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Mission & Vision

Global Strategy

OHIO Global Strategy Brief 2018 [PDF]

OHIO Global Strategy 2016 Report [PDF]

Pan-University Globalization Highlights [PDF]

Process for developing OHIO's Global Strategy [PDF]

Global Trends Impacting Higher Education [PDF]

OHIO in Appalachia [PDF]


In Fall 2013, President Roderick J. McDavis announced that he is "looking forward to developing a strategic international education plan for Ohio University". He called for an inclusive campus-wide process that would outline a visionary plan to advance the global strategy of OHIO, which builds on its strengths and opportunities. The Office of Global Affairs and International Studies was charged with the responsibility to facilitate the dialogue about what should be OHIO’s mission for internationalization and what are the priority areas for development that will align with the university’s vision. The strategic internationalization planning process has been supported by Senior International Management Team, University International Council, and numerous faculty, staff, students, alumni, and partners and led by Dr. Lorna Jean Edmonds, the Vice Provost for Global Affairs and International Studies. The collaborative effort has resulted in the report, Global Strategy & Internationalization at OHIO. [PDF]

Strategic Framework and Reports

The Global Strategy & Internationalization at OHIO [PDF] report outlines a framework to support interdisciplinary global programming and initiatives in various areas – education, research, and creativity; mobility of knowledge and experience; diversity of campus life; and relations and profile. See below charts for the strategic framework and outcomes. It is intended to be a dynamic framework that will engage the entire campus and be subject to reexamination as needed. Input from faculty, staff, and students was sought to ensure that framework is inclusive and relevant.

OHIO’s International Activities Baseline Data and Higher Education Trends

For more information on the baseline data and the higher education trends, please contact the Office of Global Affairs and International Studies by sending an email here or by calling 740-593-1842.

Strategic Framework for Globalization

Global Strategy framework 2017

Strategic Outcomes



For more information on the global strategy, please contact:

Dr. Ji-Yeung Jang
Associate Director
Office of Global Affairs