Mental Health Discussion

50% of respondents reported feeling confident or unsure if they have struggled with their mental health.

This question was available to all eligible respondents (employees of all employment types, spouses and partners). 386 individuals responded to this question. With 43% of respondents reporting that they have experienced overwhelming negative emotions and/or struggled with their mental health in the past 18 months and an additional 7% reporting that they were unsure if they have, we can deduce that mental health programming would benefit at least half of our employee/spouse/partner populations. It is obvious to the employee wellbeing team that mental health support must be a priority in our programming efforts in the near future.

What programming will respond to this data?

In direct response to this survey, even prior to the dissemination of this report's results, communication was sent to all employees and all managers about how to access mental health counseling through the University’s Employee Assistance Program. Departments were encouraged to print/post materials about how employees can access such resources. Mental health outreach will remain an ongoing outreach effort in FY24.

Training opportunities are currently being developed to help individuals and their managers learn how to better recognize signs of stress before they become an issue and also how to respond when stress is identified as an area of concern for an individual or an operational unit.

Loneliness as a public health crisis

While loneliness, isolation and lack of connection were not directly addressed in this surveying tool, shortly after its completion, the Surgeon General shared an advisory that linked isolation and loneliness to mental health challenges. With Ohio University offering over 50% of its employee base remote/hybrid work arrangements, it can be assumed that our employees would benefit from programming that supports a deep sense of connection. In FY24, Virgin Pulse, the mobile employee wellbeing platform, will be utilized to highlight this issue. More complex responses to this crisis will be addressed utilizing the Surgeon General's Workplace Mental Health and Well-Being Framework (see below) and keeping abreast of the National Strategy to Advance Social Connection as identified by the Surgeon General's Advisory.