Programs Committee Guidelines and Templates
Programs Committee Guidelines, Policies, and Procedures
BRICKS Program Adaptation Process Suggestions
Policy on the Use of Degree, Major, Minor, and Certificate Language
Expedited Program Change Requests
Policy on Granting an Exemption from Program Requirements
Program Relocation Process
Process for Offering Approved Undergraduate Programs at other Ohio University Campuses
Cross Departmental Requirements
Undergraduate Minor Program Template
Undergraduate Degree Program Template
Undergraduate Certificate Template
Program/Certificate Change Proposal Template
Professional Graduate Program Template
New Graduate Certificate Template
Graduate Degree Program Template
Accelerated Graduate Pathway Template
ODHE New Undergraduate Program Template
All new undergraduate programs must be submitted to the ODHE for approval following approval by the Board of Trustees. This template provides guidance for completing the ODHE form. Please be sure to complete the most current program approval form as supplied by the Provost’s Office.
Submitting New Program Proposals
- Contact Kathleen Pugh at to initiate a new program. A form will be created in OCEAN 1.9 by the Registrar's office with a temporary program code.
- Complete the OCEAN 1.9 form, AND
- Attach a proposal document addressing the questions in the appropriate section of the Programs Committee Guidelines, Policies, and Procedures linked above and any other supporting documentation to the Relations tab in OCEAN 1.9 at the time of submission. Name and save the file with the program code, program name, and date e.g. MAXX01_LawJusticeCulture_112017.
**OCEAN 1.9 tracks approvals from the submission by the contact to the vote at UCC. Comments and discussion can be added to the Discussion tab at any level.
Submitting Program Changes to Existing Programs
- Generate a PDF of the current program from the appropriate Catalog. Refer to the Programs Committee Guidelines, Policies, and Procedures for complete instructions.
- Complete a proposal document addressing the questions in the guidelines. Name and save the file with the program code, program name, and date e.g. BS6417_CustomerService_112017.
- Request that Kathleen Pugh at make the existing program available in your OCEAN 1.9 worklist. When the program is in edit mode, many items will be editable, but DO NOT CHANGE ANY ITEMS IN OCEAN. Any changes made in OCEAN will not be communicated to the catalog.
- Upload your proposal to the Relations tab and click submit.