Professor and Undergraduate Program Coordinator
Dr. Jeng is an active member at the university’s Baker Awards Committee and the school’s Audiology and Admissions Committees. His teaching responsibilities include Research Methods for undergraduate students and Auditory Electrophysiology for graduate students. He established Auditory Electrophysiology Laboratory to advance our understanding on auditory processing in neonates and adults.
- PhD, Speech and Hearing Sciences, The University of Iowa, 2006
- MD, Medicine, China Medical University, Taiwan, 1992
Research/Professional Interests
- Study and understand how our brain processes and perceives voice pitch in newborns, infants and adults with various linguistic experience, training and background.
- Focuses on event-related potentials as ways to better understand the brain's processing of speech and non-speech stimuli. Our most commonly employed responses are:
- Frequency/Envelope following responses
- Lexical-tone elicited responses
- Cognitive auditory potentials
- Jeng, F.-C., Lin, C.-D., Chou, M.-S., Hollister, G. R., Sabol, J. T., Mayhugh, G. N., Wang, T.-C. & Wang C.-Y. (2016a). Development of subcortical pitch representation in three-month-old Chinese infants. Percept Mot Skills, 122, 123-135. (DOI:10.1177/0031512516631054)
- Jeng, F.-C., Lin, C.-D., Sabol, J. T., Hollister, G. R. , Chou, M.-S., Chen, C.-H., Kenny, J. E., & Tsou, Y.-A. (2016b). Pitch perception and frequency-following responses elicited by lexical-tone chimeras. Int J Audiol, 55, 53-63. (DOI:10.3109/14992027.2015.1072774 Published online since August, 25, 2015)
- Jeng, F.-C., Lin, C.-D., & Wang, T.-C. (2016c). Subcortical neural representation to Mandarin pitch contours in American and Chinese newborns. J Acoust Soc Am, 139 (6), EL190-195 (DOI: 10.1121/1.4953998).
- Chou, M.-S., Lin, C.-D., Wang, T.-C. , & Jeng, F.-C. (2014). Recording frequency-following responses to voice pitch in guinea pigs – preliminary results. Percept Mot Skills, 118 (3), 681-690 (DOI: 10.2466/22.24.PMS.118k28w1). [Note: Jeng F.-C. is the corresponding author of this paper.]
- Jeng, F.-C., Peris, K. S., Hu, J., & Lin, C.-D. (2013). Evaluation of an automated procedure for detecting frequency-following responses in American and Chinese neonates. Percept Mot Skills, 116(2), 456-465 (DOI 10.2466/24.10.PMS.116.2.456-465).
- Jeng, F.-C. & Hu, J. (2013). An automated procedure for detecting human frequency following responses to voice pitch.Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, 19, 1-7 (pp. 050033 [7 pages], DOI: 10.1121/1.4799320).
- Chung, H.-K., Tsai, C.-H., Lin, Y.-C., Chen, J.-M., Tsou, Y.-A., Wang, C.-Y., Lin, C.-D., Jeng, F.-C., Chung, J.-G., & Tsai, M.-H. (2012). Effectiveness of theta-burst repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) for treating chronic tinnitus. Audiol Neurootol, 17, 112-120. (http://doi.org/10.1159/000330882)
- Jeng, F.-C., Chung, H.-K., Lin, C.-D., Dickman, B. M., & Hu, J. (2011a). Exponential modeling of human frequency-following responses to voice pitch. Int J Audiol, 50, 582-593. (DOI: 10.3109/14992027.2011.582164).
- Jeng, F.-C., Costilow, C. E., Stangherlin, D. P., & Lin, C.-D. (2011b). Relative power of harmonics in human frequency-following responses associated with voice pitch in American and Chinese adults. Percept Mot Skills, 113 (1), 67-86 (DOI:10.2466/10.24.PMS.113.4.67-86).
- Jeng, F.-C., Hu, J., Dickman, B. M., Lin, C.-Y., Lin, C.-D., Wang, C.-Y., Chung, H.-K., & Li, X. (2011c). Evaluation of two algorithms for detecting human frequency-following responses to voice pitch. Int J Audiol, 50 (1), 14-26 (DOI:10.3109/14992027.2010.515620).
- Jeng, F.-C., Hu, J., Dickman, B. M., Montgomery-Reagan, K., Tong, M., Wu, G., & Lin, C.-D. (2011d). Cross-linguistic comparison of frequency-following responses to voice pitch in American and Chinese neonates and adults. Ear Hear, 32(6), 699-707 (DOI: 10.1097/AUD.0b013e31821cc0df).
- Jeng, F.-C. & Warrington, R. P. (2011). Effects of silent interval on human frequency-following responses to voice pitch.Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, 14, 2-1 – 2-8 (pp. 050002 [8 pages], DOI: 10.1121/1.3666047).
- Li, X. & Jeng, F.-C. (2011). Noise tolerance in human frequency-following responses to voice pitch. J Acoust Soc Am, 129 (1), EL21-26 (DOI:10.1121/1.3528775). (note the first author Ximing Li was a Ph.D. student under my mentorship)
- Jeng, F.-C., Schnabel, E. A., Dickman, B. M., Hu, J., Li, X., Lin, C.-D., & Chung, H.-K. (2010). Early maturation of frequency-following responses to voice pitch in infants with normal hearing. Percept Mot Skills, 111 (3), 765-784 (DOI:10.2466/10.22.24.PMS.111.6.765-784).
- Xu, L., Skidmore, J., Chao, X., Jeng, F.-C., Wang, R., Luo, J., Wang, H., He, S. (in press) The effect of interphase gap on neural response of the electrically-stimulated cochlear nerve in children with cochlear nerve deficiency and children with normal-sized cochlear nerves. Ear Hear, (in press).
- Hart, B. N. & Jeng, F.-C. (2018) Machine-learning in detecting frequency-following responses. Proc Mtgs Acoust – Acoust Soc Am, 35, e050002 (pages 1-7). https://asa.scitation.org/doi/10.1121/2.0000931 (Note: The first author Breanna Hart is a PhD student under my mentorship)
- Stump, K. M. & Jeng, F.-C. (2018) Frequency-following responses elicited by a consonant-vowel with an intonation. Proc Mtgs Acoust – Acoust Soc Am, 35, e050001 (pages 1-7). https://asa.scitation.org/doi/10.1121/2.0000930 (Note: The first author Kristin Stump is an AuD student under my mentorship)
- Jeng, F.-C., Nance, B., Montgomery-Reagan, K., & Lin, C.-D. (2018) Exponential modeling of frequency-following responses in American neonates and adults. J Am Acad Audiol, 29(2), 125-134. www.doi.org/10.3766/jaaa.16135
- Jeng, F.-C., Lee, C.-Y., McDonald, T. N., Ganch, H. M., Teets, E. A., & Hart N. B. (2017). Subcortical frequency-coding errors are linked to speaker-variability intolerance in normal-hearing adults. J Acoust Soc Am – Express Letters, 142, EL270-275. www.doi.org/10.1121/1.5002150
- Principal Investigator: Computer Modeling of Brainstem Responses to Voice Pitch in American and Chinese Neonates.Baker Fund Award, Ohio University. ($10,580) (12/15/2014 – 12/31/2015, Award #: BA-15-07, no-cost extension 1/1/2016 – 6/30/2016)
- Principal Investigator : Development of Experience-Dependent Brainstem and Cortical Responses to Voice Pitch in Newborns and Early Infancy. National Science Foundation ( NSF), Directorate for Social, Behavioral & Economic Sciences (SBE): Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences (BCS): Cognitive Neuroscience . ($166,624 including indirect costs, Award #: BCS-1250700, This award is made in accordance with the provisions of NSF Solicitation 09-563 in Cognitive Neuroscience) (7/15/2013 – 6/30/2015, no-cost extension 6/31/2015 – 6/30/2016).