Biennial State Capital Submission

The State of Ohio funds capital projects and renewals on a biennial basis and requests submissions from both institutional and non-institutional agencies each Fall of odd years. At each biennium, Ohio University submits a two-year capital project plan for the Board of Trustees’ approval that outlines the institution’s substantial capital commitments to deferred maintenance on major academic facilities, and that plan is then submitted to the State. The capital project plan is the result of establishing deferred maintenance priorities and defining immediate capital expenditure needs, prioritizing those needs, and identifying a funding strategy to implement those projects from State appropriations and Century Bond sources. UPSM facilitates this process by integrating the high-level strategies of the Comprehensive Master Plan, providing long-term vision and helping guide the execution of the capital plans to ensure that the construction and placement of buildings, utilities, and other infrastructure components support the University’s mission and academic plans.

Recent Plans

  • FY2017-FY2018 Biennial State CIP. This State submission will be developed between now and Spring of 2017, at which time it will be available for viewing.
  • FY2015-FY2016 Biennial State CIP [PDF]