OHIO announces spring semester 2024 student academic achievement lists

Ohio University is proud to recognize and celebrate the academic achievements of more than 9,500 students who qualified for the President’s, Provost’s or Dean’s Lists, across all of OHIO’s campuses, for spring semester 2024.
Complete details for each academic achievement list, which have also been recently redesigned to allow users to more easily sort and/or search by keyword, including first/last name, city and academic college and more, are now available online.
Recognizing student success through exemplary academic achievement
At the end of each semester, Ohio University’s undergraduate students are evaluated based on their semester GPA and hours to determine placement on the President’s List, Dean’s List or Provost’s List.
The President’s List distinction is presented to undergraduate students who exhibit an exceptional commitment to academic excellence each semester. Criteria for the President’s List include a 4.0 GPA for the given semester with a minimum of 12 credit hours attempted for letter grades that are used to calculate GPA.
The Provost’s List recognition is shared with high-achieving, part-time undergraduate students who exemplify academic success. Qualifying students must possess a 3.5 or greater GPA and between 6 and 11.99 credit hours attempted for letter grades that are used to calculate GPA.
The Dean’s List recognizes undergraduate students who complete a particular semester with a GPA between 3.5 and 3.999 with a minimum of 12 credit hours attempted for letter grades that are used to calculate GPA.
Additional President’s, Dean’s and Provost’s List details, including additional eligibility details, are available through the Office of the University Registrar.