AR Poster Instructions

Augmented Reality Poster

Welcome to the Scripps College of Communication Augmented Reality poster! Using your mobile device, follow the instructions below so you can interact with your poster's content.

HP Reveal

  1. Visit the app store for your device.

  2. Download the free HP Reveal App.

  3. Create an account or log in to HP Reveal. No need to provide personal information--just make up a user name and password. 

  4. In the "Discover Auras" search window at the top of your screen, search for OHIOScripps, and follow our account.

  5. Go back to HP Reveal's home.

  6. Tap the blue circle at the bottom of your screen, then hold your device up to view the full poster.

  7. Tap through the videos and images to learn more about life as a student in OHIO's Scripps College of Communication!