’s generally interested in using multiple-scale approaches to understand how the natural and anthropogenic stressors affect our environment (particularly aquatic environment) at every level from particle to watershed scale.
Research Interests: contaminant transport, in-situ microscopy and particle tracking, colloidal and interfacial phenomenon, environmental implications of nanotechnology
All Degrees Earned: Ph.D., Agricultural and Biological Engineering, University of Florida, 2013; M.S., Environmental Science and Engineering, Peking University, China, 2007
Journal Article, Academic Journal (28)
- Hammond, C., Wang, D., Wu, L. (2020). Precipitant Effects on Aggregates Structure of Asphaltene and Their Implications for Groundwater Remediation. 8. Water; 12: 2116.
- Gomez-Flores, A., Bradford, S., Wu, L. (2019). Interaction energies for hollow and solid cylinders: role of aspect and particle orientation. 580: 123781. https://pdf.sciencedirectassets.com/271384/1-s2.0-S0927775719X00163/1-s2.0-S0927775719307691/main.pdf?X-Amz-Security-Token=IQoJb3JpZ2luX2VjEMX%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2FwEaCXVzLWVhc3QtMSJIMEYCIQC%2B5VaiPhaRx9vEy6QtG%2FPxCiR%2B5IXIAMu%2BfRbLnpTmWQIhAPnAx0P00UMzNQhFv9we3I6zv92K3zDb6vp5k4nJ9DFtKrQDCF0QAhoMMDU5MDAzNTQ2ODY1IgzsCFS37q6Jr8yNSjMqkQNB06zybYVvSMQlNZPKrhgia68CGVAd8cXJYCWZJEASy9wxD%2BvWcHUaF3QC372qSdOxar0qaR0brX%2FbebNtsXyOAYJJY3xRoXBR8GcaAh8vXTcRQsIQlF%2F6BRTEWmDkjixrMDoMRaqXvmXryT%2B%2FZyPTa2%2B3Mq1A0u4O8O%2Fw5EJqfK6Ddnjb3Rf1eVETVssxZsMVvXqxJZnhfO9snrU3mmZownSVFRyclcmvgSUl5luS%2BlSCj9NKNa%2BjAVVwMIcMkwru8xyUA3GfhD7xzI6B99wBFTZphZEfeqQt1bNDTk9z8aW3wnWftC%2BvXAHgPDYetQB47R0%2FBlHGGYXMnraZpqKWQnusgY57iIILSBNJyEgi%2FU22S9o0A3ImsIXqgDm0gGr0m0p9a320%2F%2B7e2KCqhggUkkbpHHatQacpsPzm7ulKJkZn5KOtEX2hhyU0HobtyXgtuIUtVsDBijgKqXGZXdimw%2BaIhg2xLkPtDTzFMWZFxZT7rvVjXdwFnfNhq4uUB8slwq4afI8sN5gOAljSKiFOITC2wKvxBTrqAa8xE%2BHA5udwqVALV6H7%2FZxf8clnU0xkO0iZHCMQ2%2FeP1uyNo%2B7EfxIjgOH3uTWQ9WGBnBAb8z%2BGmWWfudphfNM6pKH6C%2BgVIv2LRXn848jELrX%2FeFnJoiU%2BTFB6dLXKliNJRBsvxnysawDBBYAGqA0cRkpRLF0JBA%2B2zD9vGDA5RxZZwquc6AmS%2B9z4Viei5jZjmeDRYIuFn7vXxwsm%2F2t1inLZtLGfzuy0D%2BIxf9vqkev%2BaCjm2nNvpEaPrx4aPvgw98t2i283PrFwqIL00VaYFVYIhrNWaCYEXvAFhKNAy2Rw5WDPA71sIA%3D%3D&X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Date=20200124T133936Z&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Expires=300&X-Amz-Credential=ASIAQ3PHCVTYQC2JUJFK%2F20200124%2Fus-east-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Signature=e00de0d405154f8cb3ba162b3624b6045fc700964d782fb3b787c6a87ce0991e&hash=3935c02ffe375fcdc2bdc8602598f242ca8b7b034568be494e7a1b0ef4bf3237&host=68042c943591013ac2b2430a89b270f6af2c76d8dfd086a07176afe7c76c2c61&pii=S0927775719307691&tid=spdf-a148b7f9-56ec-441b-830c-45cb6fead95e&sid=534042f23224d64c128b47e36e82b2feeb2cgxrqa&type=client.
- Wu, L., Anovitz, L., Shen, C. (2018). Effects of aggregate structure properties on pore evolution due to barite aggregate deposition in porous media: combining small-angle X-ray scattering and image analysis. Langmuir.
- Wu, L., Ortiz, C., Jerolmack, D. (2017). Aggregation of elongated colloids in water. 2. Langmuir; 33: 622-629.
- Liu, L., Gao, B., Wu, L., Sun, Y., Zhou, Z. (2015). Effects of surfactant type and concentration on graphene retention and transport in saturated porous media. Chemical Engineering Journal; 262: 1187–1191.
- Wu, L., Ortiz, C., Xu,Ye, ., Willenbring,Jane abd Jerolmack, Douglas, . (2015). In situ liquid-cell observations of asbestos fiber diffusion in water. 22. Environmental science & technology; 49: 13340–13349.
- Sun, Y., Gao, B., Bradford, S., Wu, L., Chen, H., Shi, X., Wu, J. (2015). Transport, retention, and size perturbation of graphene oxide in saturated porous media: Effects of input concentration and grain size. Water research; 68: 24–33.
- Wu, L., Munoz-Carpena, R., Li, Y. (2015). Vegetative Filter Strips—A Best Management Practice for Controlling Nonpoint Source Pollution. #SL432. UF/IFAS Extension.
- Wu, L., Munoz-Carpena, R., Li, Y. (2015). What Else Can Surface Water Buffer Systems Do?—Exploring Multiple Ecosystem Services. #SL433. UF/IFAS Extension.
- Wu, L., Gao, B., Tian, Y., Munoz-Carpena, R. (2014). Analytical and experimental analysis of solute transport in heterogeneous porous media. 3. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A; 49: 338–343.
- Wu, L., Muñoz-Carpena, Rafael, ., Gao, B., Yang, W., Pachepsky, Y. (2014). Colloid filtration in surface dense vegetation: Experimental results and theoretical predictions. 7. Environmental science & technology; 48: 3883–3890.
- Shen, C., Wu, L., Zhang, S., Ye, H., Li, B., Huang, Y. (2014). Heteroaggregation of microparticles with nanoparticles changes the chemical reversibility of the microparticles’ attachment to planar surfaces. Journal of colloid and interface science; 421: 103–113.
- Zhang, M., Gao, B., Vanegas, D., McLamore, E., Fang, J., Liu, L., Wu, L., Chen, H. (2014). Simple approach for large-scale production of reduced graphene oxide films. Chemical Engineering Journal; 243: 340–346.
- Wu, L., Liu, L., Gao, B., Muñoz-Carpena, Rafael, ., Zhang, M., Chen, H., Zhou, Z., Wang, H. (2013). Aggregation kinetics of graphene oxides in aqueous solutions: experiments, mechanisms, and modeling. 49. Langmuir; 29: 15174–15181.
- Liu, L., Gao, B., Wu, L., Morales, V., Yang, L., Zhou, Z., Wang, H. (2013). Deposition and transport of graphene oxide in saturated and unsaturated porous media. Chemical engineering journal; 229: 444–449.
- Wu, L., Gao, B., Tian, Y., Muñoz-Carpena, Rafael, ., Zigler, K. (2013). DLVO interactions of carbon nanotubes with isotropic planar surfaces. 12. Langmuir; 29: 3976–3988.
- Liu, L., Gao, B., Wu, L., Yang, L., Zhou, Z., Wang, H. (2013). Effects of pH and surface metal oxyhydroxides on deposition and transport of carboxyl-functionalized graphene in saturated porous media. 11. Journal of nanoparticle research; 15: 1–8.
- Inyang, M., Gao, B., Wu, L., Yao, Y., Zhang, M., Liu, L. (2013). Filtration of engineered nanoparticles in carbon-based fixed bed columns. Chemical engineering journal; 220: 221–227.
- Gao, B., Wu, L. (2012). C2. Modeling Solute Transport in Structured, Heterogeneous Porous Media. Internet-First University Press.
- Tian, Y., Gao, B., Wu, L., Munoz-Carpena, R., Huang, Q. (2012). Effect of solution chemistry on multi-walled carbon nanotube deposition and mobilization in clean porous media. Journal of hazardous materials; 231: 79–87.
- Gao, J., Wang, Y., Gao, B., Wu, L., Chen, H. (2012). Environmental fate and transport of pesticides. Pesticides—evaluation of environmental pollution. CRC Press Taylor and Francis Group, Boca Raton; 29–41.
- Tian, Y., Gao, B., Morales, V., Wu, L., Wang, Y., Munoz-Carpena, R., Cao, C., Huang, Q., Yang, L. (2012). Methods of using carbon nanotubes as filter media to remove aqueous heavy metals. Chemical engineering journal; 210: 557–563.
- Wu, L., Gao, B., Muñoz-Carpena, Rafael, ., Pachepsky, Y. (2012). Single collector attachment efficiency of colloid capture by a cylindrical collector in laminar overland flow. 16. Environmental science & technology; 46: 8878–8886.
- Wang, Y., Gao, B., Morales, V., Tian, Y., Wu, L., Gao, J., Bai, W., Yang, L. (2012). Transport of titanium dioxide nanoparticles in saturated porous media under various solution chemistry conditions. 9. Journal of Nanoparticle Research; 14: 1–9.
- Yu, C., Gao, B., Munoz-Carpena, R., Tian, Y., Wu, L., Perez-Ovilla, O. (2011). A laboratory study of colloid and solute transport in surface runoff on saturated soil. 1. Journal of hydrology; 402: 159–164.
- Wu, L., Gao, B., Muñoz-Carpena, Rafael, . (2011). Experimental analysis of colloid capture by a cylindrical collector in laminar overland flow. 18. Environmental science & technology; 45: 7777–7784.
- Wei, B., Xie, S., Yu, M., Wu, L. (2007). QSPR-based prediction of gas/particle partitioning of polychlorinated biphenyls in the atmosphere. 10. Chemosphere; 66: 1807–1820.
- Wu, L., Shao-dong, X. (2007). Simulation of transport and degradation of pesticide chlordecone in air, water, sediments, and soil [J]. Environmental Pollution & Control; 8: 009.
Conference Proceeding (1)
- Wu, L., Ortiz, C., Jerolmack, D. (2016). Aggregation of asbestos fibers in water: role of solution chemistry. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2016.
Conference, Poster (1)
- Hammond, C., Wu, L. (2020). Real-Time Investigations of Aggregation of Sulfur Rich Asphaltene and their Implications for Groundwater/Soil Remediation. AGU Fall Meeting 2020.