Andy Ray

A headshot of Andy Ray
Director, International Student Services

Andy graduated from Middle Tennessee State University with a Bachelor of Science in Audio Engineering and a Bachelor of Arts in Spanish. He served in the Peace Corps in Costa Rica with his wife and later obtained an M.A. and a Ph.D. in Spanish from the University of Tennessee. He recently published a book titled, La naturaleza en la literatura costarricense: un enfoque eco-cultural.

Andy is currently working on an article that investigates the literature of marginalized, rural Caribbean and Latin American communities as a means to rethink the representation of the nature and to offer alternative perspectives on development practices in Latin America. 

He enjoys playing improvisational music, reading, and spending time outside with his wife and three kids.

Andy joined the Graduate College in September 2017.

La naturaleza en la literatura costarricense: un enfoque eco-cultural. Quito: Editorial 
Abya-Yala, 2016. Print.

“The Whitening of Green Literature in Costa Rica: An Eco-Cultural Reading of Cocorí and the 
Stories of Bredda Anancy (forthcoming 2019).

“Luchando contra el fin del mundo: Resistencia, el buen vivir y la decolonialidad en La 
    loca de Gandoca.” Nomenclatura: aproximaciones a los estudios hispánicos, University 
of Kentucky. No. 2 (Spring) 2012. Print.

Peer Reviewer “Representaciones socioeconómicas de la naturaleza en el Pacífico Sur costarricense.” Ed. 
Antonio Vidal Ortega. Barranquilla, Colombia: Revista Memorias, Universidad del Norte. August 2016.

Presenter “El proceso de pensar “fuera del cajón.” Webinar, EducationUSA Colombia. June 16, 2018.
Presenter “Why study in the United States and the importance of being able to answer that question.” Centro Colombo Americano: Pereira, Colombia. May 2017.
Presenter “Cómo pensar estratégicamente en su solicitud de ingreso a universidades.” Centro Colombo Americano: Rionegro, Colombia. May 2017
Presenter “Re-Thinking Your Application Process.” EducationUSA: Kathmandu. May 2017.
Co-presenter “The Other Side of the Application Process.” EducationUSA: Mumbai. April 2017.
Co-presenter “Matching Majors to Different Career Options.” EducationUSA: Beijing. March 
Co-presenter “Summer and English Language Programs.” EducationUSA: Beijing. March 2017.
Session leader “Tried and True Tactics to Maximize Your Recruitment Trip on a Minimal 
Budget.” 8th Annual American International Recruitment Council (AIRC) conference: 
Miami. December 2016.
Co-presenter “International Recruitment: What To Know To Go From Rookie To Pro.” 8th 
Annual AIRC conference: Miami. December 2016.
Discussion leader: “Strategies for Balancing the Ebb and Flow of Student Markets” 8th Annual 
AIRC conference: Miami. December 2016.
Webinar presenter “Undergraduate and Graduate Application Process in the U.S.A.” 
EducationUSA: Cairo. July 2016.
Co-presenter “Tennessee: Welcome to Our Home.” EducationUSA: Beijing. March 2016. 
Co-presenter “Streamlining Your Application Process toward More Effective International
Recruitment.” Tennessee Association of International Educators (TAIE) Conference: 
Nashville. March 2015.
Presenter “Cómo crear una solicitud de ingreso a universidad más competitiva.” EducationUSA: 
Medellín. April 2015. 
Co-presenter “From the Inside Out: Streamlining Your Application Process toward More
Effective International Recruitment.” NAFSA Region 7 Conference: Savannah. October 
Presenter “Undergraduate and Graduate Application Strategies.” EducationUSA: Delhi. 
September 2015.
Co-presenter “Education USA 101: An important equation to consider---
right fit = right institution + the right place.” EducationUSA: Ho Chi Minh City. 
September 2015.
Co-presenter “Education USA 101: An important equation to consider---
right fit = right institution + the right place.” EducationUSA: Hanoi. September 2015.
Co-presenter How to Make the Most of Your Recruitment Trip.” 7th Annual AIRC conference: 
Miami. December 2015.
Translator “A Conversation about Higher Education in Selected South American
Countries.” 5th Annual AIRC Conference: Miami. 2013.
“Mestizaje, interculturalidad y naturaleza en Costa Rica a través de un diálogo     
intertextual.” 62nd Mountain Interstate Foreign Language Conference (MIFLC): Wake 
Forest University. Oct. 2012. (Conference paper accepted).
"Language, Identity, and Resistance in Latin American Literature.” 2nd Annual Interdisciplinary 
    Symposium on Language at Carson-Newman College: Jefferson City, TN. 15 March 
2012. Chair of panel.
"The Language of Nature as a Mechanism of Resistance and Inclusion in Los papeles de 
    Silvio Victor.” 2nd annual Interdisciplinary Symposium on Language. Carson-Newman 
College. 15 March 2012. Reading.
"Leyendo Los papeles de Silvio Víctor desde el Buen Vivir: Literatura, identidad y naturaleza en 
    Costa Rica." 4th Crossing Over Symposium. Cleveland State University. 9 Oct. 2011. 
(Conference paper accepted).
“Temas de identidad y resistencia en dos cuentos en El jardín en el espejo.” 61rst Mountain 
Interstate Foreign Language Conference (MIFLC). Auburn University. 30 Sept. 2011. 
“Leyendo Cuentos y relatos del Pacífico Sur desde el buen vivir: Una propuesta para la 
    descolonización del desarrollo.” 64th Annual Kentucky Foreign Language. The 
University of Kentucky. 15 April 2011. Reading.
“La conciencia problemática de una historia hispanoamericana en Historia privada de los 
    colombianos de Eduardo Caballero Calderón.” 19th Colloquium on Hispanic and 
Luso-Brazilian Literatures and Linguistics. The University of Texas at Austin. 25 Feb. 
2011. Reading.
“La loca de Gandoca: Resistencia, el buen vivir y la decolonialidad.” 1st Annual Texas A&M 
    Department of Hispanic Studies Graduate Student Symposium. The University of Texas 
A&M. 12 Nov. 2011. Reading.
“La conciencia de una historia hispanoamericana en Historia privada de los colombianos.” 
Modern Foreign Languages and Literatures' Spanish Graduate Students Symposium. The 
University of Tennessee. 14 Oct. 2010. Reading.
“Between Text and Film: A contextual bifurcation in Feliz Ano Velho.” 2010 Colloquium on 
    Literature and Film.West Virginia University. 2 Oct. 2010. Reading.
“Una lectura de La edad de oro: Desde la colonia hasta la colonialidad.” The XIII Annual 
Hispanic and Lusophone Studies Symposium. The Ohio State University. 23 April 2010. 
“Reading Ollantay: The Negotiation of Communication in Colonial Quechua Theater.” 9th Ohio 
Latin Americanist Conference Modern Latin America. Ohio University. 26 Feb. 2010. 