Teruhisa Masada

Originally from the central region of Japan, Teruhisa Masada teaches courses related to the fundamentals of civil engineering, engineering mechanics, geotechnical engineering, and geoenvironmental engineering. He has been an active researcher for the Ohio Research Institute for Transportation and the Environment (ORITE) for about 25 years. He has authored/co-authored 25 reports and 50 technical papers, including 25 journal papers. He serves as the associate editor for the American Society of Civil Engineers’ journal on pipeline systems engineering.
Research Interests: soil-structure interaction (buried structures), shallow foundations, testing of pavement materials, in-situ and laboratory testing of soil and rock
- Teruhisa Masada. “Full-Scale Field Load Testing of Storm-Water Storage Chamber Structures.” Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Volume 25, No. 4, pp. 317-325, July/August 2011.
- AY 2010-11 Best Research Paper, Civil Engineering Dept., Ohio University
Journal Article, Academic Journal (31)
- Sargand, S., Khoury, I., Masada, T., Hussein, H. (2018). Load Capacity of Corrugated Steel Pipe with Extreme Corrosion Under Shallow Cover. 4. Reston VA: American Society of Civil Engineers; 32.
- Sargand, S., White, K., Masada, T., Wang, C. (2018). Evaluation of Load Rating Procedure for Metal Culverts Under Shallow Soil Covers. 1. Reston, Virginia: American Society of Civil Engineers; 9: 9.
- Sargand, S., Khoury, I., Masada, T., Mutashar, R. (2016). Forensic Study of Collapsed Structural Plate Arch Culvert in Ohio. 6. Reston VA: American Society of Civil Engineers; 30.
- Sargand, S., Masada, T. (2015). The Modulus of Soil Reaction Values Measured in Ohio Thermoplastic Pipe Deep Burial Project. 1. Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers; 6: p. 1-8.
- Masada, T., Sargand, S., Goddard, J. (2013). Field Service Conditions of the Oldest Corrugated HDPE Pipe Culvert Under Ohio’s Roadway. 3. Reston VA: Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, ASCE; 27: 326-333.
- Tarawneh, B., Masada, T., Sargand, S. (2013). Estimated and Measured Settlements of Shallow Foundation Supporting Bridge Substructure. 2. Irbid : Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering; 7: 224-235. http://oldwww.just.edu.jo/~jjce/index.htm.
- Masada, T., Sargand, S., James, G. (2011). Field Service Conditions of the Oldest Corrugated HDPE Pipe Culvert Under Ohio’s Roadway. Reston VA: Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities.
- Masada, T., Sargand, S. (2011). Thermoplastic Pipe Deep Burial Study in Ohio: Further Analysis of Field Performance Data. Reston VA: Journal of Pipeline Systems – Engineering and Practice, ASCE.
- Sargand, S., Masada, T., Keatley, D. (2009). The Pennsylvania Thermoplastic Pipe Deep Burial Project: The 20th Year Investigation. 4. Reston, VA: Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, American Societh of Civil Engineers (ASCE); 23: 7.
- Sargand, S., Masada, T., Moreland, A. (2008). Measured Field Performance and computer Analysis of Large-Diameter Multi-Plate Stell Pipe Culvert Installed in Ohio. 6. Reston, VA: Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE); 22: 391-397.
- Sargand, S., Masada, T. (2008). Deeply Buried Thermoplastic Pipe Field Performance over Five Years. 8. Reston VA: ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering; 134: 118-119.
- Sargand, S., Masada, T., Tarawneh, B. (2007). Deeply Buried Thermoplastic Pipe Field Performance Over Five Years. 8. Reston, VA: Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE); 134: 1181-1191.
- Masada, T., Sargand, S. (2007). Discussion on "Full-Scale Field Tests on Flexible Pipes Under Live Load Application" by Arokiasamy et al. 1. Reston, VA: Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE); 20: 21-27.
- Masada, T., Sargand, S., Tarawneh, B., Mitchell, G., Gruver, D. (2007). Inspection and Risk Assessment of Concrete Culverts Under Ohio's Highways. 3. Reston, VA: Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE); 21: 225-233.
- Masada, T., Sargand, S. (2007). Peaking Deflections of Flexible Pipe During Initial Backfilling. 2. Reston, VA: Journal of Transportation Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE); 133: 105-111.
- Masada, T., Sargand, S., Tarawneh, B., Mitchell, G., Gruver, D. (2006). New Inspection and Risk Assessment Methods for Metal Culverts Under Ohio HIghways. 1976. Washington, D.C.: Transportation Research Record, No. 1976, Transportation Research Board; 141-148.
- Sargand, S., Masada, T., Tarawneh, B., Gruver, D. (2006). Closure to Discussion on "Field Performance and Analysis of Large Diameter HDPE Pipe Under Relatively Deep Soil Fill" by Yahia E-A Mohamedzein. 7. New York, NY: Journal of Geotechnical & Geoenvironmental Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE); 132: 960-961.
- Sargand, S., Masada, T., Tarawneh, B., Gruver, D. (2005). Field Performance and Analysis of Large Diameter High-Density Polyethylene Pipe Under Deep Soil Fill. 1. New York, NY: Journal of Geotechnical & Geoenvironmental Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers; 131: 39-51.
- Sargand, S., Masada, T., Tarawneh, B., Yanni, H. (2004). Use of Soil Stiffness Gauge (SSG) in Thermoplastic Pipe Installation. 6. Journal of Transportation Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineernigs; 130: 768-776.
- Masada, T., Sargand, S. (2004). Field Demonstration Test on Construction and Strength of Flexible Pipe Drainage System Using Flowable Fill. 6. Journal of ASTM International (JAI); 1: Unknown.
- Sargand, S., Masada, T., Abdalla, B. (2003). Evaluation of CPT-Based Settlement Prediction Method for Shallow foundations on Cohesionless Soils at Highway Bridge Construction Sites. 10. New York, New York: Journal of Geotechnical & Geoenvironmental Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE); 129: 900-908.
- Sargand, S., Masada, T., White, K., Altarawneh, B. (2002). 1,050-mm (42-in.) Diameter, Profile-Wall HDPE Pipes Under Deep Soil Cover: Comparisons Between Field Performance Data and Analytical Predictions. Journal of the Transportation Research Board; 1814: 186-196.
- Sargand, S., Masada, T., Schehl, D. (2002). Soil Pressure Measured at Various Fill Heights Above Deeply Buried Thermoplastic Pipe. Journal of the Transportation Research Board; 1770: 227-235.
- Sargand, S., Masada, T., White, K. (2000). Performance of Large Diameter HC-HDPE Pipe Under Highway Embankment. 5. Canadian Geotechnical Journal; 37: 1099-1108.
- Sargand, S., Masada, T., Engle, R. (2000). Effect of Bearing Soil Layer Surface Finish Methods on Performance of Highway Bridge Spread Footing. Hershey, PA: Performance Confirmation of Constructed Geotechncial Facilities, American Society of Civil Engineers; 170-183.
- Sargand, S., Masada, T., Wasniak, D. (2000). Variability of Initial Subgrade Modulus at Ohio SHRP Test Road, STP 1384. ASTM Symposium on Constructing and Controlling Compaction of Earth Fills; 274-289.
- Sargand, S., Masada, T., Engle, R. (1999). Spread Footing Foundation for Highway Bridge Applications. 5. ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering; 125: 373-382.
- Sargand, S., Masada, T., Hurd, J. (1996). Effect of Rib Spacing on Deformation of Profile Wall Plastic Pipes Buried in Coarse Granular Backfill. Philadelphia, PA: American Standards of Testing and Materials; 217-222.
- Sargand, S., Hazen, G., Liu, X., Masada, T., Hurd, J. (1995). Structural Performance of Buried PVC Pipes Under Large Distributed Load. Transportation Research Record; 1514: 59-67.
- Sargand, S., Hazen, G., Masada, T., Hurd, J. (1994). Long Term Field Study of a Deep-Corrugated Metal Box-Type Culvert. Canadian Geotechnical Journal; 31: 175-180.
- Masada, T., Mitchell, G., Sargand, S., Shashikumar, B. (1994). Modified Direct Shear Study of Clay Liner/Geomembrane Interfaces Exposed to Landfill Leachate. 3. Geotextiles and Geomembranes; 13: 165.
Journal Article, Professional Journal (13)
- Shaheen, E., Sargand, S., Masada, T., Masada, T. (2020). Laboratory evaluations of corrugated HDPE pipes containing postconsumer recycled material under constant deflection conditions. Issue 3. Reston, VA: Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice; Volume 11: http://224 Stocker Center, Civil Engineering De.
- Masada, T., Fekrat, A., Hurd, J. (2020). Structural performance of deteriorated metal culverts rehabilitated through invert paving. Issue 3. Washington, D. C.: Transportation Research Record (TRR); Volume 2674: 248-257.
- Masada, T. (2019). Structural Evaluation of Deteriorated Metal Culverts Rehabilitated with Invert Concrete Paving. Athens: ASCE Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering & Practice; http://www.asce.org.
- Tarawneh, B., Bodour, W., Masada, T. (2018). Inspection & Risk Assessment of Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls Supporting Bridge Abutments. 1. ASCE Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities; 33.
- Sargand, S., Khoury, I., Hussein, H., Masada, T. Load Capacity of Corrugated Steel Pipe with Extreme Corrosion Under Shallow Cover. Athens: ASCE Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities; http://149 Stocker Center, Civil Engineering De.
- Masada, T. (2017). Deflection Formulas for Buried Chamber Structures. 3. Athens: ASCE Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering & Practice; 8.
- Sargand, S., Khoury, I., Masada, T., Mutashar, R. (2016). Forensic Study on a Collapsed Structural Plate Arch Culvert in Ohio. 6. ASCE Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities; 30.
- Masada, T., Zhu, J. (2015). Computer Analysis of Buried Stormwater Chamber Structures. ASCE Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering & Practice.
- Sargand, S., Masada, T. (2015). Modulus of Soil Reaction Values Measured in Ohio Thermoplastic Pipe Deep Burial Project. 1. Athens: Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering & Practice (ASCE); 6: 1-7. http://149 Stocker Center, Civil Engineering Dept..
- Sargand, S., Masada, T. (2013). Neural Network Approach to Risk Assessment of Highway Culverts. 4. Reston, Virginia: ASCE Journal of Infrastructure; 19: 409-414.
- Sargand, S., Masada, T. (2012). Field Load Testing of Copper Extraction Aeration Pipes Under Simulated High Heap Pile. International Journal of Mining Engineering & Rock.
- Masada, T., Sargand, S. (2012). Estimated & Measured Settlements of Shallow Foundations Supporting Bridge Substructure. Aman, Jordan: Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering.
- Masada, T. (2011). Full-Scale Field Load Testing of Stormwater Storage Chamber Structures. American Society of Civil Engineers: Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities.
Patent (1)
- Masada, T. Vertical Deflection Formula.
Conference Proceeding (36)
- Garcia Ruiz, J., Sargand, S., Russ, A. (2018). ccelerated Degradation Test on Coating Materials for Steel Pipes. Reston VA: American Society of Civil Engineers; Construction and Rehabilitation: 154-162.
- White, K., Sargand, S., Masada, T. (2017). Evaluation of Load Rating Procedure for Metal Culverts Under Shallow Soil Covers. Amsterdam: International Conference on Control Applications for Flexible Structures; http://149 Stocker Center, Civil Engineering De.
- Sargand, S., Masada, T., White, K., Goddard, J. (2012). Review of 12 Years of Performance Data and Observations of Deeply Buried Thermoplastic Pipe in Ohio. Barcelona: Plastic Pipes XVI, Barcelona.
- Sargand, S., Masada, T., White, K., Goddard, J. (2012). Review of 12 Years of Performance Data and Observations of Deeply Buried Thermoplastic Pipe in Ohio. Barcelona: Plastic Pipes XVI; XVI.
- Masada, T. (2011). Shear Strength and Stability of Cohesive Soil Embankment Slopes Existing in Ohio. Houston, Texas: ASCE 2011 Geo-Frontiers Conference.
- Masada, T. (2010). Shear Strength and Stability of Highway Embankments in Ohio. Charleston, WV: Southern Transportation % Geotechnical Engineering Conference (STGEC).
- Masada, T. (2009). Latest Spread Footing Research Findings in Ohio. San Diego, CA: Proceedings of 2009 Piplines Conference, ASCE; Unknown.
- Masada, T., Sargand, S. (2009). Latest Spread Footing Research Findings in Ohio. Orlanda, FL: Proceedings of International Foundations Congress and Equipment Expo 2009; Unknown.
- Sargand, S., Masada, T., White, K. (2008). Stress Relaxation and Stabilization of Deeply Buried Thermoplastic Pipes. Budapest, Hungary: Plastics Pipes XIV.
- Sargand, S., Masada, T., Keatley, D. (2008). Pennsylvania Thermoplastic Pipe Deep Burial Project: The 20th-Year Investigations. 08-1591. 87th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board.
- Sargand, S., White, K., Masada, T. (2007). Laboratory and Numerical Investigations of Large-Diameter Multi-Plate Steel Pipe Culvert Behavior. Rydzyna, Poland: Proceedings of the First European Conference on Buried Flexible Steel Structures; Pages unknown.
- Masada, T. (2006). An Improved Solution for Pipe Stiffness of Flexible Pipe Specimen Measured by ASTM D-2412. Chicago, IL: Proceedings of ASCE Piplines 2006, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).
- Masada, T., Sargand, S., Liao, Y. (2006). Resilient Modulus Prediction Model for Find-Grained Soils in Ohio: Preliminary Study. Proceedings of the International Conference on Perpetual Pavements (ICPP).
- Masada, T., Sargand, S., Tarawneh, B., Mitchell, G., Gruver, D. (2006). New Inspection and Risk Assessment Methods for Highway Metal Culverts in Ohio. Washington, D.C.: Proceedings of 2006 TRB Annual Meeting.
- Masada, T., Sargand, S. (2005). Peaking Deflection of Flexible Thermoplastic Pipe. Houston, TX: Proceedings of ASCE Piplines 2005, ASCE.
- Masada, T., Sargand, S. (2005). Basic Rheology Study of Highway-Grade Asphalt Concrete Material. Austin, TX: Proceedings of Geo-Frontiers, ASCE.
- Masada, T., Sargand, S., Abdalla, B., Green, R. (2003). Mechanistic Properties of Pavement Materials Utilized in Ohio. Proceedings of International Conference on Highway Pavement Data, Analysis & Mechanistic Design Applications; 131-142.
- Sargand, S., Masada, T., Gruver, D. (2003). Thermoplastic Pipe Deep-Burial Project in Ohio: Initial Findings. Reston, VA: Proceedings of ASCE 2003 Pipelines Conference ASCE; 2: 1288-1301.
- Masada, T., Sargand, S. (2003). Field Demonstration Test on Construction & Strength of Flexible Pipe Drainage System Using Flowable Fill. Denver, CO: Second International Symposium, American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) STP 1459 (Innovations in Controlled Low-Strength Material) ; 115-126.
- Masada, T., Sargand, S. (2002). Measured Structural Performance of HDPE Pipe Installed in CLSM-CDF. Cleveland, OH: Proceedings of the ASCE Pipelines 2002 Conference, American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Masada, T., Sargand, S. (2001). Field Performance of Flexible Pipe Installed in Fly Ash-Based Flowable Fill. Philadelphia, PA: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Solid Waste Technology and Management.
- Sargand, S., Masada, T., Moran, A., White, K. (2000). Thermoplastic Pipe Responses Under Deep Burial Conditions, Geotechnical Engineering Trends in the New Millenium. Hershey, PA: Central Pennsylvania Section ASCE and Pennsylvania Department of Transportation.
- Masada, T., Sargand, S., Shah, J. (1999). Characterization of Flowable Material Based on Midwestern Coal Ash. Chicago, IL: ACI Spring Convention.
- Masada, T., Sargand, S. (1998). Deformation Characteristics of Profile-Wall Thermoplastic Pipes Under Shallow Burial and Surface Loading. Proceedings of the Conference on Structural Performance of Pipes ‘98; 123-130.
- Sargand, S., Hazen, G., Masada, T., Hurd, J. (1995). Performance of a Structural Plate Pipe Arch Culvert in a Cohesive Backfill Under Large Live Load. Malmo, Sweden: Nordic Steel Construction Conference ‘95.
- Sargand, S., Hazen, G., Masada, T., Engel, R. (1995). Centrifuge Modeling - Settlement of Highway Bridge Spread Footings on Cohesionless Soils in Ohio. Washington, D.C.: Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting.
- Sargand, S., Masada, T., Mao, B., Yalamanchili, V., Hurd, J. (1994). Performance of Buried Corrugated HDPE Pipe. Singapore: Centrifuge ‘94 International Conference.
- Sargand, S., Hazen, G., Masada, T., Hurd, J. (1993). Five Year Field Performance Study of Three Metal Box Culverts. Balkema, Rotterdam: Structural Performance of Pipes; 137-146.
- Sargand, S., Mitchell, G., Masada, T. (1993). Structural Performance of an HDPE Leachate Collection Pipe. San Jose, CA: The Solid Waste Association of North America, Proceedings of the 31st Annual International Solid Waste Exposition.
- Masada, T., Sargand, S. (1993). Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education 100th Annual Conference. Champaign-Urbana, Illinois : Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education 100th Annual Conference.
- Mitchell, G., Masada, T. (1993). A Review of Erosion and Sediment Control Specifications of Departments of Transportation. Indianapolis, Indiana : Proceedings of the 24th International Erosion Control Association.
- Mitchell, G., Masada, T., Sargand, S. (1992). Analysis of Erosion and Sediment Control Practices of State Departments of Transportation. Reno, NV : Proceedings of the 23rd International Erosion Control Association Conference.
- Masada, T., Mitchell, G., Sargand, S. (1991). Characteristics of Geotextile/ HDPE Geomembrane Interface Under Direct Shear Conditions. Lexington, KY: Proceedings of the Ohio River Valley Soils Seminar XXII; 3.1-3.10.
- Mitchell, G., Masada, T., Sargand, S. (1991). Effect of Temperature on Interface Properties Between HDPE Geomembrane and Cohesionless Soils. Montreal, Canada : Proceedings of the Canadian Conference on Environmental Geotechnics.
- Mitchell, G., Sargand, S., Masada, T. (1991). Erosion and Sediment Control Practices in Highway Construction. Orlando, FL: Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference of the International Erosion Control Association; 57-68.
- Mitchell, G., Sargand, S., Masada, T. (1990). Interface Properties Between Cohesionless Soils and Geomembranes. Cleveland, OH: Proceedings of the HMC Great Lakes ‘90 Conference.
Conference, Poster (1)
- Fekrat, A., Masada, T. (2018). Two-dimensional analysis of invert paving of deteriorated steel culverts. Toronto: ASCE International Conference on Pipelines; http://149 Stocker Center, Civil Engineering De.
Other (2)
- Masada, T., Xiao, H. (2015). Threshold Vertical Deflection of Flexible Thermoplastic Pipe. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio Dept. of Transportation.
- Sargand, S., Masada, T., Hernandez, J., Kim, S. (2010). Determination of Mechanical Properties of Materials Used in Way-30 Test Pavements. Columbus OH: Ohio Department of Transportation; FHWA/OH-2010/9: 6. http://www.dot.state.oh.us/Divisions/TransSysDev/Research/reportsandplans/Pages/default.aspx.
Research Report (6)
- Robbins, M., Green, R., Masada, T. (2019). Best Practices for Pavement Restoration of Open Cut Utility Installations/Repairs on Local Roadways in Northern Ohio.
- Masada, T., Riley, P., Uijt de Haag, M. (2017). Evaluation of New or Emerging Remote Inspection Technologies for Conduits.
- Masada, T. (2017). Structural Benefits of Concrete Paving of Steel Culvert Inverts. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio Dept. of Transportation; 434.
- Sargand, S., Hurd, J., White, K., Masada, T., Garcia-Ruiz, J., Colorado-Urrea, G. (2016). Assessment of ODOT’s Conduit Service Life Prediction Methodology. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio Department of Transportation; 212.
- Sargand, S., Khoury, I., Masada, T. (2014). Structures Research Services Task 6: Forensic Study of Collapsed Culvert in Licking County. Columbus OH: Ohio Department of Transportation.
- Masada, T. (2013). Rock Mass Classification System: Transition from RMR to GSI. FHWA/OH-2013/11. ODOT/FHWA; 130.
Review, Technical Review (1)
- Masada, T. (2016). Review of Manuscript PSENG-423. ASCE: Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering & Practice.
Technical Report (29)
- Masada, T., Sargand, S., Abdalla, B., Figueroa, L. Materials Properties for Implementation of Mechanistic-Empirical (M-E) Pavement Design Procedures, Final Report. Ohio Department of Transportation/Federal Highway Administration.
- Masada, T. Shear Strength of Silt & Clay Embankments.
- Masada, T., Xiao, H. (2015). Threshold Vertical Deflection of Flexible Thermoplastic Pipe. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio Dept. of Transportation.
- Masada, T. (2011). Parallel-Plate Load Testing of Triton Mini Chamber Model M-6 Specimens.
- Sargand, S., Masada, T., Hernandez, J., Kim, S. (2010). Determination of Mechanical Properties of Materials Used in Way-30 Test Pavements. Columbus OH: Ohio Department of Transportation; FHWA/OH-2010/9: 175. http://www.dot.state.oh.us/Divisions/TransSysDev/Research/reportsandplans/Pages/default.aspx.
- Masada, T. (2008). Engineering Product Test Report - Phase II. Final Reprot to JM Sales Associates, Inc.; 108 Pages.
- Sargand, S., Masada, T. (2007). Inspection of Deeply Buried Thermoplastic Pipes in Northwestern Pennsylvania. Report for Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc.
- Sargand, S., Masada, T. (2007). Long-Term Monitoring of Pipe Under Deep Cover. Ohio Dept. of Transportation (ODOT) and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA); 209 pages.
- Sargand, S., Masada, T. (2007). Pennsylvania Deep Burial Study: The 20th Year Summary Report on ADS 24-inch Diameter Corrugated HDPE Pipline Structure. Final Report to Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc. (ADS); 32 pages.
- Masada, T. (2007). Engineering Product Testing Report - Phase I. Final Report to JM Sales Associates, Inc.; 70 pages.
- Sargand, S., Masada, T. (2007). Field Inspection and Testing of Thermoplastic Pipes on Future I-99 in Pennsylvania. Report for the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation.
- Sargand, S., Masada, T. (2006). Field Inspection and Testing of ADPE Drain Pipes at Future I-90 site Near State College, PA. Final Report to Pennsylvania Dept. of Transportation; 64 Pages.
- Sargand, S., Masada, T. (2006). Further Use of Spread Footing Foundations for Highway Bridges. Columbus, OH: Federal Highway Administration - Ohio Dept. of Transportation.
- Masada, T. (2006). Monitoring of Bridge Abutment Walls @ S.R. 33 Over East State Street, Athens, OH. Draft Final Report to Ohio Dept. of Transportation; 46 pages.
- Masada, T., Mitchell, G., Sargand, S. (2005). Risk Assessment and Update of Inspection Procedures for Culverts. Columbus, OH: Final Report, FHWA/ODOT-2005/002; 414 Pages.
- Sargand, S., Masada, T. (2003). Soil Arching Above Deeply Buried Thermoplastic Pipe. 1849. Washington, D.C.: Transportation Research Record No. 1849, National Research Council; 109-123.
- Sargand, S., Masada, T. (2003). Material Properties for Implementation of Mechanistic-Empirical (M-E) Pavement Design Procedures. Columbus, OH: Ohio Dept. of Transportation.
- Sargand, S., Hazen, G., Masada, T., Schehl, D., Moran, A., Altarawneh, B. (2002). Field Verification of Structural Performance of Thermoplastic Pipe Under Deep Backfill Conditions. Columbus, OH: Final report to Ohio Department of Transportation.
- Masada, T., Sargand, S. (2002). Laboratory Characterization of Materials and Data Management for Ohio-SHRP Projects (U.S. 23). Columbus, OH: Final Report to Ohio Department of Transportation (includes CD-ROM).
- Sargand, S., Masada, T. (2002). Laboratory Characterization of Ohio-SHRP Test Road Pavement Material. Final Report, ODOT/FHWA.
- Masada, T., Sargand, S. (2001). Construction of a Flexible Pipe System Using Controlled Low Strength Material – Controlled Density Fill (CLSM-CDF). Final Report, ODOT/FHWA; 276.
- Sargand, S., Masada, T. (2001). Construction of Drainage Pipe System Using CLSM-CDF. Final Report, ODOT/FH.
- Sargand, S., Wasniak, D., Masada, T., Beegle, D. (2000). Evaluation of Initial Subgrade Variability on the Ohio SHRP Test Road. Report, ODOT/FHWA.
- Sargand, S., Hazen, G., Masada, T. (1999). Field and Laboratory Performance Evaluation of Spread Footings. Final Report, ODOT/FHWA.
- Sargand, S., Hazen, G., Masada, T. (1998). Structural Evaluation and Performance of Plastic Pipe. Final Report, ODOT/FHWA.
- Masada, T., Sargand, S., Mitchell, G. (1996). Performance of the Leachate Collection System in the Landfill. Cincinnati, OH: Final Report, U.S. EPA Cincinnati-Risk Reduction Engineering Laboratory (RREL).
- Masada, T., Mitchell, G. (1996). Wetland Mitigation Project ATH-50-18.58. Columbus, OH: Final Project Report, Ohio Department of Transportation District 10.
- Mitchell, G., Sargand, S., Masada, T. (1994). Leachate Collection System Components Research, Phase IV - Drainage Blanket Compatibility/Clogging. Final Report, Rust Environment and Infrastructure, Inc.; 57 Pages.
- Sargand, S., Hazen, G., Masada, T., Devarajan, C. (1992). Failure Characteristics of a Structural Plate Pipe Arch Culvert. Final Report, ODOT/FHWA; 118 pp.
Working Paper (1)
- Masada, T. Analysis of Buried Arch-Shaped Chamber Structures.