How to Join
Ready to Join? Your Future is Waiting!
Steps to Enroll
- Send us an email at to let us know you’re joining. This helps us track the number of new cadets and allows us to send you relevant information.
- After acceptance into Ohio University, enroll in our Aerospace Studies courses.
- AST 1010, Introduction to the Air Force
- AST 1010L, Leadership Laboratory
- UC1900 Sec. 322, Class# 12336, Air Force ROTC Learning Community Seminar. This is optional but highly encouraged. Most of cadets take the LC along with their academic major and find it helpful, but the university only requires you to take one LC during your first term.
- If joining as a sophomore, you will need to sign up for AST 1010, AST 2010, AST 2010L, and (optional) UC 1900 322. Do not sign up for AST 1010L. Please talk to a cadre member to discuss considerations with joining as a sophomore.
- Create a WINGS account. WINGS is the site used by Air Force ROTC to manage cadet information. You can create an account by selecting the “Start Application” link on the U.S. Air Force ROTC webpage. Account creation should be self-explanatory. After submission, it could take several days for account approval. After your account is created you can continue your application by signing in and clicking on My AFROTC Application. Check ‘No’ for the High School Scholarship Program unless you are still in high school (applications typically close in January of your senior year). Check ‘Yes’ to Join AFROTC. The rest of the questions should either be somewhat self-explanatory or include additional information. If you don’t understand the question, skip it and we will go over your application process with you when you in-process.
- (No earlier than 30 days prior to term start) Obtain a sports physical. Before being allowed to participate, all cadets need a valid sports physical on file (qualified DODMERB or MEPS physicals suffice). Your physician must use the attached AFROTC Form 28. You can schedule a physical at home prior to arriving, or locally with several providers in Athens. If you want to complete it on campus, you can schedule it at:
Campus Care
2 Health Center Dr
Athens, OH 45701
You should have the choice to pay according to your insurance co-pay or a flat fee.
If you have registered for the classes outlined in step two above, one of the staff will reach out to you approximately 30 days prior to term start to inform you when and where New Cadet Orientation will be held. New Cadet Orientation is typically held, 1 – 2 days, the week prior to the start of university classes and is intended to prepare cadets for the upcoming semester. Cadets unable to attend New Cadet Orientation must make a separate appointment with the detachment staff in order to in-process. All new cadets will need to bring the following:
- AFROTC Form 28, Sports physical (not required if DODMERB is complete)
- Transcripts (if any previous college or transfer)
- Original Birth Certificate
- Original Social Security Card
- Selective Service Registration (males only)
- ACT / SAT scores
- Applicable Certificates: JROTC Certificate, Civil Air Patrol (Billy Mitchell, Amelia Earhart, or Carl Spaatz Awards), Scouts (Eagle or Girl Scout Senior Scout with Gold Palm Award)