R. Guy Riefler

Guy Riefler joined the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering in September 2000 after completing his advanced degrees at the University of Connecticut. He has three years of environmental consulting experience at ENVIRON Corporation in Arlington, Virginia. Riefler investigates chemical and biological interactions that affect the transport and transformation of pollutants in the environment. This work typically entails the heavy use of analytical chemistry, molecular biology, and numerical modeling. Riefler's research currently focuses on phytoremediation, chemical and biological processes in acid mine drainage remediation, stormwater treatment, and algae growth for alternative fuels and sustainable housing. He is currently developing a process to treat acid mine drainage sustainably by converting the iron sludge into profitable paint pigment. He has served as the faculty advisor for the OHIO Engineers Without Borders group in Ghana and has also worked with students in the WERC and ASCE environmental design competition. He was awarded the ODNR Mining Awareness Educator Award in 2009 and the OHIO Transformative Teaching Award in 2011. He is a registered professional environmental engineer in the state of Ohio.
Research Interests: acid mine drainage treatment bioremediation, stormwater treatment, algae cultivation for biofuels and in house nutrient cycling
All Degrees Earned: Ph.D., University of Connecticut; M.S., University of Connecticut; B.S., Cornell University
Something you may not know about me: Guy Riefler enjoys golfing, camping, backpacking, skiing, soccer, and triathlons.
Journal Article, Academic Journal (25)
- Liu, S., Abu Hajar, H., Riefler, G., Ben, S. (2018). Lipid Extraction from Spirulina sp. and Schizochytrium sp. Using Supercritical CO2 with Methanol. 4. BioMed Research International; 2018: 1-12.
- Chang, T., Zhou, H., Riefler, G. (2018). A Case Study of the Integrated Model for Estimation of Sediment Load in Manmade River Channel. ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering.
- Liu, S., Abu Hajar, H., Riefler, G., Ben, S. (2018). Investigation of Electrolytic Flocculation for Microalga Scenedesmus sp. Using Aluminum and Graphite Electrodes. 68. RSC Advances; 8: 38808 – 38817.
- Hajar, H., Riefler, G., Stuart, B. (2017). Cultivation of Scenedesmus dimorphus using anaerobic digestate as a nutrient medium. 8. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering; 40: 1197-1207.
- Hajar, H., Riefler, G., Stuart, B. (2017). Cultivation of the microalga Neochloris oleoabundans for biofuels production and other industrial applications (a review). 6. App. Biochem. Microbiol; 53: 640-653.
- Abu Hajar, H., Riefler, G., Stuart, B. (2016). Anaerobic digestate as a nutrient medium for the growth of the green microalga Neochloris oleoabundas. 3. Environmental Engineering Research; 21: 265-275.
- Goetz, E., Riefler, G. (2015). Geochemistry of CO2 in Steel Slag Leach Beds. 1. Mine Water and the Environment; 34: 42-49.
- Hansel, P., Riefler, G., Stuart, B. (2014). Efficient flocculation of microalgae for biomass production using cationic starch. Algae Research; 5: 133-139.
- Goetz, E., Riefler, G. (2014). Performance of Steel Slag Leach Beds in Acid Mine Drainage Treatment. Chemical Engineering Journal; 240: 579-588. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1385894713014095.
- Kruse, N., Mackey, A., Bowman, J., Brewster, K., Riefler, G. (2012). Alkalinity production as an indicator of failure in steel slag leach beds treating acid mine drainage. 5. Environmental Earth Science; 67: 1389-1395.
- Kruse Daniels, N., Mackey, A., Bowman, J., Brewster, K., Riefler, G. (2012). Alkalinity production as an indicator of failure in steel slag leach beds treating acid mine drainage. 5. Environmental earth sciences; 67: 1389--1395.
- Mitchell, G., Riefler, G., Russ, A. (2012). Removal of medium and low concentrations of pollutants from simulated highway runoff using a vegetated biofilter. 2262. Washington D.C.: Journal of the Transportation Research Board/Transportation Reserch Record; 214-224. http://www.TRB.org.
- Csavina, J., Stuart, B., Riefler, G., Vis-Chiasson, M. (2011). Growth Optimization of Algae for biodiesel production. Journal of Applied Microbiology; 111: 312-318.
- Mitchell, G., Riefler, G., Russ, A. (2011). Removal of Medium and Low Concentration Pollutants from Simulated Highway Runoff. Washington, D.C.: Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board.
- Welch, R., Riefler, G. (2008). Estimating Treatment Capacity of Nanoscale Zero-Valent Iron Reducing 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene. 9. Environmental Engineering Science; 25: 1255-1262.
- Riefler, G., Krohn, J., Stuart, B., Socotch, C. (2008). Role of Sulfur-Reducing Bacteria in a Wetland System Treating Acid Mine Drainage. Science of the Total Environment; 394: 222-229.
- Riefler, G., Medina, V. (2006). Phytotreatment of Propellant Contamination. 6. Chemosphere; 63: 1054-1059.
- King, S., McCord, B., Riefler, G. (2005). Capillary Electrophoresis Single-Strand Conformation Polymorphism Analysis for Monitoring Soil Bacteria. 1. Journal of Microbiological Methods; 60: 83-92.
- Riefler, G., Smets, B. (2003). Comparison of a Type Curve and a Least Squared Errors Method to Estimate Biofilm Kinetic Parameters. 13. Water Resource Research; 37: 3279-3285.
- Riefler, G., Smets, B. (2002). NAD(P)H:FMN Oxidoreductase Inactivation During 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene Reduction. 4. Applied and Environmental Microbiology; 68: 1690-1696.
- Riefler, G., Smets, B. (2000). Enzymatic Reduction of 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene and Related Nitroarenes: Kinetics Linked to One-Electron Redox Potentials. 18. Environmental Science & Technology; 34: 3900-3906.
- Smets, B., Riefler, G., Lendenmann, U., Spain, J. (1999). Kinetic Analysis of Dinitrotoluene Biodegradation in an Aerobic Fluidized Bed Biofilm Reactor. 6. Biotechnology and Bioengineering; 63: 642-653.
- Riefler, G., Ahlfeld, D., Smets, B. (1998). Respirometric Assay for Biofilm Kinetics Estimation: Parameter Identifiability and Retrievability. 1. Biotechnology and Bioengineering; 57: 35-45.
- Ahlfeld, D., Zafirakou, A., Riefler, G. (1998). Solution of the Groundwater Transport Management Problem by Sequential Relaxation. Advances in Water Resources; 21: 591-604.
- Riefler, G., Ahlfeld, D. (1996). The Impact of Numerical Precision on the Solution of Confined and Unconfined Optimal Hydraulic Control Problems. 2. Journal of Hazardous Waste and Hazardous Materials; 13: 167-176.
Patent (2)
Conference Proceeding (40)
- Mallikarachchi, T., Riefler, G., Mitchell, G. (2017). Hydraulic behavior of multi-processed manufactured best management practices. Chicago, IL: WEFTEC.
- Witt, B., Riefler, G., Pijls, C., Mahendra, S., Miao, Y., Gedalanga, P., Tamling, T., Walecka-Hutchinson, C. (2017). Bioaugmentation of TreeWells® to Enhance the Aerobic Degradation of 1,4-Dioxane at High Concentrations.. Miami, FL: Fourth International Symposium On Bioremediation and Sustainable Environmental Technologies.
- Liu, S., Riefler, G., Stuart, B. (2017). Lipid Extraction from Microalgae Using Supercritical CO2 with Methanol. Salt Lake City, UT: Institute of Biological Engineering Annual Conference.
- Hajar, H., Riefler, G., Stuart, B. (2017). Nutrient Uptake by Microalgae Cultivated with Anaerobic Digestion Digestate. Destin, FL: The 30th Annual Southeast Recycling Conference.
- Doksa, A., Riefler, G. (2014). Synthesis of Iron Oxide Pigment from the Treatment of the Truetown Acid Mine Drainage Seep Utilizing Aeration. Columbus, OH: 36th National Association of Abandoned Mine Land Programs Conference.
- Abu Hajar, H., Riefler, G. (2013). Selective precipitation of aluminum and iron from acid mine drainage. Daniels, WV: National Association of Abandoned Mine Land Programs Conference.
- Goetz, E., Abu Hajar, H., Riefler, G. (2013). Recovering metals from acid mine drainage through electrolysis: a pilot study.. Montreal, Canada: World Mining Conference.
- Morris, J., Anderson, A., Jadwisienczak, W., Riefler, G. (2011). Water disinfection of Bacillus subtilis spores using ultraviolet light emitting diodes. Water Resource Sustainability Issues on Tropical Islands.
- Mitchell, G., Riefler, G., Russ, A. (2011). Removal of Medium and Low Concentration Pollutants from Simulated Highway Runoff. Washington, D.C.: Transportation Research Board Compendium of Papers DVD; 90th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board: 25.
- Kruse, N., Brewster, K., Riefler, G. (2010). A new look at designing steel slag leach beds. Nova Scotia: International Mine Water Association Symposium.
- Goetz, E., Riefler, G., Jambor, R. (2010). Remediation of acid mine drainage: Performance of steel slag beds. Scranton, PA: National Association of Abandoned Mine Land Programs Conference.
- Mitchell, G., Riefler, G., Russ, A. (2010). Removal of Pollutants from Simulated Highway Runoff Using a Vegetated Biofilter. Washington, D.C.: Transportation Reseach Board - National Academy of Sciences; 89th Annual Meeting.
- Stuart, B., Bayless, D., Kremer, G., Vis-Chiasson, M., Riefler, G. (2009). Carbon Recycling Via Membrane-Based Photobioreactor. Santa Clara, CA: Institute of Biological Engineering 2009 Annual Conference.
- Riefler, G., Shaw, K. (2007). Development of an Innovative Treatment Technology for the Truetown AMD Discharge. Athens, OH: ODOT: Applied Research Conference.
- Riefler, G., Krinks, J., Stuart, B., Coschigano, P. (2007). Microbiological Monitoring of a Wetland Treating AMD by T-RFLP and Clone Libraries. Bloomington, IN: The 29th Annual National Association of Abandoned Mine Land Programs Conference.
- Riefler, G., Chang, T., Stuart, B., Kleski, J., Fang, Y., Arthur, B. (2007). Sedimentation Problems in Little Leading Creek Persisting After AML Reclamation. Bloomington, IN: The 29th Annual National Association of Abandoned Mine Land Programs Conference.
- Riefler, G., Welch, R. (2007). Reduction Capacity of Iron Nanoparticles Treating TNT. Blacksburg, VA: Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors Interactions at the Interface Conference.
- Riefler, G., Krinks, J., Stuart, B., Coschigano, P. (2007). Monitoring of Bioaugmentation in a Wetland Treating AMD by T-RFLP. Baltimore, MD: Ninth International In Situ and On-Site Bioremediation Symposium.
- Riefler, G., Krinks, J. (2006). Microbiological Investigation of a Pyroluscite Treatment System. Athens, OH: Ohio Department of Natural Resources: Applied Research Conference.
- Riefler, G., Chang, T., Stuart, B., Kleski, J., Fang, Y., Arthur, B. (2006). Sediment Transport in Little Leading Creek. Athens, OH: Ohio Department of Natural Resources: Applied Research Conference.
- Riefler, G., Krohn, J., Stuart, B. (2006). Metal Removal and Alkalinity Production by Sulfur Reducing Bacteria in an Artificial Wetland Treating Acid Mine Drainage. Billings, MT: 10th Annual Billings Land Reclamation Symposium.
- Riefler, G., Romoser, R. (2006). Kinetics of Iron Nanoparticle Treatment of TNT Contaminated Water. Athens, OH: Ohio University Creativity and Research Fair.
- Riefler, G., Chang, T., Stuart, B., Kleski, J., Fang, Y., Arthur, B. (2005). Initial Results Investigating the Source of Sand in Little Leading Creek. Athens, OH: Ohio Department of Natural Resources: Applied Research Conference.
- Riefler, G., Krohn, J., Stuart, B. (2005). Recomendations for Redevelopment of a Vertical Flow Wetland System Impacted by Biofouling. Athens, OH: Ohio Department of Natural Resources: Applied Research Conference.
- Riefler, G., Chang, T., Stuart, B., Kleski, J., Fang, Y., Arthur, B. (2005). Sediment Transport in the Little Leading Creek Watershed. Dayton, OH: Ohio River Basin Consortium for Research and Education Symposium.
- Riefler, G., Medina, V. (2005). Grass Phytoremediation: Explosives Uptake and Fate in Decomposing Plant Tissue. Amherst, MA: 21st Annual International Conference on Sediment and Contaminated Soils.
- Medina, V., Larson, S., Weathersby, A., Morrow, A., Jones, M., Riefler, G. (2005). Laboratory Studies of the Feasibility and Optimization of Perchlorate Biodegradation. Baltimore, MD: Eight International In Situ and On-Site Bioremediation Symposium.
- Riefler, G., Krohn, J., Romerser, R., Stuart, B. (2004). Impact of Sedimentation on the Performance of a System of Constructed Wetlands Treating Acid Mine Drainage. Athens, OH: Ohio Department of Natural Resources: Applied Research Conference.
- Riefler, G., Krohn, J., Romerser, R., Stuart, B. (2004). Impact of Sedimentation on the Performance of a System of Constructed Wetlands Treating Acid Mine Drainage. Athens, OH: Ohio River Basin Consortium for Research and Education Symposium.
- King, S., McCord, B., Riefler, G. (2004). Plant/Bacteria Relationship in Remediation of 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene Contaminated Soil. Monterey, CA: Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds Conference sponsored by Battelle.
- King, S., Riefler, G. (2004). SSCP Analysis of a Bacterial Community by Capillary Electrophoresis for Remediation of TNT-Contaminated Soil. Chicago, IL: Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy (PITTCON).
- Riefler, G., King, S., McCord, B. (2003). Bioaugmentation of TNT Contaminated Soil Using Plants. Washington, D.C.: Partners in Environmental Technology Technical Symposium & Workshop.
- King, S., Riefler, G. (2003). Remediation of 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene Contaminated Soil Using a Plant/Bacterial Combination. New Orleans, LA: 225th American Chemical Society National Meeting.
- Riefler, G., Smets, B. (2001). Kinetics of NAD(P)H:FMN Oxidoreductase Reduction of 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene. New London, CT: Gordon Research Conference.
- Riefler, G., Smets, B. (2000). Kinetics of NAD(P)H:FMN Oxidoreductase Reduction of 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene. Troy, NY: Northeast Industrial and Hazardous Waste Conference, Renselear Polytechnique Institute.
- Smets, B., Riefler, G. (1999). Comparison of a Visual-Based and Least-Squared-Based Method to Estimate Biofilm Kinetic Parameters. New York, NY: IAWQ Specialized Conference on Biofilm Systems.
- Riefler, G., Smets, B. (1999). Kinetic Studies Linking Enzymatic Reduction of Trinitrotoluene and Metabolites with One-Electron Reduction Potentials. Leesburg, VA: Biodegradation of Nitroaromatic Compounds and Explosives, Second International Symposium.
- Riefler, G., Smets, B. (1999). Modeling the Mineralization of Trinitrotoluene and Dinitrotoluenes in Aerobic/Anaerobic Biofilm. San Diego, CA: Battelle In Situ and On-Site Bioremediation, Fifth International Symposium.
- Ahlfeld, D., Riefler, G., Mulligan, A. (1998). A New Code for MODFLOW-Coupled Groundwater Management of Unconfined Aquifers. Golden, CO: MODFLOW'98 International Conference.
- Ahlfeld, D., Riefler, G. (1996). The Impact of Numerical Precision on Optimal Groundwater Hydraulic Control. Anaheim, CA: ASCE North American Water and Environment Congress.
Instructor's Manual (2)
- Smets, B., Chandran, K., Riefler, G. (2001). Biodegradation of Invididual Organic Contaminants. S.E. Powers. AEESP Environmental Engineering Processes Laboratory Manual.
- Smets, B., Chandran, K., Riefler, G. (2001). Estimation of Biokinetic Parameters. S.E. Powers. AEESP Environmental Engineering Processes Laboratory Manual.
Magazine/Trade Publication (2)
- Pope, L., Riefler, G. (2013). Sludge from polluted rivers turned into art. 2930. New Scientist; 219: 24-25.
- Gambino, M., Riefler, G. (2013). Toxic runoff: yellow and other paint coors sourced from polluted streams. Smithsonian.com.
Newspaper (1)
- Fard, M., Riefler, G. (2013). Pollution transformed from health concern to art piece. Washington Post.
Other (2)
- Mitchell, G., Riefler, G., Russ, A. (2010). Vegetated Biofilter for Post Construction Storm Water Management for Linear Transportation Projects-Dormant Grass Test Supplement. FHWA/OH-2010/7 Supplement . Columbus, OH: FHWA/OH; 4 pages. http://www.dot.state.oh.us/Divisions/TransSysDev/Research/reportsandplans/Pages/default.aspx.
- Mitchell, G., Riefler, G., Russ, A. (2010). Vegetated Biofilter for Post Construction Storm Water Management for Linear Transportation Projects. FHWA/OH-2010/7. FHWA/OH; 4 pages. http://www.dot.state.oh.us/Divisions/TransSysDev/Research/reportsandplans/Pages/default.aspx.
Research Report (3)
- Riefler, G., Goetz, E. (2010). Developing proper techniques for the use of steel slag in AMD remediation. Ohio Department of Natural Resources; 94.
- Mitchell, G., Riefler, G., Russ, A. (2010). Vegetated Biofilter for Post Construction Storm Water Management for Linear Transportation Projects-Dormant Grass Test Supplement. FHWA/OH-2010/7 Supplement . Columbus, OH: FHWA/OH; 56 pages. http://www.dot.state.oh.us/Divisions/TransSysDev/Research/reportsandplans/Pages/default.aspx.
- Mitchell, G., Riefler, G., Russ, A. (2010). Vegetated Biofilter for Post Construction Storm Water Management for Linear Transportation Projects. FHWA/OH-2010/7. FHWA/OH; 240 pages. http://www.dot.state.oh.us/Divisions/TransSysDev/Research/reportsandplans/Pages/default.aspx.
Software (1)
- Ahlfeld, D., Riefler, G. (1998). Documentation for MODOFC: A Program for Solving Optimal Flow Control Problems Based on MODFLOW96 Simulation. Documentation for MODOFC, Version 2.0.