Ken Walsh

Ken Walsh joined Ohio University in 2009. He has taught introductory courses in mechanics, structural analysis, and steel design as well as advanced courses in structural analysis and structural dynamics. Walsh, who has published several refereed journal articles and conference papers, began his career with visiting faculty positions in the Department of Civil Engineering and Construction at Bradley University (2005-2006) and the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering (2006-2008). He then spent one year as research faculty in the Laboratory for Modern Fluid Physics at Florida A&M University.
Research Interests: passive and semi-active vibration control, vibration absorption and isolation, innovative materials for improved structural performance, structural health monitoring focusing on model updating and damage identification for bridge structures
All Degrees Earned: Ph.D., Civil Engineering, Florida A&M University, August 2005; M.S., Civil Engineering, Florida A&M University, April 2002; B.S., Civil Engineering, Florida State University, April 2000
- Walsh, K. K., Kalyanam, S., Rambo-Roddenberry, M. D., and Cronin, K, J. (2012). “Design of viscous dampers in seismically-excited flexible truss towers,” Journal of Earthquake Engineering, (accepted).
- Walsh, K. K., Cronin, K. J., Rambo-Roddenberry, M. D., and Grupenhof, K. (2012). “Dynamic analysis of seismically excited flexible truss tower with scissor‐jack dampers”, Structural Control and Health Monitoring, (in press).
- Walsh, K. K., Grupenhof, K., Little, K. L., Martin, A., and Moore, C. A. “Development and testing of a newly proposed continuously variable stiffness/damping device for vibration control”, SPIE Smart Structures and Materials + Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring (8345), San Diego, CA, 2012.
- Walsh, K. K., Abdullah, M. M., and Moore, C. A. (2008). “Control of civil structures using a semi-active stiffness system based on variable amplification,” Journal of Structural Engineering, 134(7), 1246-1251.
- Walsh, K. K., and Abdullah, M. M. (2006), “Adaptive base-isolation of civil structures using variable amplification,” Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, 5(2), 223-233.
Journal Article, Academic Journal (23)
- Walsh, K., Cain, T., Harvey, S. (2020). Modeling, Characterizing, and Testing a Simple, Smooth Negative Stiffness Device to Achieve Apparent Weakening. 10. Journal of Engineering Mechanics; 146.
- Hamid, W., Steinberg, E., Semendary, A., Khoury, I., Walsh, K. (2020). Early Age Behavior of Internally Cured Concrete Bridge Deck under Environmental Loading. 4. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities; 34.
- Khoury, I., Semendary, A., Hamid, W., Steinberg, E., Walsh, K. (2019). Experimental Investigation of Direct Tension Bond Performance of High-Strength Concrete and Ultrahigh-Performance Concrete Connections. 9. Athens: 31.
- Walsh, K., Sallar, G., Steinberg, E. (2019). Hybrid Base-Isolation of a Nonlinear Building using a Passive Resettable Stiffness Damper. Elsevier; 178: 206-211.
- Walsh, K., Hicks, N., Steinberg, E., Hussein, H., Semendary, A. (2018). Fiber Orientation in UHPC Shear Keys of Adjacent Box-Beam Bridges. 2. American Concrete Institute Materials Journal; 115: 227-238.
- Walsh, K., Boso, E., Steinberg, E., Haftman, J., Littel, N. (2018). Variable Negative Stiffnes Device for Seismic Protection of Building Structures through Apparent Waeking. 9. Journal of Engineering Mechanics; 144.
- Walsh, K., Sallar, G., Steinberg, E. (2018). Semipassive Resettable Stiffness Damper for Seismic Protection of Short-Period Structures. 7. Journal of Structural Engineering; 144.
- Walsh, K., Boso, E., Haftman, J., Littell, N. (2018). Variable Negative Stiffness Device for Seismic Protection of Building Structures through Apparent Weakening. 9. Journal of Engineering Mechanics; 144: 1-16.
- Hussein, H., Walsh, K., Sargand, S., Al-Rikabi, F., Steinberg, E. (2017). Modeling the Shear Connection in Adjacent Box-Beam Bridges with Ultra-High Performance Concrete Joints - Part I: Model Calibration and Validation. 8. Reston VA: American Society of Civil Engineers; 22: 14.
- Sargand, S., Walsh, K., Hussein, H., Al-Rikabi, F., Steinberg, E. (2017). Modeling the Shear Connection in Adjacent Box-Beam Bridges with Ultra-High Performance Concrete Joints - Part II: Load Transfer Mechanism. 8. Reston VA: American Society of Civil Engineers; 22: 11.
- Walsh, K., Sallar, G., Steinberg, E. (2016). Modeling and Validation of a Passive Resettable Stiffness Damper. 2. Journal of Engineering Mechanics (ASCE); 143: 13.
- Austin, S., Stephens, D., Walsh, K., Moore, C., Wesson, G., Njuguna, J., Paul, R. (2015). Simulation of Open Microcellular Carbon Foams: Periodic and Aperiodic Structures. Journal of Porous Media 18(3); 231-244.
- Walsh, K., Kelly, B., Steinberg, E. (2014). Damage identification for prestressed adjacent box-beam bridges. Article ID 540363. Advances in Civil Engineering; 2014: 16.
- Richardson, A., Walsh, K., Abdullah, M. (2013). Closed-Form Design Equations for Controlling Vibrations in Connected Structures. 5. Journal of Earthquake Engineering; 17: 699-719.
- Richardson, A., Walsh, K., Abdullah, M. (2013). Closed-Form Equations for Coupling Linear Structures Using a Stiffness and Damping Element. 3. Journal of Structural Control and Health Monitoring; 20: 259-281.
- Walsh, K., Kalyanam, S., Rambo-Roddenberry, M. (2013). Design of viscous dampers in seismically-excited flexible truss towers. 7. Journal of Earthquake Engineering; 17: 1063-1081.
- Walsh, K., Cronin, K., Rambo-Roddenberry, M., Grupenhof, K. (2012). Dynamic analysis of seismically excited flexible truss tower with scissor‐jack dampers. 8. Journal of Structural Control and Health Monitoring; 19: 723-745.
- Rambo-Roddenberry, M., Mtenga, P., Walsh, K. (2012). Missile Impact Resistance of Metal Mesh System. 3. Journal of Architectural Engineering; 18: 199–205.
- James, L., Austin, S., Stephens, D., Moore, C., Walsh, K., Wesson, G. (2010). Modeling the principle physical parameters of graphite carbon foam. 9. Carbon; 48: 2418–2424.
- Coolahan, J., Kane, M., Morse, K., Schloman, J., Kaiser, E., Koomullil, R., Shih, A., Walsh, K. (2010). Results of a simulation of response to a bioterrorism crisis. 1. Modeling and Simulation Journal; 5: 4-16.
- Walsh, K., Abdullah, M., Moore, C. (2008). Control of civil structures using a semi-active stiffness system based on variable amplification. 7. Journal of Structural Engineering; 134: 1246-1251.
- Walsh, K., Abdullah, M. (2006). Adaptive base-isolation of civil structures using variable amplification. 2. Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration; 5: 223-233.
- Abdullah, M., Walsh, K., Grady, S., Wesson, G. (2005). Modeling flow around bluff bodies. 1. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering; 19: 104-107.
Journal Article, Professional Journal (8)
- Semendary, A., Steinberg, E., Walsh, K., Barnard, E. (2019). Effect of Temperature Distributions on Thermally Induced Behavior of UHPC Shear Key Connections of Adjacent Precast Prestressed Concrete Box Beam Bridge. 2. NY: Journal of Bridge Engineering; 24.
- Semendary, A., Steinberg, E., Walsh, K., Khoury, I. (2018). Effect of Thermal Load on the Behavior of an Adjacent Prestressed Concrete Box-beam Bridge Containing UHPC Shear Keys with Transverse Dowels. 3. Chicago, IL: PCI Journal.
- Semendary, A., Steinberg, E., Walsh, K., Barnard, E. (2017). Live-Load Moment-Distribution Factors for Adjacent Precast Prestressed Concrete Box Beam Bridge with Reinforced UHPC Shear Key Connections. 11. Reston, VA: Journal of Bridge Engineering; 22.
- Hussein, H., Walsh, K., Sargand, S., Steinberg, E. (2017). Modeling the Shear Connection in Adjacent Box-Beam Bridges with Ultrahigh-Performance Concrete Joints. I: Model Calibration and Validation. Journal of Bridge Engineering; 22.
- Sargand, S., Walsh, K., Hussein, H., Steinberg, E. (2017). Modeling the Shear Connection in Adjacent Box-Beam Bridges with Ultrahigh-Performance Concrete Joints. II: Load Transfer Mechanism. Journal of Bridge Engineering.
- Semendary, A., Walsh, K., Steinberg, E. (2017). Early-Age Behavior of an Adjacent Prestressed Concrete Box-Beam Bridge Containing UHPC Shear Keys with Transverse Dowels. 5. Reston, VA: Journal of Bridge Engineering; 22.
- Ghaedi, H., Nims, D., Gostautas, R., Steinberg, E., Hu, L., Walsh, K. (2016). Field Study of Ohio's Structural Support Inspection Program for Overhead Signs, Traffic Signals, and High-Mast Lights. Jan 2016. Journal of the Transportation Board: Transportation Research Record; 2550: 15-21.
- Hussein, H., Walsh, K., Sargand, S., Steinberg, E. (2016). Interfacial Properties of Ultra-High Performance Concrete and High Strength Concrete Bridge Connections. New York, NY: Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering; 10.
Patent (3)
Conference Proceeding (21)
- Walsh, K., Shirai, K. (2020). Passive hybrid damper with variable force-displacement characteristics for seismic protection of structures. 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering; Paper No. 2g-0055.
- Walsh, K., Steinberg, E., Haftman, J. (2020). Small-scale experimental validation of passive rate-independent linear damping. 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering; Paper No. 2g-0274.
- Walsh, K., Haftman, J., Marin-Artieda, C. (2019). Modeling and validation of a novel variable stiffness system for seismic isolation of acceleration-sensitive equipment. Structural Engineering Institute.
- Walsh, K. (2018). Passive displacement-dependent damper with adjustable stiffness for seismic protection of civil infrastructure. 11th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering; Paper No. 961.
- Semendary, A., Barnard, E., Steinberg, E., Walsh, K. (2018). Differential Camber Induced Stresses in Shear Keys in Decked Bulb Tee Girder ridges. PCI Convention and National Bridge Conference.
- Semendary, A., Steinberg, E., Walsh, K. (2017). Dynamic Response of Adjacent Prestressed Concrete Box Beam Bridge utilizing Reinforced UHPC Shear Keys. 39th IABSE Symposium – Engineering the Future.
- Huthman, I., Semendary, A., Steinberg, E., Walsh, K. (2017). 3D Printing for Prestressed Concrete. 2017 PCI Convention National Concrete Bridge Conference.
- Hussein, H., Walsh, K., Sargand, S., Steinberg, E. (2016). Effect of Extreme Temperatures on the Coefficient of Thermal Expansion for Ultra-High Performance Concrete. Ames Iowa: Iowa State University; 11.
- Steinberg, E., Semendary, A., Steinberg, E. (2016). Implementing Ultra High Performance Concrete (UHPC) with Dowel Bars in Longitudinal Joints (Shear Key) in an Adjacent Box Beam Bridge. Ames, Iowa: First International Interactive Symposium on UHPC.
- Steinberg, E., Semendary, A., Walsh, K. (2016). Static Truck Load Testing of an Adjacent Box Beam Bridge Containing Ultra High Performance Concrete (UHPC) Longitudinal Joints. Chicago: Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute.
- Walsh, K., Sallar, G., Steinberg, E., Trembly, J., Boso, E. (2015). Laboratory Study of the Resetting of Semi-passive Stiffness Damper. Japan Association of Earthquake Engineering (JAEE).
- Walsh, K., Sallar, G. (2014). Modeling and Simulation of Resetting Semi-Passive Stiffness Damper. Structures Congress; 1209-1220.
- Walsh, K. (2013). A resetting semi-passive stiffness damper for response mitigation of civil infrastructure. SPIE Smart Structures and Materials + Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring (8692); 8692.
- Walsh, K., Grupenhof, K., Little, K., Moore, C. (2012). Development and testing of a newly proposed continuously variable stiffness/damping device for vibration control . SPIE Smart Structures and Materials + Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring.
- Walsh, K., Steinberg, E. (2012). Moment Redistribution Capacity in Ultra-High Performance Concrete. 3rd International Symposium on Ultra-High Performance Concrete and Nanotechnology for Construction Materials.
- Walsh, K., Cronin, K., Rambo-Roddenberry, M., Grupenhof, K. (2010). Modeling and simulation of an amplified structural damping system in a seismically-excited truss tower. San Diego, CA: SPIE Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials + Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring.
- Coolahan, J., Kane, M., Morse, K., Schloman, J., Koomulli, R., Shih, A., Kaisar, E., Walsh, K. (2009). Design of a bioterrorism crisis management simulation for preparedness and response. San Diego, CA: Simulation Interoperability Workshop.
- Coolahan, J., Kane, M., Schloman, J., Koomulli, J., Shih, R., Kaiser, E., Walsh, K. (2009). Results of a simulation of response to a bioterrorism crisis. Orlando, FL: Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference (I/ITSEC).
- Coolahan, J., Kane, M., Koomulli, R., Kaisar, E., Walsh, K. (2008). Results of a federated simulation of urban chemical disaster response. Orlando, FL: Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference (I/ITSEC).
- Coolahan, J., Kane, M., Schloman, J., Koomulli, R., Shih, A., Ito, Y., Kaisar, E., Walsh, K., Abdullah, M. (2007). Design of an urban chemical disaster simulation federation for preparedness and response. Orlando, FL: Simulation Interoperability Workshop.
- Walsh, K., Abdullah, M. (2006). Semi-active control of civil structures using variable amplification. San Diego, CA: Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring.
Magazine/Trade Publication (1)
- Steinberg, E., Semendary, A., Walsh, K. (2015). Adjacent Precast Box Beam Bridges: Using UHPC Longitudinal Joints. 8. Buffalo, NY: The Construction Specifier; 68: 28-42.
Research Report (5)
- Steinberg, E., Walsh, K., Miller, R., Sharhrooz, B., Castrodale, R., Prussack, C. (2018). Design and Construction of Deck Bulb Tee Girder Bridges with UHPC - Interim Report 1. Washington D.C.: NHCRP.
- Walsh, K., Mitchell, G., Richardson, W. (2015). Optimization of Salt Storage for County Garage Facilities. Columbus, OH: Ohio Department of Transportation.
- Gostautus, R., Nims, D., Steinberg, E., Hu, L., Walsh, K. (2015). Evaluation of Overhead Support Inspection Program. Columbus OH: Ohio Department of Transportation; 136.
- Walsh, K. (2014). Novel Resettable Stiffness Systems for Response Mitigation of Civil Infrastructure. National Science Foundation.
- Walsh, K. (2013). Novel Ressetable Stiffness Systems for Response Mitigation of Civil Infrastructure. National Science Foundation.
Technical Report (2)
- Steinberg, E., Walsh, K., Sparks, N. (2016). Bridge Trough Maintenance Evaluation on Finger Joint Bridges.
- Steinberg, E., Walsh, K., Semendary, A. (2015). Reinforced UHPC Shear Keys in an Adjacent Prestressed Concrete Box Beam Bridge. Columbus, OH: Ohio Department of Transportation; 58.