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Women in Technology and Science (WITS)

WITS '23 Highlights

View the Official ’23 Program

What is WITS?

Women in Technology and Science (WITS) is a one-day, hands-on program for more than three hundred young students ages 12-14 who are interested in science, technology, engineering, and/or mathematics as a career.

Cohorts and representatives from area schools participate in interactive projects and sessions led by female STEM professionals with expertise in science, technology, engineering, and math during this bi-annual program.

The entire conference, including lunch and the keynote presentation, is offered at no cost to the students or to their schools.

The Works served as the keynote presenter for 2023.

The next conference is set to take place in May, 2025.

Why do we need WITS?

The purpose of WITS is – through education, enlightenment, and inspiration – to encourage students to pursue an education in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math. Students are exposed to advanced science from experts in their respective fields, such as chemistry, engineering, computer science, math, police science, medical technology, and veterinary medicine.

Who Attends WITS?

  • 250+ attendees
  • 20+ science educators or professors
  • Entrepreneurs and science-industry leaders
  • University faculty, staff, and students who serve as volunteers

A Special Thanks to WITS ‘23 Sponsors

WITS Sponsors

Would you like to be a sponsor or donor for WITS ‘25?

Please contact Dr. Pamela Kaylor at

WITS Alumni

Calling all WITS alumni!

If you participated in WITS in the past and have a great experience to share, please fill out our brief survey. Former alumni stories help us to promote this unique event.