Recent Building Renovations – Union Green
Heritage Hall
Heritage Hall, the new home of the Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine, opened in 2021, anchoring the new West Union Street Green. It was built to meet current and future curriculum needs, including active learning classrooms that are networked with the College’s facilities in Dublin and Cleveland, as well as a number of anatomy labs, collaborative learning spaces and administrative offices.
West Union Street Office Building (WUSOC)
The building long known as the West Union Street Office Center is currently being renovated to house the new Russ Research Opportunity Center for the Russ College of Engineering and Technology. Originally built in 1920 as McBee Systems Printing, it was acquired by the University in 1970 for uses as administrative space. It was sold, then repurchased by the University in 2008. The Russ College hopes to move in in 2023 into a facility that will include specialty labs, offices, work stations, conference and project rooms, and flexible space for current and future curriculum needs.
Renovations underway to create new collaborative research space for Russ College