If you are an Ohio University faculty or staff member who is knowledgeable about the unique experiences of first-generation students and you would like to become a first-generation student advocate, sign up today to get started!
First-Generation Advocate Directory
Ohio University faculty and staff are eager to support first-generation Bobcats. First-generation advocates are faculty and staff who were not the first in their family to attend college, but they are familiar with and supportive of the unique experiences and strengths of first-generation students.
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Contact | Department | Campus |
Brian Collins Drs. Ram and Sushila Gawande Chair in Indian Religion and Philosophy collinb1@ohio.edu | College of Arts & Sciences | Athens |
Yogesh Sinha Assistant Professor of Instruction sinhay@ohio.edu | College of Arts & Sciences | Athens |
Thomas Scanlan Associate Professor of English scanlant@ohio.edu | College of Arts & Sciences | Athens |
Kevin Uhalde Associate Professor of History and Director for the Center for Law, Justice & Culture uhalde@ohio.edu | College of Arts & Sciences | Athens |
Anne Scott Professor of Instruction, Modern Languages scotta2@ohio.edu | College of Arts & Sciences | Athens |
Julia Paxton Professor and Undergraduate Chair in Economics paxton@ohio.edu | College of Arts & Sciences | Athens |
Bethany Lemont Assistant Professor of Economics lemont@ohio.edu | College of Arts & Sciences | Athens |
Rebecca Dingus Associate Professor of Marketing dingusr@ohio.edu | College of Business | Athens |
Ana Rosado-Feger Associate Professor of Management and Department Chair rosadof@ohio.edu | College of Business | Athens |
Mel Kulp Assistant Dean mkulp@ohio.edu | College of Business | Athens |
Aaron Block Success Advisor blocka@ohio.edu | College of Business | Athens |
Ryan Johnson Assistant Professor of Management and Director of the Integrated Business Cluster johnsor4@ohio.edu | College of Business | Athens |
Amy Taylor-Bianco Professor of Management taylor-b@ohio.edu | College of Business | Athens |
Maureen Wagner Assistant Dean wagnerm@ohio.edu | Chaddock + Morrow College of Fine Arts | Athens |
Cristina Popescu Assistant Professor of Instruction and Master of Health Administration Coordinator cristinap@ohio.edu | College of Health Sciences and Professions | Athens |
Seonghee Hong Assistant Professor of Instruction shong@ohio.edu | College of Health Sciences and Professions | Athens |
Rebekah Crawford Assistant Professor crawforr@ohio.edu | College of Health Sciences and Professions | Athens |
Greg Kremer Loehr Professor and Chair of the Department of Mechanical Engineering kremer@ohio.edu | Russ College of Engineering and Technology | Athens |
Valerie Young Associate Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering youngv@ohio.edu | Russ College of Engineering and Technology | Athens |
Ann Bainbridge Frymier Director of the School of Communication Studies frymier@ohio.edu | Scripps College of Communication | Athens |
Annie Valeant Director of Operations, Strategy and Partnerships valeant@ohio.edu | Scripps College of Communication | Athens |
Jennifer Talbert Director of Forensics (Speech and Debate Team) jtalbert@ohio.edu | Scripps College of Communication | Athens |
Matthew deTar Assistant Professor, School of Communication Studies detar@ohio.edu | Scripps College of Communication | Athens |
Greg-Victor Obi Associate Professor obi@ohio.edu | Chillicothe | |
Michael Schor Associate Professor of Instruction schor@ohio.edu | Eastern | |
Suzanne Cromlish Associate Professor of Instruction cromlish@ohio.edu | Lancaster | |
Kitty Consolo Associate Professor of Health Sciences consolo@ohio.edu | Zanesville | |
Amanda Cox Associate Professor of Instruction in Sociology coxa@ohio.edu | College of Arts & Sciences | Athens |
Cheyenne Fenstemaker Research Assistant, Appalachian Institute to Advance Health Equity Science (ADVANCE) fenstemaker@ohio.edu | College of Health Sciences and Professions | Remote |
Jennifer Maskiell Director, Residence Life flowersj@ohio.edu | Housing and Residence Life | Athens |
Jaclyn Maxwell Professor of History and Classics & Religious Studies maxwelj1@ohio.edu | College of Arts & Sciences | Athens |
Sarah Doherty Assistant Director, Pride Center doherty@ohio.edu | Diversity and Inclusion | Athens |