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News from the communication team:

Just before winter break closure, the college’s website was migrated to a new CMS. While all the content still exists, the new and improved website is cleaner and more modern. It’s also designed with our focus on student recruitment in mind. Ensuring that prospective students can access the information they need is our first priority. To connect to the students who will be happiest here, we need to be telling authentic stories about who we are. Expect to see the website updated regularly with new content that appeals to prospective students. Read on to learn how we’ve made it easier for you to share your own content!

We also made some navigational changes—internal audiences should be able to find important information more easily. Some things we’d like faculty and staff to be aware of:

  • The events calendar is featured prominently on our new home page. Please feed that calendar with any events that you’re planning. Find instructions here about how to add your events to the calendar.
  • The college website URL has changed. We added a hyphen! If the website is part of your email signature, please update it to There’s a redirect in place for the old URL, but including the correct site is best.
  • Speaking of redirects, most of the URLs from the old website will no longer work. The pages are still there, but the actual webpage addresses have changed. Most old URLs will redirect straight to the college’s home page. If you have any documentation that contains links to pages from our site, you’ll want to update it with new addresses. If you have trouble finding the content you’re trying to point to, Sarah Roush ( can help.

In other exciting news for faculty and staff, we’ve streamlined the process for your communication requestsUse this link (also listed as “Communication Request Form” in the faculty resources page on our new and improved website) to access a quick Qualtrics form that will walk you through the request process for photography coverage, news stories, website updates and more. It’s faster than writing an email! I’m hoping this new request process will help us manage the workload and ensure that the focus of our communication strategy continues to be student recruitment. This is a living document, so if you have edits or adjustments, just let me know. -Sarah Logue (