IUC-IC Coverage

The following is a brief summary of the IUC-IC coverage. The summary is not intended to provide limits, deductibles or premium information.

Automobile Physical Damage

Provides damage protection for university owned, leased, loaned, or rented vehicles.

Automobile Liability

Provides bodily injury and property damage protection for claims arising from the operation of university vehicles. It also provides excess liability coverage for employees using personal vehicles for university business.


Provides protection against employee theft, forgery/alteration, robbery, computer fraud, etc.


Provide protection against privacy and network security liability, extortion, property loss, and loss of revenue from a cyber breach. Also, provides assistance with defense and fines, as well as breach response

Educator's Legal Liability

Provides protection for legal defense costs and settlement amounts/expenses for liability claims made for actual or alleged errors, misstatements, acts, omissions, etc.

Foreign Liability

Provides protection against general liability exposures outside the United States.

General Liability

Provides protection subject to varying terms, conditions and limits for bodily injury and property damage, personal injury liability, advertising injury liability and medical expenses.

Heathcare Professional Liability (Medical Malpractice)

Provides protection to employees for acts or omissions within the course and scope of their duties related to the conduct of university business. Students participating in university-sponsored internships and practicums are also covered.

Non-Owned Aircraft Liability

Provides protection subject to varying terms, conditions and limits for bodily injury, property damage, and medical expenses associated with non-owned aircraft.


Provides protection for the physical loss or damage to property in which the University has an insurable interest and the cause of which is the result of an insured peril.