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Voinovich School researchers and professors co-author integrative waste study, present at Washington, D.C. conference

M.C. Tilton
February 11, 2016

Professors and researchers from the Ohio University Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Affairs presented during the 16th National Conference and Global Forum on Science, Policy and the Environment held January 19–21 in Washington, D.C. Reflecting the importance of integrating research agendas across fields, the conference focused on the intersections between food, energy and water and how managing them collectively can improve their efficiency.

Speakers included Derek Kauneckis, associate professor of environmental studies; Natalie Kruse, associate professor of environmental studies; Sarah Davis, assistant professor of environmental studies; Geoffrey Dabelko, professor and director of environmental studies; Scott Miller, Center for Energy, Economics and Environment director; and Michael Zimmer, Appalachian New Economy Partnership fellow. More than 1,200 leaders in science, technology, government and business attended the conference.

Along with Voinovich School research scientist Kim Miller, the speakers authored a paper for the conference entitled, “Closing the Loop: Integrative Systems Management of Waste in Food, Energy and Water Systems,” appearing in the Feb. 2016 issue of the Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences. Food, energy and water systems often use technologies developed specifically for one sector without collectively addressing the wastes and needs of each sector. By taking an integrative approach with these three systems, researchers can find new ways to optimize resources, repurpose waste, and lessen the negative production effects pushed out to the environment. The study challenges researchers to consider all three systems together and governments to incentivize these integrated systems.

To read more about the food-water-energy nexus, click here.