Michael DiBenedetto

Michael DiBenedetto is a Senior Research Program Engineer at the Avionics Engineering Center at Ohio University and earned a Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Ohio University in 1999. He has 35 years of experience in navigation, landing, and surveillance systems development, assessment, implementation, procurement, and modernization. He has published five journal articles, fifteen conference papers, and over 175 externally sponsored technical reports; many form the basis of, or have influenced, national and international standards and practices for electronic navigation and landing systems. Mike is a key technical advisor for the FAA Navigation Programs and Aircraft Operations (formerly Flight Inspection Services) Offices. He is the Chairman for the Technical Working Group of the International Committee for Airspace Standards and Calibration and serves as their Panel Member to the International Civil Aviation Organization Navigation Systems Panel.
Research Interests: precision approach and landing system development and analysis, Microwave Landing System (MLS), Mobile Microwave Landing System (MMLS), CNS Systems Office programs
Journal Article, Academic Journal (5)
- Kelly, J., Braasch, M., DiBenedetto, M. (2003). Characterization of the Effects of High Multipath Phase Rates in GPS. 1. GPS Solutions; 7: 5-15.
- Thornberg, D., Thornberg, D., DiBenedetto, M., Braasch, M., Van Graas, F., Bartone, C. (2003). The LAAS Integrated Multipath Limiting Antenna (IMLA). 2. Journal of the Institute of Navigation; 50.
- Braasch, M., DiBenedetto, M. (2001). Spread-Spectrum Ranging Multipath Model Validation. 1. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems; 37.
- Van Graas, F., Diggle, D., Uijt de Haag, M., Skidmore, T., DiBenedetto, M., Wullschleger, V., Velez, R. (1998). Ohio University/FAA Flight Test Demonstration Results of the Local Area Augmentation System (LAAS). Journal of The Institute of Navigation.
- Van Graas, F., Diggle, D., Uijt de Haag, M., Skidmore, T., DiBenedetto, M. (1998). Ohio University/FAA Flight Test Demonstration of Local Area Augmentation System (LAAS). 2. Journal of the Institute of Navigation; 45.
Patent (1)
- Zhu, J., Wilhelm, J., Williams II, R., Uijt de Haag, M., Bartone, C., Liu, J., Chelberg, D., Liu, C., DiBenedetto, M. An Integrated, Scalable All-Weather, All-Terrain, All-Time, Autonomous Perimeter Monitoring and Ground Inspection System, Provisional patent application. OU16018.
Conference Proceeding (17)
- Skidmore, T., Cohenour, C., Van Graas, F., DiBenedetto, M., Peterson, B. (2006). JPALS Tactical System Performance Evaluation Using a Controlled Reception Pattern Antenna. Fort Worth, Texas: Proceedings of the 19th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation ION GNSS 2006; 738-753.
- Kelly, J., Cohenour, C., DiBenedetto, M., Lamb, D. (2004). An Advanced Multipath Model for DGPS Reference Site Analysis. Dayton, Ohio: Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Institute of Navigation; 315-327.
- Kelly, J., DiBenedetto, M., Van Graas, F. (2003). A Dynamic GPS Multipath Model for Differential Reference Station Site Evaluation. Big Sky, MT: 2003 IEEE Aerospace Conference.
- Thornberg, D., Thornberg, D., DiBenedetto, M., Braasch, M., Van Graas, F., Bartone, C. (2002). The LAAS Integrated Multipath Limiting Antenna (IMLA). Portland, OR: Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Meeting of the Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation (ION GPS-2002).
- Thomas, R., DiBenedetto, M. (2001). The Local Area Augmentation System: An Airport Surface Guidance Application Supporting the NASA Runway Incursion Prevention System Demonstration at the Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport. Daytona Beach, FL: 20th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC).
- Hawes, C., DiBenedetto, M. (2001). The Local Area Augmentation System: An Airport Surveillance Application Supporting the FAA Runway Incursion Reduction Program Demonstration at the Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport. Daytona Beach, FL: 20th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC).
- Braasch, S., DiBenedetto, M., Braasch, M., Thomas, R. (2000). Operations in Support of Airport Surface Movement, Guidance, Control, and Surveillance: Initial Test Results. San Diego, CA: IEEE Position, Location and Navigation Symposium (PLANS).
- Van Graas, F., Diggle, D., Uijt de Haag, M., Skidmore, T., DiBenedetto, M., Wullschleger, V., Velez, R. (1997). Ohio University/FAA Flight Test Demonstration of Local Area Augmentation System (LAAS). Kansas City, Missouri: Proceedings of the ION GPS-97 Meeting.
- DiBenedetto, M. (1994). Development of Criteria for Siting the Microwave Landing System Azimuth Antenna Behind the ILS Localizer. Montreal, Quebec: Symposium on Antenna Technology And Applied Electromagnetics.
- DiBenedetto, M. (1994). Development of Microwave Landing System Azimuth Antenna Critical Area Requirements for Basic Procedures. Montreal, Quebec: Symposium on Antenna Technology And Applied Electromagnetics.
- DiBenedetto, M. (1994). Development of Microwave Landing System Elevation Antenna Critical Area Requirements for Basic Procedures. Montreal, Quebec: Symposium on Antenna Technology And Applied Electromagnetics.
- DiBenedetto, M., Flynn, C. (1994). Refinement of the Distance Measuring Equipment Routines of the Microwave Landing System Mathematical Model. Montreal, Quebec: Symposium on Antenna Technology And Applied Electromagnetics.
- Celenk, M., DiBenedetto, M., Rajendran, J. (1992). Implementation of DME/P critical area determination on message passing processors. DuPage County, IL: Int. Conf. Parallel Processing.
- Celenk, M., DiBenedetto, M., Rajendran, J. (1992). DME/P critical area determination on message passing processors. Monterey, CA: IEEE Position Location and Navigation Symp.; 261-268.
- DiBenedetto, M., Radcliff, R. (1986). Humped Runway and Restricted Siting Installations. Washington, D.C.: United States Delegation to the International Civil Aviation Organization meeting.
- DiBenedetto, M. (1985). Localizer Signal Sensitivity to Non Symmetrical Placement of the MLS Azimuth Antenna About Localizer Centerline. United States at the September 1985 ICAO meeting.
- DiBenedetto, M., Radcliff, R. (1985). Effects of Simulate MLS Installations on the Capture Effect Glide Slope and 14-Element Log-Periodic Localizer at Airborne Express Air Park, Wilmington, OH. Montreal: United States Delegation to the International Civil Aviation Organization meeting.
Other (4)
- Kelly, J., Thomas, R., DiBenedetto, M. (2003). Radar Cross Section Estimates for a Plymouth Voyager Van for ASDE-X Radar Detection. Athens, OH: OU/AEC 03-001QLR2200-011-1, Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- DiBenedetto, M. (2000). Overview of Siting Manual Content for Navigational Aids. Athens, OH: OU/AEC Precis 280, Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- DiBenedetto, M., Wilson, A. (1998). Assessing the Effect of Aircraft Infringement into the Microwave Landing System (MLS) Azimuth and Elevation Critical Area. Athens, OH: OU/AEC EER 98-02, Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- Braasch, M., DiBenedetto, M. (1996). Multipath Mitigation Investigations to Support Enhanced GPS for Combat Systems. Athens, Ohio: Avionics Engineering Center, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Ohio University.
Study Guide (1)
- DiBenedetto, M. (1995). Performance Plan: Documentation of the Current Status of the Microwave Landing System (MLS) Mathematical Model. Technical Memorandum OU/AEC 95-20TM-00006/5-1, Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
Technical Report (108)
- Skidmore, T., Cohenour, C., DiBenedetto, M., Van Graas, F. (2005). Land Based JPALS Follow-On Technology Development Tactical System Performance Analysis. Athens, OH: Technical Memorandum OU/AEC 06-04TM04/283OU/AEC 05, Avionics Engineering Center.
- DiBenedetto, M., Cohenour, C., Barker, C. (2005). Data Plots for Assessing the Effect on the Microwave Landing System (MLS) Azimuth Guidance Signal Due to Infringement of the Critical Area by an Airbus A380 Aircraft. Athens, OH: Technical Memorandum OU/AEC 05-17TM45242236-4, Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- DiBenedetto, M., Cohenour, C. (2005). Assessing the Effect on the Microwave Landing System (MLS) Azimuth Guidance Signal Due to Infringement of the Critical Area by an Airbus A380 Aircraft. Athens, OH: OU/AEC 05-16TM45242236-3, Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- DiBenedetto, M., Cohenour, C. (2005). Simulation Test Plan for Assessing the Effect on the Microwave Landing System (MLS) Azimuth Guidance Signal Due to Infringement of the Critical Area by an Airbus A380 Aircraft. Athens, OH: Technical Memorandum OU/AEC 05-08TM45242236-2, Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- Hawes, C., DiBenedetto, M. (2005). Distance Measuring Equipment Interrogation-rate Measurement System Development and Verification. Athens, OH: OU/AEC 05-02TM00071/3.4-2, Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- DiBenedetto, M. (2005). Recommended Flight Measurement Methodology for Periodic Flight Inspection of GPS/RNAV Approach Procedures. Athens, OH: Technical Memorandum OU/AEC 05-03TM15689-1, Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- DiBenedetto, M. (2005). Application of Microwave Landing System (MLS) Critical Area Criteria at the Heathrow International Airport. Athens, OH: Technical Memorandum OU/AEC 05-01TM45242236-1, Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- DiBenedetto, M. (2004). Low Power Distance Measuring Equipment Capacity Study Overview. Athens, OH: Technical Memorandum OU/AEC 04-19TM00071/3.4-1, Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- Kelly, J., Thomas, R., DiBenedetto, M. (2003). Radar Cross Section Analysis: ASDE-X Radar Detection of a 1999 Plymouth Voyager Van at Milwaukee International Airport. Athens, OH: OU/AEC 03-12TM2200-011-1, Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- DiBenedetto, M., Hawes, C. (2002). A Comparison of Low Power Distance Measuring Equipment Performance Requirements Contained in RFO DTFA01-02-R-LPDME and FAA-E-2444a. Athens, OH: Technical Memorandum OU/AEC 02-20TM00071/1.2-1, Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- Thomas, R., Kelly, J., DiBenedetto, M. (2002). The Local Area Augmentation System: An Airport Surface Guidance Application Supporting the NASA Runway Incursion Prevention System Demonstration at the Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport. Athens, OH: Technical Memorandum OU/AEC 02-16TM-NASA-00108-2, Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- DiBenedetto, M., Thomas, R. (2002). Recommended WAAS Flight Measurement Requirements for Inspection of Commissioned GPS/Barometric VNAV Approach Procedures. Athens, OH: Technical Memorandum OU/AEC 02-15M00078/5-1, Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- DiBenedetto, M. (2001). Assessment Of Ingegneria Dei Sistemi Distance Measuring Equipment Multipath Model. Athens, OH: Technical Memorandum OU/AEC 01-05TM00/AOSTA-RNAV/492/321, Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- DiBenedetto, M. (2000). Accuracy and Coverage Analysis for the Local Area Augmentation System Ground Facility Installed at the Dallas/Forth Worth International Airport . Athens, OH: Technical Memorandum OU/AEC 00-12TM00078/2-5FR, Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- DiBenedetto, M., Braasch, S. (2000). Development of Provisional Flight Inspection Concepts for Local Area Augmentation System (LAAS) Approach Procedures. Athens, OH: Technical Memorandum OU/AEC 00-09TM00078/2-4, Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- DiBenedetto, M., Braasch, S. (2000). Installation and Testing of a Prototype Local Area Augmentation System Ground Facility at the Dallas-Forth Worth International Airport to Support Federal Aviation Administration Runway Incursion Reduction Program Test and Demonstration Activities. Athens, OH: Technical Memorandum OU/AEC 00-04TM00078/2-3, Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- DiBenedetto, M., Rankin, J., Diggle, D. (1998). Development of Provisional Flight Inspection Criteria for Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS) Approach Procedures. Athens, OH: OU/AEC 98-16TM00078/2-1, Avionics Engineering Center, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Ohio University.
- DiBenedetto, M., Rankin, J., Diggle, D. (1998). Development of Provisional Flight Inspection Criteria for Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS) Approach Procedures. Athens, Ohio: OU/AEC 98-16TM00078/2-1, Avionics Engineering Center, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Ohio University.
- DiBenedetto, M. (1998). An Overview of the Technical Support Provided for Evaluation of the Transponder Landing System (TLS). Athens, OH: Technical Memorandum OU/AEC 98-06TM94-00006/6-FR, Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- DiBenedetto, M., Wilson, A. (1998). MLS Critical Area: Data Plots for Accessing the Effect of Aircraft Infringement into the Microwave Landing System (MLS) Elevation Critical Area. Athens, OH: Technical Memorandum OU/AEC 98-08TM45097133/1-4, Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- DiBenedetto, M., Wilson, A. (1998). MLS Critical Area: Data Plots for Assessing the Effect of Aircraft Infringement in the Microwave Landing System (MLS) Azimuth Critical Area. Athens, OH: Technical Memorandum OU/AEC 98-07TM45097133/1-3, Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- DiBenedetto, M., Wilson, A. (1998). MLS Critical Area: Assessment of the Effect of Aircraft Infringement into the Elevation Critical Area as Identified in the European Commission MLS Capacity Study. Athens, OH: Technical Memorandum OU/AEC 98-02TM45097133/1-2, Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- DiBenedetto, M. (1997). An Overview of the Development of Microwave Landing System (MLS) Siting Criteria Relevant to Signal-in-Space Considerations. Athens, OH: OU/AEC EER 98-01, Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- DiBenedetto, M. (1997). Working Paper 727 to Support the Sixteenth Meeting of the All Weather Operations Panel, Montreal, 23 June - 4 July 1997. Athens, OH: OU/AEC 97-39TM-00006/3-4, Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- DiBenedetto, M., Wilson, A. (1997). MLS Critical Area: Assessment of the Effect of Aircraft Infringement into the Azimuth Critical Area as Identified in the European Commission MLS Capacity Study. Athens, OH: Technical Memorandum OU/AEC 97-29TM45097133/1-1, Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- Thomas, R., DiBenedetto, M. (1997). Test Plan: Initial Verification of Directive DME Co-Channel Facility Separation Curves. Athens, OH: Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- DiBenedetto, M., Thomas, R., Seitz, A. (1997). User's Manual Interactive Reports/Data Finder. Athens, OH: Technical Memorandum OU/AEC 97-22TM94-00006/1-3, Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University,.
- Thomas, R., DiBenedetto, M. (1997). Operational Viability of a Directive Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) Antenna in a National Airspace System (NAS) Approach and Landing Environment. Athens, OH: Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- DiBenedetto, M. (1996). Documentation of the Status of the Microwave Landing System (MLS) Mathematical Model. Athens, Ohio: Technical Memorandum OU/AEC 96-33TM94-00006/5-2, Avionics Engineering Center, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Ohio University.
- DiBenedetto, M. (1996). Documentation of the Status of the Microwave Landing System (MLS) Mathematical Model. Athens, Ohio: Technical Memorandum OU/AEC 96-33TM94-00006/5-2, Avionics Engineering Center, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Ohio University.
- Seitz, A., Thomas, R., DiBenedetto, M., Johnson, K. (1996). User's Manual Interactive Reports/Data Finder for the MLS Mathematical Model. Athens, OH: Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- DiBenedetto, M. (1996). MLS Elevation Mean Angle Error Monitoring Limits for Category-I Operations. Technical Memorandum OU/AEC 96-01TM-0000/3-2, Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- Thomas, R., Sims, G., DiBenedetto, M. (1996). Pilot Evaluation of Manually-Flown, Guided Missed-Approach and Departure Profiles: Data Collection, Reduction, and Analysis Planning. Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- DiBenedetto, M., Vickers, D. (1995). Performance Plan: All Weather Operations Panel (AWOP) Work Program Items. Technical Memorandum OU/AEC 95-31TM00006/3-1, Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- DiBenedetto, M., Johnson, K., Thomas, R., Vickers, D. (1995). AAN/TRN-45 Mobile Microwave Landing System (MMLS): Flight Test Results for MMLS Production Equipment. Athens, OH: OU/AEC EER 95-01.
- DiBenedetto, M. (1995). Performance Plan: Evaluation of the Transponder Landing System (TLS) to Support FAA FAR 171 Approval Proces. Technical Memorandum OU/AEC 95-23TM94-00006/6-1, Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- DiBenedetto, M. (1995). Performance Plan: Operational Viability of a Directive Distance Measuring (DME) Antenna in a National Airspace System (NAS) Approach and Landing Environment. Technical Memorandum OU/AEC 95-22TM94-0006/7-1, Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- Vickers, D., Johnson, K., Thomas, R., DiBenedetto, M. (1995). Mobile Microwave Landing System (MMLS): Procedures for Flight Test of the MMLS Production Equipment. Athens, OH: OU/AEC 95-09TM716137-1.
- Thomas, R., DiBenedetto, M., Johnson, K. (1995). A Performance Plan: Flight Data Collection Support. Athens, OH: Technical Memorandum OU/AEC 94-31TM94-00006/4-1.
- DiBenedetto, M. (1994). Performance Plan: Siting Criteria Activities (Revision 1). Technical Memorandum OU/AEC 94-30TM94-00006/1-2, Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- DiBenedetto, M. (1994). DME Routines: Validation of Model Modifications to Correct the Time-Delay Calculations for the Case of Shadowing Buildings. Athens, Ohio: Technical Memorandum OU/AEC 94-28TM0039/RAY-7, Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- Flynn III, C., DiBenedetto, M., Johnson, K. (1994). ADME Routines: Implementation Strategy for Model Modifications to Correct the Time-Delay Calculations for the Case of Shadowing Buildings. Athens, OH: Technical Memorandum OU/AEC 94-14TM0039/RAY-4.
- DiBenedetto, M. (1994). DME Routines: Briefing on Implementation Strategy. Technical Memorandum OU/AEC 94-15TM0039/RAY-5, Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- DiBenedetto, M. (1994). Performance Plan: Siting Criteria Activities. Technical Memorandum OU/AEC 94-12TM94-00006/1-1, Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- DiBenedetto, M. (1994). OU/AEC Precis 170, Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University: Performance Plan - Project Office Activities.
- Vickers, D., DiBenedetto, M. (1994). Performance Plan - AWOP Work Program Items. OU/AEC Precis 169, Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- Vickers, D., DiBenedetto, M. (1993). Mobile Microwave Landing System Initial Operational Test and Evaluation Report - Supplement B: Operational Performance. Technical Memorandum OU/AEC 93-11TM H022-2, Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- Vickers, D., DiBenedetto, M. (1993). Mobile Microwave Landing System Initial Operational Test and Evaluation Report - Supplement A: Ground Equipment Performance. Technical Memorandum OU/AEC 93-08TMH022-1, Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- Flynn III, C., Braasch, M., DiBenedetto, M. (1993). DME/P Model: Final Report on IF-filter Development, Implementation, Testing and Documentation. Athens, Ohio: Avionics Engineering Center, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ohio University.
- DiBenedetto, M., Krugar, S. (1992). DME/P Module Validation: The Comparison of Measured and Modeled Multipath Errors Due to Signal Scattering by the DOT/FAA Technical Center Hangar. Athens, Ohio: Technical Memorandum OU/AEC 92 75TM00006/51 3, Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- DiBenedetto, M., Braasch, M., Hill, H. (1992). MLS Azimuth and Elevation Volumes of Protection. Athens, Ohio: Technical Memorandum OU/AEC 92 73TM00006/9 FR, Avionics Engineering Center, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ohio University.
- DiBenedetto, M., Braasch, M., Hill, H. (1992). MLS Critical Area Criteria Development and Refinement. Athens, Ohio: Technical Memorandum OU/AEC 92 74TM00006/9D FR, Avionics Engineering Center, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ohio University.
- DiBenedetto, M. (1992). FAA MLS Program Support: MLS Procurement Support. Technical Memorandum OU/AEC 92 53TM00006/52 3, Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- Braasch, M., Flynn III, C., DiBenedetto, M. (1992). DME/P Model: If filter Development, Implementation, Testing, and Documentation. Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- DiBenedetto, M., Kruger, S. (1992). DME/P Module Validation: Test Plan for Data Collection Activities to be Performed at the Atlantic City International Airport. Technical Memorandum OU/AEC 92 51TM00006/51 3, Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- Vickers, D., Dudding, D., Weaver, M., DiBenedetto, M. (1992). MLS Guidance Accuracy in Coverage Volume Extremes: Azimuth, Elevation, and DME/P Error Data. Technical Memorandum OU/AEC 92 37TM00006/53 2, Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- Vickers, D., Dudding, D., DiBenedetto, M., Thomas, R. (1992). MLS/RNAV Accuracy Data: Wichita, KS. Technical Memorandum OU/AEC 92 44TM00006/41 1, Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- DiBenedetto, M. (1992). DME/P Critical Areas. Technical Memorandum OU/AEC 92 36TM00006/44 2/ ICAO, Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- Braasch, M., DiBenedetto, M., Vickers, D. (1992). ICAO Working Papers to Support the All Weather Operations Panel Working Group, Rome, November 1991. Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- DiBenedetto, M., Kruger, S. (1992). DME/P Module Validation: Selection of Sites. Technical Memorandum OU/AEC 92 41TM00006/51 2, Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- Braasch, M., Quinet, D., DiBenedetto, M. (1992). A Synopsis of Results Which Established the MLS/ILS Collocation Guidelines. OU/AEC 92-10TM-00006/2 & 2A.
- Braasch, M., Quinet, D., DiBenedetto, M. (1992). Development of Criteria for Siting the Azimuth Antenna Behind or Abeam the ILS Localizer. OU/AEC 92-11TM-00006/2B.
- DiBenedetto, M., Dudding, D. (1992). MLS ILS Collocation Criteria Validation: Flight Test and Data Collection Plan for an Azimuth Antenna Located Abeam the Localizer. Technical Memorandum OU/AEC 92 5TM00006/2 22, Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- Flynn, C., Gordon, M., DiBenedetto, M. (1991). MLS Mathematical Models: Analysis of Error Predictions Between the Transmitter, Receiver, and Filtering Modules of the MIT and Baseline MLS Multipath Models. Technical Memorandum OU/AEC 92 16TM00006/40 FR, Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- DiBenedetto, M., Kruger, S. (1991). Program Schedule and Objectives for the Validation of the Precision Distance Measuring Equipment (DME/P) Module of the Microwave Landing System (MLS) Mathematical Model. Athens, Ohio: Technical Memorandum OU/AEC 91 61TM00006/52 2, Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- DiBenedetto, M., Dudding, D. (1991). Class II Modification Documentation for the Installation of the Ohio University Airborne Data Collection Subsystem into a C 130 Aircraft. Technical Memorandum OU/AEC 91 39TM00006/43D 4, Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- Havel, D., DiBenedetto, M. (1991). MLS Mathematical Models: Generation of Block Data MITPAT of the Baseline Model from Antenna Pattern PTRBN2 of the MIT Model and Comparison of Results from the MIT and Baseline Models. Technical Memorandum OU/AEC 91 48TM00006/40 4, Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- DiBenedetto, M., Dudding, D. (1991). MLS ILS Collocation Criteria Validation: Flight Test and Data Collection Plan for a Rotated Azimuth Antenna Located Ahead of the Localizer. Technical Memorandum OU/AEC 91 26TM00006/2 20, Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- DiBenedetto, M. (1991). Development of Guidance Material for Determining Azimuth Critical and Sensitive Areas for the Computed Centre Line Procedure. Technical Memorandum OU/AEC 91 20TM00006/9E 19/ICAO, Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- DiBenedetto, M., Dudding, D., Dudding, D., Vickers, D. (1991). Mobile Microwave Landing System (MMLS): Flight Test Procedures. Technical Memorandum OU/AEC 33 90TM0062, Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- DiBenedetto, M. (1991). DME/P Critical Areas: Proposed Error Budgets and Outline of Future Activities. Technical Memorandum OU/AEC 91 7TM00006/44 1/ICAO, Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- DiBenedetto, M. (1991). TTD 38 MLS Siting Manual Update: Report on Oral Briefing. Precis 125, Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- DiBenedetto, M. (1990). Discussion of Azimuth Critical Area Requirements for Rotated Azimuth Approach Profiles. Technical Memorandum OU/AEC 23 89TM 00006/90 1/ICAO, Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- DiBenedetto, M. (1990). Development of Criteria for Siting the Azimuth Antenna Behind the ILS Localizer. Technical Memorandum OU/AEC 17 90TM 00006/2B 3/ICAO, Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- DiBenedetto, M. (1990). Criteria for Siting the Azimuth Antenna Behind the ILS Localizer. Technical Memorandum OU/AEC 91 23TM00006/2B 19/ICAO, Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- DiBenedetto, M. (1989). MLS Critical Areas: Azimuth Requirements for Advanced Approach Profiles. Technical Memorandum OU/AEC 19 90TM 00006/9 14/ICAO, Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- DiBenedetto, M. (1989). MLS Critical Areas: Azimuth Requirements for Basic Approach Profiles. Technical Memorandum OU/AEC 21 90TM 00006/9/D&E 1/ICAO, Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- DiBenedetto, M. (1989). MLS Critical Areas: Azimuth Requirements for Computed Centerline Approach Profiles. Technical Memorandum OU/AEC 22 9OTM 00006/9D&E-2/ICAO, Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- DiBenedetto, M. (1989). Proposed Refinements to the MLS/ILS Collocation Guidelines. Technical Memorandum OU/AEC 20 90TM00006/2C 13/ICAO, Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- DiBenedetto, M. (1989). Development of Microwave Landing Systems (MLS) Elevation Antenna Critical Area Requirements: An Analysis of Errors Caused by Parked and Taxiing Aircraft. Technical Memorandum OU/AEC 18 9OTM 00006/9D 3/ICAO, Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- DiBenedetto, M. (1989). Results Obtained to Date on MLS Critical and Sensitive Areas. Athens, Ohio: Technical Memorandum OU/AEC 6 89TM 00006/9D/ICAO, Avionics Engineering Center, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ohio University.
- DiBenedetto, M. (1989). Flight Measurement Results Quantifying the Effect on the Redlich Dual Frequency, Wide Aperture Localizer Array Due to Siting an MLS Azimuth Antenna in Front of the Array. Technical Memorandum OU/AEC 9 89TM 00006/2B/ICAO, Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- DiBenedetto, M. (1989). Preliminary Information on MLS Azimuth Critical Areas for Advanced Approach Profiles. Technical Memorandum OU/AEC 4 89TM00006/9D 1/ICAO, Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- DiBenedetto, M. (1989). Summary of Preliminary Information on MLS Azimuth Critical Areas for Advanced Approach Profiles. Technical Memorandum OU/AEC 13 89TM00006/9D 1/ICAO, Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- DiBenedetto, M., Braasch, M. (1988). Analysis Of Simulation Data And Flight Data Collected At Standiford Field, Louisville, Kentucky, To Investigate The Effects Of An Interfering Boeing B-747 On The MLS Azimuth and Elevation Signals. Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- DiBenedetto, M. (1988). Presentation of Flight Data Collected at Standiford Field, Louisville, Kentucky to Measure the Effects of an Interfering Boeing B 747 on the MLS Azimuth and Elevation Signals. Technical Memorandum OU/AEC 96 88TM 00006/9B 3, Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- Braasch, M., DiBenedetto, M. (1988). Areas of Protection Derived for an Offset Azimuth Antenna Which Supports a Computed Centerline Approach. Athens, Ohio: Avionics Engineering Center, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ohio University.
- Braasch, M., DiBenedetto, M. (1988). Areas Of Protection Derived For An Offset Azimuth Antenna Which Supports A Computed Centerline Approach. Athens, OH: Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- DiBenedetto, M., Maurer, E., Dudding, D. (1988). Final Report on Results Obtained From MLS Critical Area Flight Evaluations Using a Boeing 727. Technical Memorandum OU/AEC 88 88TM 86:1088.001/2 I/ICAO, Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University,.
- DiBenedetto, M., Braasch, M. (1988). MLS Azimuth and Elevation Volumes of Protection To Be Used In Conjunction With Operational And Obstacle Clearance Requirements In Refining MLS Critical Area Definitions. Athens, Ohio: Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- DiBenedetto, M., Braasch, M. (1988). Validation Results Obtained to Date on MLS Critical and Sensitive Areas. Athens, Ohio: Avionics Engineering Center, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ohio University.
- DiBenedetto, M. (1988). Discussion of the Rationale for the Development of Proposed Microwave Landing System (MLS) Critical Area Error Budgets. Technical Memorandum OU/AEC 59 88TM 80906, Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- DiBenedetto, M. (1988). Validation of Siting Criteria for the Collocated Siting of the MLS Elevation and ILS Glide Slope Antennas at Grenier Manchester Airport, Runway 35. Technical Memorandum OU/AEC 23 87TM 00006/2 5, Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- Edwards, J., DiBenedetto, M. (1987). Effects of a Simulated MLS Azimuth Station Constructed of Sheet Metal on the 8 Element V Ring Localizer at the Tamiami Airport. OU/AEC 17 87 TM 0006/2 1.
- Quinet, D., DiBenedetto, M. (1987). Validation of a Three Dimensional Computed Centerline Approach Algorithm. OU/AEC 49 87TM86:1088.001/8 1.
- DiBenedetto, M. (1987). Presentation of Guidelines for the Collocated Siting of MLS and ILS Equipment. Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- Edwards, J., DiBenedetto, M. (1987). Comparison of the Effects of Two Simulated MLS Azimuth and Elevation Station Configurations on the Side Band Reference Glide Slope and 8 Element V Ring Localizer at the Tamiami Airport, Tamiami, Florida. Athens, Ohio: OU/AEC 38 87TM 86:1088.001/6 FR.
- Ewing Jr., P., DiBenedetto, M. (1987). Signal in Space Considerations for Moffett Field, CA. MLS Site Survey. Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- DiBenedetto, M. (1987). Development of a Geometrical Theory of Diffraction Model for Calculating Microwave Landing System Azimuth Signal Attenuation at Humped Runway Facilities. Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- DiBenedetto, M., Radcliff, R. (1987). Results for a Study on MLS ILS Collocation. Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- DiBenedetto, M., Ewing Jr, P. (1987). Signal in Space Considerations for Quantico, VA MLS Site Survey. Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- DiBenedetto, M. (1987). Test Design: Validation of Previous MLS/ILS Collocation Results for New MLS Antenna Structures. Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- DiBenedetto, M. (1987). Development of a Geometrical Theory of Diffraction Model for Calculating Microwave Landing System Azimuth Signal Attenuation at Humped Runway Facilities. Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- DiBenedetto, M. (1987). Identification and Preliminary Investigation of Parameters Germane to Critical Areas Modeling. Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- DiBenedetto, M., Radcliff, R. (1986). Final Results for a Study on MLS ILS Collocation. Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- Radcliff, R., DiBenedetto, M. (1986). Siting Criteria for the Microwave Landing System (MLS). Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- DiBenedetto, M. (1986). Effects of Simulated MLS Azimuth Station on the 8 Element V Ring Localizer at TMB. Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.
- DiBenedetto, M. (1986). Effects of Simulated MLS Azimuth Station on the GRN 27 Localizer at Dayton International Airport, Dayton, Ohio. Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio University.