Diana Schwerha

Industrial and Systems Engineering
Journal Article, Academic Journal (9)
- Ahmadi, E., Masel, D., Schwerha, D., Hostetler, S. (2019). A bi-objective optimization approach for configuring surgical trays with ergonomic risk consideration. 4. IISE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering; 9: 327-341. https://doi.org/10.1080/24725579.2019.1620383.
- Hayden, M., Schwerha, D. (2019). Value Stream Maps: Improving Procurement of Ergonomic Equipment . 5. American Society of Safety Engineers; 64: 53-58.
- Ardjmand, E., Weckman, G., Snow, A., Schwerha, D. (2016). "An Approach to Analyzing the Retirement Satisfaction among Men and Women Based on Artificial Neural Networks and Decision Trees". 3 & 4. International Journal On Advances in Intelligent Systems; 9: 265-274.
- Lynch, K., Schwerha, D., Johanson, G. (2013). Development of a Weighted Heuristic for Website Evaluation for Older Adults. 6. International Journal of Human Computer Interaction; 29: 404-418. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10447318.2012.715277.
- Rinder, M., Weckman, G., Schwerha, D., Snow, A., Dreher, P., Park, N., Paschold, H., Young, W. (2012). Healthcare Scheduling by Data Mining, Literature Review and Future Directions. 3. Journal of Healthcare Engineering; 3: 477-502.
- Schwerha, D., Ritter, C., Robinson, S., Griffeth, R., Fried, D. (2011). Integrating Ergonomic Factors into the Decision to Retire. . 3. Amsterdam: Human Resource Management Review, Elsevier; 21: 220-227.
- Schwerha, D., Wiker, S., Jaraiedi, M. (2007). Effect of Distractors, Age, and Level of Education upon Psychomotor Task Learning. 37. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics; 801-809.
- Schwerha, D., Orr, C., Chen, B., Soderholm, S. (2002). Direct-on-filter Analysis of Crystalline Silica Using Photoacustic Fourier Transform-infrared Spectroscopy. 457. Analytica Chimica Acta; 257-264.
- Schwerha, D., McMullin, D. (2002). Prioritizing Ergonomic Research in Aging for the 21st Century American Workforce. 28. International Journal of Experimental Aging Research; 99-110.
Journal Article, Professional Journal (1)
- Schwerha, D. (2010). Ergonomics for the Experienced. 11. Industrial Engineer; 42: https://www.iise.org/IEMagazine/Details.aspx?id=23902.
Conference Proceeding (20)
- Paravano, J., Schwerha, D. (2019). Assessment of commonly used training techniques and their overall effectiveness on the younger workforce. New Orleans, LA: XXXIst Annual International Occupational Ergonomics and Safety Conference.
- Haning, S., Schwerha, D. (2019). Women and Exoskeletons: Design and its Effect on Fit and Comfort. New Orleans, LA: XXXIst Annual International Occupational Ergonomics and Safety Conference.
- Schwerha, D., Guinsler, V. (2018). An Examination of the Musculoskeletal Impact of Residential Solar Panel Installation. Pittsburgh, PA: The XXXth Annual Occupational Ergonomics and Safety Conference.
- Schwerha, D., Boudinot, A., Loree, N. (2017). Integrating Safety with Process Improvement for Sustainable Manufacturing. Pittsburgh, PA: IISE Annual Conference.
- Boudinot, A., Schwerha, D., Loree, N. (2017). Integration of Safety and Process Improvement to Improve Perceived Incompatability. Pittsburgh, PA: IISE Annual Conference.
- Celibilek, ., Schwerha, D. (2013). Benchmarking Chronic Diseases and Prevention of U.S. States: DEA Approach. IERC.
- Schwerha, D., Jones, A., Liu, S., Ozercan, S., Zhou, J. (2011). Development of a Computer Skills Class for Older Adults Using a Service Learning Model. Philadelphia, PA: ASEE Mid Atlantic Conference 2010.
- Ritter, C., Robinson, S., Schwerha, D., Fried, D. (2011). An Empirical Evaluation of Ergonomics as a Distal Determinant in the Retirement Decision Process. 2011 Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
- Fried, D., Ritter, C., Milakovic, A., Tenbrink, A., Griffeth, R., Schwerha, D. (2011). Work-Role Attachment and Preferences to Extend Career Employment through Phased Retirement. 2011 Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
- Slover, S., Schwerha, D. (2011). Improving Website Heuristics through Participatory Design. 2011 Industrial Engineering Research Conference.
- Ritter, C., Schwerha, D., Gerasymchuk, D., Robinson, S., Griffeth, R. (2010). Sustaining Aging Workers: Development of a Model with Ergonomic Factors in teh Decision to Retire. Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
- Vadlamani, T., Schwerha, D., Griffeth, R. (2009). Multidimensional Scale for Ergonomics Risk Factors Related to Employee Retention. Proceedings of the 2009 Industrial Engineering Research Conference; May 30-June 3.
- Morse, B., Griffeth, R., Hom, P., Schwerha, D., Allen, D. (2009). The Cross-cultural Generalizability of the Turnover Events and Shocks Scale: An Assessment with Mexican Nurses. June 21-24. Proceedings of the 10th International Human Resource Management Conference.
- Schwerha, D., Bruce, C., Sanford, J., Gibson, S., Spokus, D., Whiting, H. (2009). The Role of Human Factors in Older Worker Retention: What do we know and what will we need to know? . CA: Human Factors and Ergonomic Society; 53rd Proceedings.
- Vadlamani, T., Schwerha, D., Griffeth, R. (2009). Multidimensional Scale for Ergonomics Risk Factors Related to Employee Retention.. Proceedings of the 2009 Industrial Engineering Research Conference.
- Schwerha, D., Liu, C., Ozercan, S., Vadlamani, T., Neiman, L. (2008). Second Life as a Pedagogical Tool for Improving Statistics Homework Sessions. West Point, NY: American Society for Engineering Education (Zone 1) Conference.
- Wiker, S., Schwerha, D., Jaraiedi, M. (2006). Impact of Auditory and Visual Distractors Upon Manual Assembly Task Learning Among Older Workers with Different Levels of Spatial Reasoning and Field Dependence . San Francisco, CA: 50th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.
- Schwerha, D., Wiker, S., Jaraiedi, M. (2006). Impact of Age and Distractors upon Learning a Manual Assembly Task. Maastricht: 16th World Congress of the IEA.
- Schwerha, D. (2001). The Effect of Some Worker-Related Variables on Work Ability, Work Technique, and Number of Errors in a Packing Job. Minneapolis, MN: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Conference.
- Schwerha, D., McMullin, D. (2000). Prioritizing Ergonomic Research in Aging for the 21st Century American Workforce. San Diego, CA: IEA 2000/HFES 2000 Congress.
Journal Article, Public or Trade Journal (4)
- Wiker, S., Schwerha, D., Jaraiedi, M. (2009). Auditory and Visual Distractor Decrement in Older Worker Manual Assembly Task Learning: Impact of Spatial Reasoning, Field Independence and Level of Education. 4. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing; 19: 300-317.
- Kowalski-Trakofler, K., Steiner, L., Schwerha, D. (2005). Safety Considerations for the Aging Workforce. 10. Journal of Safety Science; 43: 779-793.
- Gao, P., Chen, B., Hearl, F., McCawley, M., Schwerha, D., Chen, W., Chen, J., Soderholm, S. (2000). Estimating Respirable Mass Concentrations from Historical Total Dust Measurements for Chinese Iron/Copper, Tin and Tungsten Miners and Pottery Workers. 4. Annals of Occupational Hygiene; 44: 251-257.
- Gao, P., Chen, B., Chen, J., Chen, W., Zhuang, Z., Hearl, F., Schwerha, D., McCawley, M., Soderholm, S. (1999). Two Approaches to Converting Historical Mining Dust Exposures into Respirable Fraction Based on the Microscope Sizing Measurements. 3. Chinese Journal of Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Diseases; 17: 1-16.
Research Report (3)
- Mallett, L., Schwerha, D., Peters, R. (2006). What Difference Does Age Make? Part 2: Coal Mining Injuries. Holmes Safety Bulletin; January/February: 10-18.
- Mallett, L., Schwerha, D., Peters, R. (2006). What Difference Does Age Make? Part 3: Metal or Mine Injuries. Holmes Safety Bulletin; March/April: 8-15.
- Schwerha, D., Mallett, L., Peters, R. (2005). What Difference Does Age Make? Part 1: Mining in all Commodities. Holmes Safety Bulletin; May/June: 9-16.
Study Guide (1)
- Porter, W., Mallett, L., Schwerha, D., Gallagher, S., Torma-Krajewski, J., Steiner, L. (2008). Age Awareness Training for Miners. 2008-133. Pittsburgh, PA: US Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health; June: 1-125.