9:30 a.m.
Graduate Ceremony
Doctoral Degrees
Masters Degrees
9:30 a.m.
Undergraduate Ceremony
College of Fine Arts
College of Engineering and Technology
University College
Scripps College of Communication
College of Business
2:00 p.m.
Undergraduate Ceremony
Honors Tutorial College
Patton College of Education
College of Health Sciences and Professions
College of Arts and Sciences
Tag us in your posts, and be sure to use #OHIOgrad2024 and #ForeverOHIO!
Download our social media graphics from our Celebration Kit and share your accomplishments with the world!
The Spring Commencement ceremonies will take place at the Convocation Center on 95 Richland Avenue, Athens Ohio 45701.
Doors open to guests 1.5 hours prior to each ceremony.
Each ceremony will be approximately 2 hours.
Visit the Commencement webpage (ohio.edu/commencement) — livestream links for each ceremony will be added before the event is about to begin.
Information coming soon!
Information coming soon!
No reservations are needed for any seating. All seating, including limited mobility sections, is first come, first served.
Graduate Ceremony – May 2nd
Doctoral Students
Masters Students
*Degree conferral will be alphabetical by College
-All students must return to their seats after conferral, to be respectful to other graduates and families. The event will adjourn at the very end of the ceremony.
Undergraduate Ceremonies – May 3rd
9:30 a.m.
4:00 p.m.
Bag checks will be performed. Prohibited items are as follows:
*Use of tobacco products within and around the facility is prohibited per University Policy 44.113: Smoke and Tobacco Free Campus.
Information coming soon!
Grad Images will be contacting your email or your permanent address with proofs of your commencement photo, which are available for purchase. You can also visit the Grad Images website.
Lost and found is located at Will Call. After the event, all items will be taken to Baker University Center Guest Services (740-593-4000).
Order your cap and gown here! The deadline to order is April 1.
There is no limit on the amount of guests and the event is not ticketed.
Friday, May 2nd, 9:30am Ceremony for Doctoral and Masters students
Check in will begin at 8am in the Convocation Center Garage
Saturday, May 3rd, 9:30am Ceremony for Undergraduate Students
Check in will begin at 8am in the Convocation Center Garage
Graduates should be checked in by 9:00am
Saturday, May 3rd, 4pm Ceremony for Undergraduate students
Check in will begin at 2:30pm in the Convocation Center Garage
Graduates should be checked in by 3:30pm
To the right prior to degree conferral. Upon conferral, tassel is moved to the front left.
There is no place to store personal items such as coats, backpacks, or bags. Anything you bring you will need to carry through the ceremony. Backpacks, coats, and large purses will not be permitted onto the Commencement floor. Therefore, please arrange with family or friends to hold onto items you do not want to carry onto the Convocation Center floor.
For the safety and security of those attending commencement, all bags and packages entering the Convocation Center before and during the ceremonies are subject to inspection. This includes, but is not limited to purses, backpacks, camera bags, and diaper bags.