Summer Research Opportunities
Summer Research Internship Workshop (PPT)
Below is a list of some of the more commonly applied to summer internships.
This list is not complete and students are encouraged to use PIVOT to find internships. Go the Advanced Search, and put "research internship" in the box next to "All Fields"; under funding type select "training, scholarship or fellowship."
To find research internships at specific locations:
Check out the Pathways to Science search engine; select the undergraduate tab and then select "research and internships for undergraduates"
List of Science Fellowships
List of Government Fellowships
State Department Internships
Dow Jones News Fund Summer Internships - typically Nov.
10-week summer internships in business reporting, news, digital and sports copy editing; juniors, seniors and graduate students.
International Radio & Television Society Summer Fellowship - typically Dec.
9-week summer fellowship for juniors, seniors and graduate students in communication.
NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduate (REU) SITES - deadlines depending on sites; typically Dec.-Jan.
Opportunities for life, physical, and social sciences, STEM education and engineering; deadlines now through February.
Reuters Global Finance Internships - typically Dec.
Train with the world's largest multi-media news agency; hands-on business, political and general news reporting.
Science UG Laboratory Internships (SULI) - typically beg. Jan.
10-week summer internships for sophomores, juniors and seniors pursuing STEM careers to conduct summer research at one of the 17 Dept. of Energy National Laboratories; US citizen or permanent resident.
Smithsonian Internships - depends on program
The Smithsonian offers a variety of summer internship opportunities.
Search for more opportunities
If you would like us to post an internal or external internship opportunity, email us.