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Inclusive Pedagogy Academy Application

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Inclusive Pedagogy Academy

2024-2025 Cohort Application

The Inclusive Pedagogy Academy is a collaborative offering led by the Center for Teaching, Learning, and Assessment in collaboration with of the Office of Instructional Innovation and the Division of Diversity and Inclusion.

To learn more about eligibility and what you and your team should consider before applying, visit the Inclusive Pedagogy Academy page.

Please collect all required team information before beginning this form. We recommend you save your team's application information in a Word document on your computer as a backup. All form fields must be filled out and submitted in the same session.

Please email Melinda Rhodes,, with any questions. Applications are due April 12, 2023 at 5 p.m. Eastern.

Section One: Team Proposal

This section will provide reviewers with information about the faculty who are applying to participate in the Inclusive Pedagogy Academy. This proposal should demonstrate how the make-up of the proposed team would have a broad impact on the participating department/school/division.

In this section, you will begin by providing your information. then you will be prompted to provide information for members of your proposed team. Teams should include 2-3 faculty interested in incorporating inclusive pedagogy in their courses and the school, department and/or campus curriculum. Teams should include tenure track and/or instructional faculty from any of OHIO's campuses.

Faculty may propose cross-disciplinary teams at their discretion. Cross-disciplinary teams should provide a short (maximum 1/2 page) rationale for the disciplines included.

Submitter Name
Include your name (as the person submitting this form who also intends to participate in the team)

Team Info

Provide a list of all team members on your proposed team, including:

  • Name(s) of each team member
  • Titles for each team member
  • Affiliated campus for each team member
  • Email address for each team member

Courses Targeted for Change

Each team member should identify one course that they are teaching (or likely to teach) in spring 2024 and/or fall 2024. Each team member must provide the following information pertaining to the course they plan to teach:

  • The subject, catalog number and course name (e.g., COMS 4800 Senior Capstone)
  • Indicate if the course is a required to complete a major, minor or certificate, serves as an elective class, or is a BRICKS general education class.
  • Indicate how frequently the course is taught (e.g., multiple sections every semester, at least once a year, every three years, etc.)


Provide a brief (roughly 1 page length) rationale that reflects on the following:

  • Current status of inclusive teaching within your team’s school, department or division
  • Your team’s goals in participating in the inclusive pedagogy academy
  • The rationale for the composition of this team and how the team can affect systemic change within your school, department or division
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Cross-Disciplinary Teams

(Optional – only relevant to cross-disciplinary teams) If you are proposing a cross-disciplinary team, please include a short (maximum 1/2 page) rationale for the disciplines included.

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10 MB limit.
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Section Two: Biosketches

This section will provide reviewers with information about the individual faculty who are applying to participate in the Inclusive Pedagogy Academy.

Each team member should provide a short CV (2 pages max) that highlights, as appropriate, their:

  • Academic preparation
  • Courses taught at Ohio University
  • Teaching philosophy
  • Inclusive pedagogy commitments and experience
  • Pedagogical publications
  • Relevant service (e.g., curriculum committee chair)
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Section Three: Support

Provide a letter from your chair, director or dean regarding support of your application to the Inclusive Pedagogy Academy. The letter should include a commitment to scheduling your teaching and other obligations in such a way that permits your participation in the synchronous components of the Inclusive Pedagogy Academy.

Specific dates for synchronous meetings will be announced soon, but they will take place on Fridays from 9-10:30 a.m.

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10 MB limit.
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