Program Details

The intent of the Communication Fellows Program is to provide tangible support to innovative educators who want to infuse communication topics into their classrooms. Communication Fellows are named yearly in the spring and receive the following support and opportunities:
Free tuition for a graduate-level course occurring online and as part of the summer residential experience. (Maximum of 4 credit hours)
- $1,500 stipend
$1,000 classroom stipend
Personalized award delivered to your school by the dean of Ohio University's Scripps College of Communication
Invitation to participate in college celebration introducing fellowship
Announcements to local and regional media outlets publicizing the award
Three-day summer residential experience, June 24-26 on Ohio University’s Athens campus with concentrated instruction focusing on new communication technologies and teaching methods
Paid room and board during residential experience, with hotel accommodations available on June 23rd if required due to travel distance
Monthly check-ins online and onsite by college leadership
Networking opportunities with faculty working in your field
Placement with a Scripps College of Communication faculty mentor to assist with your project
Potential additional classroom support
- Potential opportunity for another week in Athens supporting the High School Workshops in Journalism, Media Arts & Studies, or Middle School Coding Workshop
Proposals are accepted starting in December. The annual call for Communication Fellows proposals goes out in December on Scripps College news and social media platforms.