Mock Trial students win outstanding attorney awards at West Coast tournament

Ohio University's Mock Trial Team made its West Coast debut in Portland, Oregon, on Jan. 21 and 22.
Both OHIO teams, the green team and the white team, competed in the ninth annual David Frohnmayer invitational hosted by the University of Oregon, with first-year students Ava Poling, a political science pre-law major in the College of Arts and Sciences, and Robertson Walker, an Honors Tutorial College political science major, winning outstanding attorney awards.
As opening and closing attorneys for the white team’s defense, Poling and Walker were recognized for their top-ranking performances across multiple ballots.
“Mock Trial has brought me knowledge and community that I am so thankful for, and I was grateful to win an award surrounded by those that support me!” Poling said.
Walker added, “I’m super happy to see the hours of hard work I’ve put in pay off, and I’m so thankful for all of the support I have received from my team throughout this endeavor!”
Competing in eight different trials across the weekend, against teams including the United States Air Force Academy, Colorado College, University of Oregon, and University of Portland, both teams had an opportunity to receive feedback from judges improve their cases.
“Attending the Frohnmayer Invitational Tournament in Portland was a huge milestone for OHIO Mock Trial and a testament to the long hours the students devote improving their skills,” said Larry Hayman, Esq., mock trial coach and director of legal engagement and the pre-law program in the Center for Law, Justice and Culture and the Center for Advising, Career and Experiential Learning.
“Ava and Robertson are talented and committed competitors, and I look forward to watching them further develop their litigation skills,” Hayman added.
Both teams will travel to Dayton, Ohio, to compete in the American Mock Trial Association’s regional tournament at the University of Dayton School of Law on Feb 4-5.