Presidential Research Scholars awards program seeks 2023-24 nominations

Ohio University is seeking nominations for its 2023-24 Presidential Research Scholars awards program. The program is targeted to faculty members who have garnered national and international prominence in research, scholarship and creative activity and who demonstrate clear promise for continued, significant productivity in their research or creative activity.
Nominations will be accepted until 4 p.m. on Thursday, April 20.
Each award recipient will receive $3,000 to be used at the scholar’s discretion as an honorarium or to support research or creative works.
For 2023-24, applications will be solicited for the categories of 1) Social and Behavioral Sciences and 2) Physical Sciences and Engineering.
Nominees for the Presidential Research Scholars awards must be tenured, full-time faculty from one of Ohio University’s campuses. Scholars must have been employed by Ohio University for at least three years.
Applications from nominated individuals will be reviewed by the Council for Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity and previous Presidential Research Scholar recipients, with recommendations for selection given to the Vice President for Research and Creative Activity for final approval.
All faculty of Ohio University may submit nominations; faculty also may self-nominate.
Nominations must be emailed to research@ohio.edu by 4 p.m. on Thursday, April 20, 2023. The email subject heading should state “Presidential Research Scholar Nomination.” Nominated faculty who wish to pursue the Presidential Research Scholars award must submit a full application by 4 p.m. on Thursday, June 15, 2023.
See the Presidential Research Scholars web page for more information about the nomination and application process, as well as a list of previous recipients of the awards.
For additional questions, please contact Roxanne Male-Brune at 740-597-1227 or male-bru@ohio.edu.