Guarantee+ Milestones and Story Builders

Along with your courses, milestones and story builders are included in your graduation plan as goal posts along your OHIO career to ensure you're actively striving to be a successful, well-rounded Bobcat now and after graduation. Milestones help you make consistent academic progress and develop career readiness skills. Story builders encourage you to take advantage of diverse OHIO experiences so you have your own unique story to tell in job interviews, grad school applications, and to friends and family. 

How do I achieve Milestones? 

You can find your personalized milestones are on your Graduation Plan each semester. For milestones related to academics, your Success Advisor will be your partner in tracking your progress. Examples of academic milestones include meeting with your Success Advisor every semester, earning 15 credits or more each term and maintaining the GPA required for your major. 

Career-related milestones walk you through the career readiness process: career exploration, employer engagement, and career launch. Activities you might participate in to achieve these milestones include meeting with a career strategist, attending a career fair and workshops on interviewing skills. Log into Handshake or visit the Career Services website to find current opportunities. You can also use Handshake to schedule a meeting with a career strategist to discuss your milestone options. 

How do I achieve Story Builders? 

Story builders will guide you through the experiential learning process:  explore, experience, and reflect. You’ll explore 4 different environments – your OHIO campus, the local community, your career industry, and a global community. Then you’ll choose two (or more!) that you want to experience more deeply. Lastly, you’ll work with OHIO mentors to reflect on your experiences so you’re prepared to tell your own story well. Your Experience Designer can connect you to opportunities to build your Bobcat story.

How do I submit Story Builders to my Graduation Plan?

If you have completed an Explore or Experience Story Builder, you can submit your achievement via the button below. 


Story Builders: Reflect

You built your own story by exploring diverse environments and directly experiencing them. Now learn to tell your story well by reflecting on what you’ve done. OHIO recommends that you participate in frequent reflection with a mentor, both in your courses and through co-curricular activities. Scroll through GivePulse to find co-curricular opportunities to Reflect. Capstone and BRICKS Learning & Doing courses also achieve this goal. If you have questions please connect with your Experience Designer.