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2022 Kiplinger Fellowship: Reporting on Climate Change


Tuesday, April 19

9 a.m.  | Welcome

Dr. Eddith Dashiell, director of the E.W. Scripps School of Journalism; Kevin Z. Smith, executive director of Kiplinger Program in Public Affairs Journalism

Baker Center, Room 240/241

9:15-10:30 a.m. | Roundtable

Fellowship benefactor Knight Kiplinger, retired, the third generation Kiplinger editor-in-chief of Kiplingers’ financial media company in Washington, D.C., will host a roundtable discussion with the 2022 fellows on their work, the future of environmental reporting and how professional training, such as this fellowship, can help develop more robust and critical coverage of climate change.

Baker Center, Room 240/241

10:45 a.m.–12 p.m.  |  Social Media Deep Dive on Climate Change

Doug Haddix, former executive director of Kiplinger Program in Public Affairs Journalism and Investigative Reporters and Editors (IRE).Learn new tricks and tips for using social media to cover climate change more effectively. Find reliable experts as well as everyday people for your climate change stories – close to home and around the world. Track social posts near a specific location when breaking news ties into larger climate change topics. See how to build a bot to gather information for you, even while you’re sleeping – no programming required!

Baker Center, Room 240/241

1:30–3 p.m. | Localizing Climate Change Stories

Tom Henry, environmental reporter, Toledo Blade; Sheri McWhirter, environmental reporter for MLive, Michigan and Kiplinger Fellow and Our panel of local journalists will offer their insight into how to craft stories about climate change that resonate with your local readers/listeners. Studies have shown that when climate change reporting isn’t all doom and gloom and can show people how it affects their lives in a personal way, it’s a better solution for understanding and promoting solutions.Stephen Mencher, multimedia reporter, editor, producer and pioneer in podcasting, digital audio and production on the web.

Baker Center, Room 240/241

3:20-4:30 p.m. | A Freelancer's Guide to Covering Climate Change

Covering climate change as an independent journalist brings certain challenges and opportunities. There’s no shortage of important stories to tell, but there’s more competition than ever on this beat and it can be tough for climate issues to get the attention they deserve. In this session, hosted jointly by a former freelancer and veteran editor, you’ll hear practical tips for pitching climate-related stories and making your ideas stand out (and we want to hear yours, too!) We’ll also discuss how to responsibly share the stories of people and places affected by climate change and broader environmental issues. Amy Nordrum; editorial director of special projects and operations at MIT Technology Review and Maria Galucci, clean energy reporter at Canary Media, where she covers hard-to-decarbonize sectors and efforts to make the energy transition more affordable and equitable.

Schoonover Center room 380

6:30 p.m. | Opening reception

Ohio University Inn Solarium Room and Patio (weather permitting)

7:30 p.m. | Dinner

 Ohio University Inn Solarium

Wednesday, April 20

9-10:30 a.m. | Google Tools and More for Reporting on the Environment

Mike Reilley, lecturer, University of Illinois, Chicago and creator/administrator SPJ Reporter’s Toolbox.Learn how to use Google Earth Pro, Google Earth Studio, Timelapse and other tools to visualize stories about the environment. We’ll also explore Google Forest Watch and other sustainability tools, and how to use the Journalist’s Toolbox from SPJ to pull resources and find experts for covering the environment.

380 Schoonover Center

10:45 a.m.-12 p.m. | Create Mobile for Environmental Reporting

This is an intense, hands-on, two-part session from “Phoning It In” storytelling creator Michael Castellucci, Michigan State University’s professor of practice and Emmy Award winner and Dr. Len Clark of Virginia Tech, a mobile journalism pioneer. The first part will take place in the classroom. Learn how your phone can become a powerful tool for visual journalism.

380 Schoonover Center

1:45-3:15 p.m. | Mobile Journalism Field Trip of OHIO

Drs. David Rosenthal and Arthur Trese will lead tour of the Ohio University student farm and talk about their work and research in climate change and crop production. Here you will get to apply your mobile storytelling techniques with Mike and Len by your side.

380 Schoonover Center

Thursday, April 21

9-10:30 a.m. | Climate Change and Public Health: Causes, Consequences, and Responses

Climate change increasingly endangers public health because it makes heatwaves, wildfires, coastal storms, and other environmental hazards more intense, frequent, and widespread. Climate change events are routinely life-threatening, especially to already-vulnerable people and communities, and research increasingly ties climate change to a growing physical and mental health burden worldwide. This session will dive deeper into strategies for communicating about the profound human health risks associated with climate change, the understudied but significant financial implications of climate-related health problems, and ways in which climate change mitigation and adaptation policies can benefit public health in the near-term. Dr. Vijay Limaye, senior scientist, Natural Resources Defense Council

Baker Center Room 240/241

10:45 a.m.-12:15 p.m. | Environmental Justice

How should journalists approach covering environmental justice? Stories can lack depth and nuance. They can promote stereotypes and often present minority communities. So, what’s the best way to make sure we report progressively and effectively on this topic? Explore your chosen top issue within climate change reporting. Justin Worland, senior correspondent for Time, covering climate change and the intersection of policy, politics and society.

Baker Center Room 240/241

1:30 -2:45 p.m. | Science and Environmental Policy

Public administrators face a wide range of environmental science and policy challenges requiring them to develop skills in science literacy and environmental policy management. This OU course attempts to empower students to address environmental issues integral to economic development, infrastructure, and broader regulatory framework. They explore the interaction between scientific analysis and policymaking through multiple levels of government. You get this super, explanatory crash course. Dr. Sarah Davis, associate professor, , Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Service, Ohio University.ecosystem ecologist with expertise in energy bioscience, biogeochemistry and eco-physiology

Baker Center Room 240/241

3-4:30 p.m. | Global Climate Change Policy and Goals

Sarah Schonhardt, international climate reporter, Environment and Energy News, Washington, D.C. and SEJ board member.This session will focus on international policy such as the impacts of rising temperatures and how people and policymakers in different places are responding, what policies are countries putting in place to address the climate crisis and how those differing approaches impact international climate negotiations. Also explored will be the challenges the U.S. faces trying to lead and maintain credibility on climate action and how the Biden administration is currently struggling to achieve its climate goals.

Baker Center Room 240/241

Friday, April 22
Earth Day

9-10:15a.m. | Climate Change and International Reporting

Our international fellows will have a hand at leading an open discussion about the climate change issues facing their regions of the world and what science and policy decisions are being made to abate climate change globally. Topics will include deforestation, industrial pollution and plastics, sustainability, droughts and agricultural damages, for starters.

380 Schoonover Center

10:30 a.m.–12 p.m. | Weather & Climate: Covering Urgent and Slow-Moving Disasters

Angie Massie, lead producer, WeatherChannelThis session will explore the difference between weather and climate coverage, how to avoid some reporting pitfalls, and who to trust in the age of emerging platforms, citizen scientists, and the mainstream's focus on the climate crisis.

380 Schoonover Center

12 p.m. |  Earth Day Parade and events.

Parade processes from Pickerington Hall to Baker Center.

1–2 p.m. | Earth Day Activities

Right after lunch we go to Baker Center and take the last hour to visit the OU Office of Sustainability’s Earth Day Expo and learn how universities are trying to Go Green and create Zero Waste as part of its business model.

3 p.m. | Closing ceremony

Closing ceremony.