Instruction-related Policies and Procedures

What are my options as a faculty member with regard to handling plagiarism or other student academic dishonesty?

If a student engages in course-related academic dishonesty, his or her grade on the work in question or in the course may be lowered by the instructor. The "burden of proof" rests with the faculty member. Any student wishing to protest the instructor's action has recourse to the established grievance procedures, starting at the department level.

Instructors may also report cases of academic dishonesty to the Director of Community Standards and Student Responsibility for further action; however, by so doing, an instructor does not relinquish the right to assign a grade in a course. The student may appeal the grade through the formal grade appeal procedure.

Instructors should note their policies for academic dishonesty in their syllabi.
For details on the student code of conduct related to plagiarism please go to the Office of Community Standards web page.

What are the rules for posting student grades or returning student work in my office area or building?

Grades and student work (papers, projects, etc.) are considered student records, which must be treated with confidentiality and in accord with students' right to privacy, consistent with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974.

For a complete explanation of collection, maintenance, review, and release of student records, see the Ohio University Policy.

What information must be included in a syllabus?

At the first meeting of the class, instructors should distribute a syllabus which includes the following information:

  1. Instructor's name, the course call number, the descriptive title, and the catalog number of the course
  2. The basis for grading in the course
  3. A statement of the instructor's attendance policy
  4. Penalty for academic dishonesty
  5. An explanation of the policy relative to absences consistent with the student regulations as given in the Undergraduate Catalog (see above)

See the Faculty Senate Handbook for further details.

What is Ohio University's position on allowing students to miss classes for religious holidays?

The university views an absence from class due to religious observance as a legitimate absence and therefore encourages faculty to accommodate students who miss class due to a religious holiday or observance. There are instances where the size or nature of the course makes it necessary to set limits on the number of excused absences or the availability of make-up work. Such limitations should be explained in the instructor's statement of attendance policy distributed to students at the beginning of the course. Students should check with the instructor in advance of the holiday to clarify that there will be no conflict with the instructor's absence policy.

To read the university policies from the Faculty Handbook, see: and