PSY 2420 CCE
Course Credit by Examination
PSY 2420—Educational Psychology
Three Semester Hours
STA 7/14
University Requisite: Psychology 1010, General Psychology, or an equivalent is a prerequisite for this course.
No credit awarded if EDCI 2700 OR EDTE 2000 has been taken.
Note: You cannot receive credit for both this course and OHIO’s EDCI 2700 and EDTE 2000.
Course Description
Applications of psychological theories and models to educational settings (emphasis on schools). Major topics include goals of education; cognitive, social, and affective development in children; cognitive and behavioral models of learning; motivation; individual differences; effects of social class, ethnicity, gender, and cultural deprivation on learning and development; tests and evaluation. Emphasis is on the role of teachers and parents as facilitators of learning and development.
Textbooks and Supplies
Santrock, John W. Educational Psychology (with supplements). 5th ed. McGraw-Hill, 2011. [ISBN: 9780073378787]
Reading Assignments
The exam covers chapters 1–16 from the Santrock text.
Nature of the Examination
There will be one supervised examination. The exam consists of 225 multiple choice questions designed to test your ability to recognize facts and concepts, to evaluate evidence, to compare and critique ideas, to draw logical conclusions, and to apply concepts to real-world situations.
You will have 3 hours to complete the exam. You will not be allowed to use any books or supplemental materials when taking the exam. All necessary materials will be provided to you when you take the exams.