Tobacco Policy
Eastern Campus Tobacco Policy
Smoke and Tobacco Campus Philosophy
Ohio University Eastern Campus supports smoke and tobacco-free zones on campus as a wellness initiative to protect the health of students, faculty, staff and guests in keeping with the recommendation of the Ohio Board of Regents in July 2012. Beginning August 1, 2015, tobacco use will only be permitted in designated Tobacco Use areas. These areas are located in the green space behind Shannon Hall’s rear entrance and near the student parking lot.
Along with The American College Health Association (ACHA), Ohio University also “acknowledges and supports the findings of the Surgeon General that tobacco use in any form, active and/or passive, is a significant health hazard….further recognizes that environmental tobacco smoke has been classified as a Class-A carcinogen and that there is no safe level of exposure to environmental tobacco smoke, a recognized toxic air contaminant” (Nov. 2013, ).
Limiting smoke and tobacco use on campus encourages a green and clean environment, prepares our students for other tobacco-free environments in their future, and can be a source of OHIO pride in supporting a major wellness initiative.
Ohio University will provide a smoke and tobacco-free environment for all members of the University community. This includes employees, students, visitors, volunteers, patients, and customers. For purpose of this policy, the campus will provide designated tobacco-use areas.
The use of tobacco or smoking products is defined as all nicotine, tobacco-derived or containing products, and plant based products including, but not limited to, cigarettes (e.g., clove, bidis, kreteks), electronic cigarettes, cigars and cigarillos, hookah-smoked products, and oral tobacco (spit and spit less, smokeless, chew, snuff).
FDA approved nicotine replacement therapy will be allowed (e.g., patches, gum, inhalers, and lozenges).
Electronic cigarettes will NOT be allowed for the following reasons:
- There is a lack of conclusive scientific research on e-cigarettes. Therefore, there is no way of knowing whether e-cigarettes are safe and the potential for harm these consumer products may cause. Given this lack of research, a majority of universities nationwide include e-cigarettes in the definition of tobacco products.
- Permitting e-cigarettes will inevitably lead to confusion and difficulty in enforcement of a ban on cigarettes given the similarity in appearance between traditional cigarettes and e-cigarettes.
- E-cigarettes are being used to smoke illegal drugs such as marijuana.
*The use of e-cigarettes will be revisited should they receive FDA approval.
Community-Wide Accountability: Each member of the university community will be responsible for respectfully informing or reminding others of the smoke/ tobacco policy if coming upon someone smoking or using tobacco.