Board Members


Kid jumping rope.

Kids on Campus strives to have programs that both meet the needs of the community and to be a model program in both afternoon and summer programming. Having supportive and active board members from a cross-section of the community helps us to stay both relevant and practical and achieve those goals. We thank each of our members for the commitment they have for Kids on Campus.

Lindy Douglas, Superintendent, Alexander Local School District
Lenny Eliason, Athens County Commissioner
Jennifer Horner, Associate Dean for Research & Graduate Studies, Ohio University College of Health Sciences and Professions
Randy Leite, Dean, Ohio University College of Health Sciences and Professions
Marcy Keifer-Kennedy, Instructor, Ohio University Patton College of Education and Human Services
Mary Mitchell, Principal, Coolville Elementary School
Tom Parsons, Director of Curriculum and Development, Athens City School District
Ruth Dudding, Certified Health Ed Specialist, County Health Department
Roger Knott, Principal, Trimble Elementary School
Reggie Robinson, Community Services Manager, Health Recovery Services Division of Community Services
Jamie Rawson, Curriculum Director, Nelsonville-York City Schools
Lisa Love, Principal, Southern Local School Districts
Jenny Stotts, Athens County CASA Director
Vacant, Parent of Kids on Campus Participant