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Cayuse General FAQ's

General Frequently Asked Questions

Please share your questions regarding the new eRA system. We will use these to create and regularly update our FAQs on the website.

Submit Cayuse Questions


Who do I contact regarding Cayuse?

If you would like to contact someone about the Cayuse system, such as adding student accounts, please email

If you would like to contact someone about Human Ethics, Outside Interests or Animal Oversight modules, please contact

If you would like to contact someone about the Sponsored Projects module, please contact 

Will my information be transferred to the new system?

Legacy data will be incorporated into the Sponsored Projects module.  All pending proposals (from any year) and disapproved proposals from FY 2021, 2022, and 2023 will be incorporated to assist with proposal reporting purposes.  Sponsored Projects will include all active awards and awards that were active in FY 2021, 2022, and 2023.  Projects currently active that were active prior to FY 2021 will have summary data for the years prior to FY 2021 included.  We will not transfer COI disclosures or IRB studies.

All active approved IACUC protocols will be transferred from LEO to Cayuse using a “protocol shell” approach.  The protocol shell will only contain the (1) study title, (2) Principal Investigator’s name, and (3) PDF attachments of submissions approved in LEO during the current approval period. All protocols will keep their current approval and expiration dates as indicated in LEO. 

Why did we select Cayuse?

Ohio University issued an RFP in late spring 2022 for an integrated electronic Research Administration system.  Multiple responses were reviewed, demonstrations and interviews held, and Cayuse was selected as the system most able to meet our needs.  They have modules that cover Outside Interests, Sponsored Projects, Human Ethics, Hazard Safety, Animal Oversight, Vivarium Operations and Vet Care.  

What type of training will be available?

The Division of Research is committed to provide comprehensive support and training for faculty, students and staff during this transition. Training resources will be made available for each module in advance of the transition. We are dedicated to making this switch as smooth as possible. 

How will I log in?

All Ohio employees will use their Ohio username and password to log in to Cayuse.  Guest accounts for those needing access that are not OU employees (students, IRB community members, etc.) can be created by completing the Cayuse Individual Account Request form.  

When can I log in?

The Division of Research will send multiple notices via various methods so everyone is aware of the timeline for use of Cayuse.  Please watch our webpage, Ohio News, and other venues for information.