About Charles J. Ping

Educated at Rhodes College, Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, and Duke University, Dr. Charles J. Ping came to the University from the position of provost at Central Michigan University. He had served as acting president of Tusculum College in 1968-1969.
Ping arrived on campus to an institution with great potential but in deep turmoil from a severe decline in enrollment and a critical financial situation. In 19 years he led Ohio University to its highest enrollment (25,000), a budget of $240 million, an 1804 Fund campaign raised $22.6 million for the University's 175th anniversary, and the Third Century Campaign of 1993 raised over $132 million.
Upon his retirement as president Dr. Ping took a year's sabbatical before returning to teach and direct the Ping Institute for the Teaching of the Humanities.
Read more about the history of Ping’s presidency.