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Raccoon Creek Watershed Project

April 1, 2024

The Raccoon Creek Watershed Project is responsible for project planning and maintenance, chemical and biological stream monitoring, as well as environmental education and community outreach. These streams were once nearly devoid of life, as a result of acid mine drainage from historic coal mining; they now support healthy, productive, and diverse biological communities.

The Raccoon Creek Partnership (RCP) is a member based, nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization that was formed to improve and protect water quality in the Raccoon Creek Watershed. Located in southeastern Ohio’s hill country, this 683 square mile watershed is a treasure trove of natural wonders including more than 60,000 acres of national forest, state forest, state parks, and wildlife management areas. Partners include agencies, organizations, communities, and individuals with a shared mission: to work toward conservation, stewardship, and restoration of the watershed for a healthier stream and community.