Bush Hall

Building Type:
Residence Hall
Campus Green:
East Green
Grid Map Square:
Current Use
Bush Hall is located in the East Green, coordinates J-4 on the campus map. It is marked as #62 on the map.
Bush Hall is a residence hall.
Residence Services provides more detailed information online.
Built in 1954, Bush Hall was used as a residence hall for students.
Frederick W. Bush
Bush Hall was named in honor of Frederick W. Bush. A native of Renrock, Noble County, he received a Bachelor of Pedagogy from Ohio University in 1892. He was manager and editor of the Athens Messenger for more than 30 years. He was recognized as one of the most successful newspaper publishers in the Midwest. He was a member of the Ohio University Board of Trustees from 1922 through 1929.
50 East Green Dr., Athens, OH 45701 (Directions)
The East Green

East Green is Ohio University's most convenient green for business, math and computer science majors due to its convenient location near Morton Hall and College Green. Notable buildings on this green include Jefferson Hall, Shively Hall, Gamertsfelder Hall and Perkins Hall.
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