A&S Normative Minimal Criteria for Tenure and Promotion
- Introduction
- College-Wide Criteria for Tenure and Promotion to Associate Professor
- College-Wide Criteria for Promotion to Professor
- Other Considerations
College of Arts & Sciences Normative Minimal Criteria for Tenure and Promotion, 2013-14
The College of Arts & Sciences at Ohio University expects its faculty members to contribute to its mission by fostering the intellectual growth of students through effective teaching; and by advancing knowledge through mature and productive research, scholarship, or creative activity. Because Ohio University is a public university, the college also expects its faculty to render professional service to the wider community and to participate in department, college, and university governance.
In evaluating faculty for the award of tenure or for promotion in rank, the college expects demonstrated achievement in all three areas of teaching, research, and service. The college holds these expectations of all faculties, regardless of their departmental affiliation, and regardless of the fact that departments vary widely in size, scope, and mission. To ensure that all faculty meet these expectations, the college maintains the following set of normative, minimal criteria for tenure and promotion. These normative, minimal criteria will apply to every faculty member being evaluated for tenure and promotion in the College of Arts & Sciences.
At the same time, in judging the suitability of a faculty member for tenure and promotion, college committees and the dean take into account an individual's entire record. Ideally, an individual's achievements in teaching, research, and service enhance and reinforce each other, constituting a coherent body of accomplishment.
College-Wide Criteria for Tenure and Promotion to Associate Professor
- Teaching—The primary criterion is demonstrated effectiveness in teaching and in facilitating student learning. Faculty members are expected to contribute to the entire teaching mission of their departments, including appropriate service courses. However, consonant with departmental mission and need, faculty members are also encouraged to develop a coherent body of courses and contribute to students' successful completion of majors and degrees. Effectiveness, coherence, and student success may be demonstrated through multiple forms of evidence, including, but not limited to, a consciously articulated philosophy of teaching, innovative teaching, especially innovative uses of new technologies, student evaluations, sample teaching materials, samples of student products, teaching awards, peer observation, and student placement.
- Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity—The primary criterion is the creation of a body of research, scholarship, or creative activity in one's discipline that goes beyond that required for the terminal degree, has been disseminated to one's scholarly peers, has been judged by those peers to be of high quality, and has been sustained over a period of several years. For those seeking tenure and promotion to associate professor, this body of work also demonstrates the capacity and potential for continued scholarly productivity.
The body of scholarship may include, but is not limited to, publications, presentations in scholarly venues, grants and other awards, and professional editorships. - Professional Service and Shared Governance—Faculty members are expected to participate in department governance. Where appropriate, faculty members are encouraged to present evidence of participation in college, university, and professional governance and in professional service to the wider community.
College-Wide Criteria for Promotion to Professor
Those seeking promotion to professor should demonstrate significant achievements in teaching, scholarship and service. However, outstanding achievement in one of the areas, when coupled with substantive achievement in the others, may, in appropriate cases, qualify an individual for promotion.
- Teaching-The primary criteria are demonstrated effectiveness in teaching and in facilitating student learning; contribution to the teaching mission of the department, and creation of a coherent set of areas of instructional responsibility. Other criteria, depending on department mission and need, may include mentoring of graduate students and younger faculty, development of new curricula and degrees, and developing nationally recognized expertise in discipline-related pedagogy.
- Research, Scholarship, or Creative Activity-The primary criterion is the creation of a mature body of high-quality research, scholarship, or creative activity in one's discipline or, where appropriate, across disciplines. The record of scholarly work must be sustained, recognized in appropriate scholarly communities, and indicative of growth and development beyond that presented for tenure and promotion to associate professor.
- Professional Service and Shared Governance-Faculty members are expected to demonstrate evidence of professional service to the wider community. Candidates for promotion to professor are expected to have taken leadership roles in department, college, university, or professional governance.
Other Considerations
- Degree Requirements—In order for a faculty member to be granted tenure and promoted to the ranks of assistant professor, associate professor, or professor, he or she must possess the Ph.D. (or equivalent terminal degree).
- Normative Criteria—The above criteria are normative criteria, i.e., generally applicable to all. However, inevitably there will be exceptional cases. If a department promotion and tenure committee or a department chair judges that there is good reason to set aside any of these criteria, the committee or chair shall forward such a request to the dean, together with proper documentation.
- Minimal Criteria—The above criteria are also minimal criteria. Department recommendations for tenure and promotion represent recognition of levels of achievement that meet department and college expectations. Faculty members should be aware that departments may require achievements more specifically defined and exceeding those expected by the college.