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ITS/ECT Plan of Study

Learning community, English/Math and core classes

Most ITS students enter the ITS major as transfer students during their first or even second year at OU. As a result, there is no dedicated learning community for ITS, but you will join a Learning Community leg by Prof. Brian Plow. Start by registering for the 4 classes below:

  1. ITS 2300 Data Networking, class number 2470.  You will be asked to select one of three lab sections.
  2. COMS 1030 Public Speaking. This class is required by ITS/ECT and also covers three areas of the BRICKS Bridges categories.
  3. ENG 1510 Writing and Rhetoric I (your Tier 1 English).  You may already have credit for this; if so, skip this class. This class is parts of BRICKS Foundations.
  4. Learning community led by Prof. Brian Plow (class number XXXX).
  5. If you are in the ITS/ECT Virtual RealityTrack, you also need to register for ECT 1210 Intro to VR. Check with your advisor if you are unsure.

Once you register for the above courses:

ITS majors: you need 2 additional courses (3 if you do not need BRICKS Foundations English).  We suggest that you select appropriate BRICK courses with the help of the section below and taking into account what you are already automatically taking with your learning community.

ITS/ECT VR track majors: you need 1 additional courses (2 if you do not need BRICKS Foundations English).  We suggest that you select appropriate BRICK courses with the help of the section below and taking into account what you are already automatically taking with your learning community.

BRICKS Strategies

Remember that you need to "cover" four BRICK areas: Foundations, Pillars, Arches and Bridges.  Then you must select one/two more class to get the required hours (which area that class is in does not matter).  However, the ITS degree already requires a number of classes that also cover BRICK Areas, use this to your advantage.

Required by ITS/ECT:

COMS 1030 (covers BRICKS Bridges in Speaking and Listening, Ethics and Reasoning, and Diversity and Practice)

ECON 1030 (covers BRICKS Pillars Social or Behavioral Sciences)

ECON 1040 (covers BRICKS Pillars Social or Behavioral Sciences)

The table below shows these classes and suggests efficient strategies to fill in the gaps. Most classes are 3 credit hours, a few may be 4.

Super Useful: On the Course Offerings page you can search for BRICKS courses by category (e.g., Pillars, Arches, Bridges, etc.).

Recommendations for Fall

Class Foundations   Pillars   Arches   Bridges
ENG 1510 (or equivalent from DARS) (see above for details)                                  
MATH 1200 (or equivalent from DARS)                                  
COMS1030 Public Speaking (required by ITS/ECT)                              
ECT1210 Understanding Virtual Reality Technology                                  
ECON 1030 Principles of Microeconomics (required by ITS/ECT)                                  
ECON 1040 Principles of Macroeconomics (required by ITS/ECT)                                  
PBIO 1030 Plants and People                                  
GEOG 1310 Globalization and the Developing World                                
ANTH 1010 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology                                
HIST 1320 Introduction to the World before 1750                                  
Introductory language classes                                    
FAR 1500 Viewing Performance                                
ART 1100 Seeing and Knowing Visual Arts (online)                                  
BIOS 1030 Human Biology                                  
BIOS 2500 Evolution: The history of life on earth                                  
CLWR 1810 Introduction to the study of religion                                  
MUS 1210 Introduction to world music                                
HIST 1210 Western civilization: antiquity to 1500                                  

Key: (number in parenthesis indicates number of credit hours needed per theme)

Foundations: FWC=Written Communication (3), AW=Advanced Writing (3), QR=Quantitative Reasoning (3), IE=Intercultural Exploration(3)

Pillars: HTC=Humanities, Text and Contexts (3), HA=Humanities, Arts (3), NS=Natural Sciences (3),SBS=Social or Behavioral Sciences (3)

Arches: CSW=Constructed World (3), NW=Natural World (3), CNW=Connected World (3)

Bridges: ER=Ethics and Reasoning (1), DP=Diversity and Practice (1), SL=Speaking and Listening (1), LD=Learning and Doing (1)

Plans of Study

You need to look at your DARS and find your Math Placement level.

Depending on yourprogram and your Math Placement select the appropriate tab from this [Google Sheet]

For placement level "DV", please talk to your advisor.  In many cases your best approach will be to take the placement exam again and get to level 1.