Theater Production Gallery
Recent Season Highlights
Explore past seasons HERE
Sometimes, season selection seems nothing short of a miracle! Each year, our faculty committee is charged to select four or five mainstage shows that serve our student body, performers, designers, and writers, while considering areas of study and faculty strengths. The committee compiles a season geared to access new plays, study older plays, meet the needs of our students and intrigue a community.
Here are highlights of the most recent season's plays, and you can explore our growing archive of past seasons using the menu on the left.
Recent Production Galleries
Everybody, 2022
By Branden Jacobs-Jenkins, directed by Roberto Di Donato, Spring 2022
Absentia, Fall 2021
By Olivia Matthews, Produced by Vibrancy Theater, directed by Tanisha Lynn Pyron, fall 2021 in the Forum Theater.
Silent Sky, Fall 2019
By Lauren Gunderson, directed by Shelley Delaney, fall 2019 in the Forum Theater.
She Kills Monsters
She Kills Monsters, by Qui NGuyen (MFA '02) & directed by Brian Evans in the Forum Theater (Spring 2020).
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Tantrum Theater: Rhinoceros, Fall 2019
By Eugene Ionesco, co-directed by José Carrasquillo and Jeanette Buck, fall 2019 in the Forum Theater.