Volunteer Expenses Report
The Internal Revenue Service recognizes “Out of Pocket Expenses in Giving Services” as charitable contributions if specific criteria are met. To assist you in documenting these expenses, The Ohio University Foundation issues charitable gift receipts, recognizing these expenses as in-kind contributions. Per IRS regulations, gift-in-kind receipts include an itemized listing of contributions but do not include a dollar amount. Please consult IRS Publication 526, Charitable Contributions, and your personal tax advisor for additional information and to determine the tax deductibility of these expenses.
Please complete this form within 45 days of your volunteer activity and include copies of your receipts. Mail your completed form and all supporting documents to:
Courtney Thompson
Accounting Operations Manager
Foundation Accounting
PO Box 869
Athens, OH 45701
The following information will be collected in the form:
- Name
- Address
- Meeting/Event name
- Date of Event
- Expense summary
- Airfare
- Car rental
- Cost of gasoline or number of miles traveled
- Hotel/lodging
- Meals not provided by the Foundation
- Any other costs with description
- Total unreinbursed expenses
Supporting documents to include with completed form:
- Copies of any receipts
- Meeting/event agenda
- Copy of MapQuest or Yahoo Maps showing start point and end point for travel
You will receive an acknowledgement of your charitable contribution from The Ohio University Foundation and will receive credit on your Ohio University giving record for your contribution.