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FR 1110 CCE

Course Credit by Examination
FR 1110—Elementary French I

Four Semester Hours

FT 01/13


University Requisite: Placement in 1110 and WARNING: No credit for this course if taken after the following: FR 1199, FR 1120, FR 2XXX, FR 3XXX, FR 4XXX

Course Description

Beginning course of two-semester, first-year sequence. Emphasis on development of reading, listening comprehension, speaking, and writing skills. Basic grammatical concepts and patterns. Textbook and workbook required.

Textbook and Supplies

Espaces: Rendez-vous avec le monde francophone. 2nd ed. Vista Higher Learning, 2011. [ISBN: 9781605764894]

Supersite + WebSAM + vText Code (You will need internet access) [Note: These materials are also used in FR 1120 CCE.]

Reading Assignments

For French 1110 you will be tested on the material covered in Unités 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 

First, study the pages in the vText for each section of the Unité (Contextes, Roman- Photo, Culture, Structures, Synthèse). Then, test yourself with the self-correcting activities in the Supersite and WebSAM.

Nature of the Examination

You will have three hours to complete the examination. You will not have access to any books, notes, dictionary, or other aids. You will have 15 minutes to take a listening examination and 25 minutes to record a speaking examination. Together, the listening and speaking portions of the examination count for 30% of your grade. The remainder of the time will be devoted to a written exam (70%). 

Note: You must arrange for a tape recorder with a microphone at the examination site. If you have access to a language lab, it is recommended that you arrange to take the examination there.

  1. Listening examination: You will listen to a passage twice and then select the most logical answer. 
  2. Speaking examination: You will be asked 12 questions on tape. Each question will be asked twice. You will answer each question on tape with a complete sentence in French. Your understanding, grammatical accuracy, vocabulary richness, pronunciation, and fluency will be graded in this section. 
  3. Grammar and Written Expression examination: 
    True/False, multiple-choice, matching, fill-in-the-blank, find the word that does not belong in a list, etc. 
    Always choose the most probable answer. For example, if you have to decide whether a couch is located in the kitchen, bedroom, or living room, the answer is the living room. It is irrelevant that some people might have one in their bedroom. You need to give the most probable answer. 

    True/False, multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, conjugation (for example, choose the correct verb from a verb bank and conjugate it in the present), etc. 
    Always choose the most probable answer. For example, if you have to decide which verb is correct for “I _____ in an office. I like my job” (work, live, eat). The most probable answer is “work.” 
    Note that verb forms are typically graded all or nothing, even if only one letter is wrong. For example, if the correct answer for a blank is “sommes,” but you write “somes,” or “somme,” or “sommez” (etc.), you’ll score zero for the verb form. 

    One short essay (approximately 70 words) to be written in French. 
    Write a coherent paragraph, not just a list of sentences. The key to a good essay is to say what you can in simple French. NEVER use English words in parentheses. Use only what you know. If you do not know how to say one thing, paraphrase, or just say something else! For example, let's imagine you wish to say: “I live in Athens,” but you cannot remember how to say “live” in French. Try to say the same thing differently. Something like: “My apartment is in Athens” or “Athens is my home.” If you cannot say it differently, just write something else.