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NUTR 1000—Introduction to Nutrition

Three Semester Hours

FF 2/17



Course Overview

Nutrients, their food sources and functions in the body; application to planning adequate diet through life cycle.

Methods of Course Instruction

All material for this course is print-based. Instructor and students communicate and exchange materials through postal mail. 

E-Print Option

In this course, an option exists to use e-mail to submit your lesson assignments. Your assignment will be returned to you either as an e-mail attachment or as a hard copy sent through the postal mail, depending on the preferences of the instructor and/or program. 

Textbooks and Supplies

Sizer, Frances S., and Eleanor N. Whitney. Nutrition: Concepts and Controversies.14th ed. Belmont: Wadsworth (Cengage Learning), 2017. [ISBN: 9781305627994]

Number of Lessons

The course has 12 lessons, including a midcourse examination and a final examination. These lessons include:

  • Lesson 1: Introduction to Nutrition
  • Lesson 2: Using Nutrition Recommendation and Meal Planning Guides
  • Lesson 3: The Energy Nutrients: Carbohydrates
  • Lesson 4: The Energy Nutrients: Lipids
  • Lesson 5: The Energy Nutrients: Protein
  • Lesson 6: Midcourse Examination Information
  • Lesson 7: Energy Balance and Weight Control
  • Lesson 8: Nutrition and Fitness
  • Lesson 9: The Vitamins
  • Lesson 10: Water and Minerals
  • Lesson 11: Nutrition through the Lifestages
  • Lesson 12: Final Examination Information

Types of Writing Assignments

Prepare lessons neatly and carefully, and type, if possible, using only one side of each page. Leave ample margins for my comments as needed. Throughout the course, as you study nutrition concepts, you will also be completing your own personal dietary review. This is intended to allow you to examine your own dietary habits and make your own decisions about your food choices. Grading for this part of the written assignments will be based on quality and accuracy of work, not as a judgment of your personal choices. Written assignments will also include both short-answer questions and discussion of concepts developed in the reading assignments.

Grading Criteria

Grading for the written assignments in Lessons 1–5 and 7–11 and personal diet study assignments in Lessons 3, 4, 5, 8, 9 and 10 will be given in points as follows:

Lesson PointsPersonal Diet Studies - CommentPersonal Diet Studies - Points
19-20very well done9-10
17-18well done7-8
13-14not so good3-4
12 or lesspoor to very poor0-2
INCincomplete; you must correct or complete the lesson or personal diet study and return it for credit 

The total score of all ten written assignments and the six personal diet study assignments as noted previously will be computed as a percentage of the 260 total points. This average grade will be 40% of the final grade for the course. 

When Lesson 5 has been submitted for grading and returned, the student is deemed eligible to take the midcourse. Submitting the self-check exam for review is optional, but not required to be able to take the exam. The same is true regarding Lesson 11 and eligibility to take the Final Exam. 

Lessons 6 and 12, the midcourse and final exam, will receive traditional letter grades and each will count as 30% of the final grade.